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<br /> _`�,_� _ .���� O�T�U�F Pago 2 E:..`
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<br /> ` LoA�No 7�3348 ��4 �V�j�°J t�A�ttnue�) �
<br /> —. ..—__ ._ �`.-,
<br /> " Rents and tho Personnl Properry dtilined bstow. =
<br /> �' DEFINITIONS. 'Ihs tallov�fng rrards sha11 hAve Ihe toliowing meanin�9 wh£�used In thi�Oasd ot TrunR Terms not othenvise deflned in this Oeed of �
<br /> r Trust shnti havo tlie moanings nttributed to euch terms In tho Untlarm Commsrc�a►Codo. AI!rotcrenco�to dollar amounta shali mean amounta in
<br /> � • lav�fut money of tha United States of Arn�rtca.
<br /> art
<br /> j_� ,•� ExlsUng indebtedrteaa The words'ExisUng IndeDtcdnosa'raean tho indEbtednsss desc�ibed balow In tha ExlsUng Jndebtedr.sss sscNon ot �-
<br /> • • thts Oeed of Trust
<br /> .. �-•? G�satantor. The word'auerantof ineans and Inctudea vtlthout I+mttaHOn eny and ali guarantore,suretles, and accommalatlor►Partles in __
<br /> �. ��a connectton wtth the tndebtedness.
<br /> . .��; Improvementa. The vrord"Improvemenb tamcialiries.dd'�Uons,p a m�ants arrcl other consntructlon fon�the Repa�Properry.bulldings,structures,
<br />__ � mObile hOmes 8fffxed Ort the R881 Propsrly,
<br />- htdebtadnesa. Tiie word'Indebtsdne:w rrteans eA Pdrtc�Pel and tnterest payable under the Note and any amounls expended or advanced by
<br /> �� � �� �. Lender to dLgcharge obllpa8ons ot Trustor or expanses[rtaurred by Y�ustee or I.ender�entorce obtigaHons of Trustor under Utls Deed ot Tnut,
<br /> �a Qar ounta s rpecHied in theBNote,allfiAure mounta Lende�r in fta discreUo�n may Iyoan�Trusfir,together with NIf U�terest tt�ereon�however,
<br />.. '., ' � .. In rto event shall such fulure advartces(�xcluding I�erest)exceed in the a89re8a�$10,000.00.
<br /> - Npte. Ttte tvart!°Note•means tne�otn autnd Maren zs.��as,In the prtnct�at amoun4 af$6.031-00 from Tnistor to Lender,
<br />- � - together with ell rettiswais,exter�sbns,modit�cetia►s�re8nancings,and substiWtlor�s fot Note. The matudly date o4 this Oeed of Trust b Aprfl
<br />_� �,aaoz. '
<br /> �ersonai Pro�. The words'PerGOCiof ProPm1Y'mean aU eCs�t9mat�1�flxhues,end nther.�ctlde8_of personsl pmperly now or hereafter ,
<br />�, pvmed by Ttustar,and now oT hamaftec attached or affixed to tho Real Properiy;to8ether with all accesatons.paits.end edditbns to.atl
<br />�. � pr�oce8 eds and returtds at p emt�urns�m eny ernele other���[tia�ot 1he�ProPerly. ��p���induding wiUwut liml�iton ell insuram� F
<br /> �* prpperty. 1tre wad°Propedl►'means coL'eaUveiy the Real Property and the Personat PropeAy.
<br /> '•.rfR� .
<br /> � Real Property.The words'Real ProPerty�mean the Rroperry•fnteresia ertd dgf►ts desafbed above In the'Canveynnce and�ranC secUon.
<br /> `� : Ret�did ppcumento. The words'RsiMsd DocumeMa'mean and In�iude wtthout ItmitaUon al promissory notes,credit agroamaMS. toan
<br /> _ � ' agreements�emironmenta►egreemeMe�9uaramies,securtty agreemsr�b,mortgages�deeds of tn�st.end ali other Instruments.e8►eemerds and
<br />'i"4`� ''' documenb,whether rtow or hereafter en�ting,executed in connection�v�h the Indel�tedness.
<br />_ �
<br />=-� " ReRte. The wob'Rents'msans el��resent and tuture reMa.revenues,fncome,�ssues,royattlas,proffts,end olhar benefia derNed trom the
<br />_:±; � PropsrlY•
<br /> :�"�. .
<br /> y�?�yiq:j M. T1'{ti�Oi. The word'Trustof ineans any end eIi peraons a�en6tYOS executlng thfs Oeed ot Tn�st,including wtthout IImNaUort att Tn��s named
<br />�;:.n-!,ii{y��_ � = tS�:C1Y8- . °
<br /> -=-�,._..� TRUBTGR
<br />=c_�^;:�':"r'.'� ONTHEEOLLOWINO'�RNIS:
<br />-�=-�;.�'����� PAYMENT aMD PEFiFORMANCE. ExcaPt ae othenuise provided In t?�is�eed ot Tnst,7mstor shall pay bo lender etl ernounta secured by this Deed
<br />��-'=''�!'�� af Trust a81hsY becane due,and sh�l1 efrtctlY end in a timery manrtar patPorm atl of Trusmrs obllgstF�ns under tl�e Hot�.Uds Deed of Trust,end 1he
<br /> -�"'�1',�� Retat6d Oocurtienls•
<br />;�:'^.�:`.".:*�� ROSSEBS{ON AND MAtNTENANCE OF'l71t�PROPER7Y. Trustor egreas that Tn�stors possession and use of the Properry shail be govemed by
<br /> ,�r"�".��"�.� ihefoilowingprovistor�:
<br /> � `" poste�tlon md Use. Ur►hl the occurrence oi an HveM ot Detautt,Tnstor may (al�ematn in possession e�oontrd o41he ProperlY. (b)use�
<br /> ---:»;�`'. ° - operate a n�anage the PropeAy.arid <a)�lect arry Rents Nom th�PmpeAy.
