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" . . • _ . . <br /> . ... - .,.., � . . � �� <br /> � !��*U►iitw��e�a*irM.sRltiaa�iawdla�.�Fan�ewocac�.fMiii�a�aw�ta�itdrlir�aioi r. . <br /> �-1rt Iieiir�-��w:�i�i�a��ac�wwei���.a��`-�iauow��- �ia: i� <br /> �rri:�in.a��.i.i�s�A�i�w��e irra�oe a d[ 1op�o+riie a lart�re,��rrM6il �tar tMa�1�c -, °,� <br /> - .---�- .-.� . . . - - -_ -- _ .._ - <br /> � . {iNlw�lio�ariii,rle�i��;+ii�?�+rtiMe�+�ra�rnRi�etweraD�o�ra�dLe�ie�!1�'�1�►.. . . . .``; <br /> !f.i�clf�..[.eader cr i!s a�srt ai�e�►�lOe�.ro.rrit eatrkc.po.a.a i�ecbo..d ti��np►.La.aer�i.0�e <br /> .�oe��atiae aria tiie of ac�ridr b a i�ieetias apee+flri�tea�aMDie eaau bc$r�eetio�: . - <br /> �:..__ , .. -. <br /> . � N.:.Qri�■��.�f�c pno�ceads af s�ia��ra�3 ar di fas d�e��es.`d'ieec[ar ao�+q�atiY:i��oe�.tios�ri�ae�r_, ' <br /> co�de�lio�cr cier W�ie�af'air�.pet af 1it Ptope�yr,ar iat a_a�rcyaae o!iw at t�oden■�tia�e,a�e�eby�Sed atl <br /> a1�M11�e�tllo�Ei�ar � , - ' <br /> --_ _ , " <br /> L��erait d:1w�{e�k�of d�P�o�peieg.tlro puooed�t��'b�e ap4iiad b tMe s1u�►s s�an�ed�►dds Soe�i�Latnmew <br /> �ar�ot�et diG wi��qr ercaa pd0 w Ba�o�rer.b tre�art af s prtbd p�a�f'the P�opaqy is�rl�io�tb�t�ir <br /> �et�dtie Ftn�etty iieioedi�r b�taa 8ie t�ti�is aqat�or y�ct t�i t6e�on�t of ttie sraos'sa�ned 6y tiis <br /> Seasit�iren�e�t i�et�r 6eiait�1���lecs Hono�ec ad 1iad�e,r;al5awito�e a wrritia�.ttie s�c 9ec��b�r <br /> diis Se�nty LrMMt�r�t�Y�D�be redreai b!►-fie aNOr�t of tlie pucbeds�ii�iplied N!►'�t lbllorRiq6 fiudos:(a)tirC toeai <br /> a�aiwt d die�sa�nd i�w�e�elSt icfo�llie tati�.�vided b9 lb)die 6ir�vslre of tl�R�opett�r maoad�d� ° <br /> �craa tie Wcie�.�q►6d�x irt be ptl tu Boern�a;�it ti�craat af:p�i�!qicia�o�'!�`�jr m wYck tHe fait <br /> m�loetvairof t�Propaty i�'areT�r,bbfa�t d�e t�is iesc tWu tAe amawat of the s�ms stcu�od i�od�dy beCatie fb� <br /> _ -la�i�.�nias Ao�t�er�rd Leider adinwe�e s�ee in wdRi�a uufess applicable►aw a�ist ptn+odes,tbe pooa+eds si�i1 , <br /> be�tie�tQ Itie swae��ec�erA!y t�s Seati�jr�a�t rdi�er or oot t6e a�ms ae�dra duc. ��...;:.r <br /> -- .. " "ff ttie Rope��ido�erd ty BoROMer:or if.sAlic,�if;�i4e bi►teader N Baamw�er th�t tb�ooadeiuoot at�rs�iu�I�e ae <br /> ' a�awl ar