<br /> --��- -�-- Dury to Mair►tain. Tnistor shal!malrtah the ProPertY In tenantebte oonditfa►and PrompU�r Pe�arm ail rePairs.replaoemeMs,and maMtenance
<br /> - necessaty to Ptesenre Ns velue.
<br /> - -" - tla:ardous gapstl�Ras. Tnistor reftreserds end wartants that th�Propedyr never has bsen,and rtever witi be so latg as this Oeed o!Trust
<br /> °�.-_.— retnains a lte�►on the ProDe►h�. u6ed/ar the generatlon.msnutaoture, srorege.Reatment,disposei� retease or threatened rekase ot any
<br /> �_.__�� heza�+dous weste or substence�ea 9tase tertna are deflnod in the Cor+�rehensive Envtronmenml Response,Carg�en�aYUa�and liabNih Act ot
<br /> - 1880.as amst�ded.42 U.S,C.seclWn 9801,et seq.('CERCIA'l�the Supertund Amendmet►ts end ReatAhbtimtlon Rct i�s�►��.ePP�irAble
<br /> a,;,�'•n,� state or Fed�srel farra.or reg�da8a�m edopted Pu��m�y�tha��ng. Tn�stor sulhodzes Lender end tts agenb to enter upon the
<br /> Propertl/to make such InspecUor�s artd basts es Lsnder may daem�pruPrlata to detemu►e carnpllance ot the Properry w8h Uds seadon M the
<br />- - Deed of Tmsf. T�ustor herebY (e1 releases and walves arry tutwe otaUns eBginst Lender for iMerrmily or oa►trWutbn in Ute eveM Trustor
<br /> -��""-��::x�.� �beour�es�itebllosse6 resulHnp�trom e bre�of thts Para9►aPh of the Q«�Trust Thls Obl��ind�mify 8h9i18,urviv th�Yment ot ltte
<br />� Inde4tedness and the satisiactkn d thb Qeed oT TNSt
<br /> __;�� Hyitamx.lNaste. TNStor shell not eause,caMuct ot pertr�tt any nui9anCe nor Canmft,pertnft,or eutter any atripping ot or waste an or to the
<br />_ o„�,,�-�� ProPenY or anY Portfon of ihe Pooperty: Wtthout llmiUng the gsneraLRY of the foregofng.TnisWr wN not rerriove�or grant to any otA�r parly the
<br /> - --- tighS to remave,ar►Y Umber.minerels(inciudlrtg oU and i�s)�sc0.9ravel or tock products wdhout the prbr written t�t3ent af l,under.
<br /> __._ �`"Yi0 OUE ON SALE-CONSENT BY�ENDEEi.4endet mey�et ite opllon.deotare irtrrx�dia►aty due flnd PaYabte ail sums sc�cured by thb Oeed.ot Tntst
<br />---� upon the saie w transfer.without the Lendefs prtor written consent,ot all a eny part of Ute Reat Properiy.or eny intetest in fhe Reui ProOertY. A
<br /> - '"""""'`.� 'sal0 or Vartster'means 1he convoyance of Rea1 PropeAy a'enY rt8t�.�or IMerest theretn;whether legal,Ceneflclai or equitaDle:wheU�er volunffiry
<br />--- �-��;•_��
<br />�:,,�,�� or pivot�rdary;whetAer by ouMght sale,deed,insmltment sa�e cantract,land coMreat,000tract for deed,leasehold IrQerest wrN�a tertn greater
<br /> �;::;-� �Mge�9?Yeat��Iease�oP�an�trac�.or by sale�assigrurcent,qe trt�nster ot eny beneik�ai interest in or to ar�y+tand trust faiding ti0le to the Real
<br /> _.-.�.,�r's:..,. p�riy,ar py any other mei�wd of canveyence of Real Property mterest It etry Tnmtor Is a oorporetion�PaAr►¢rshlP e►ltmlted IlebilkY oompar►y.
<br />'°''a�'�°a-';:"��� trensfer also(nGUdes ar�y change In owrterehip ot mare than twentyftva psrcent(2b9�+1 of�he voHrtg stock.Parhse�shtp i�eresls or lun�ted Ilabitfry
<br />-- =`:='`.;:�?: cortipany tr►terests�as the case may be�of Ttustar. However,this opUon shail not bo examdsed by Le�er H such oxerdse b prohi�ited by federai
<br />=°,�`°-�'��:,'';?; Iawor by Nebreska ksw.
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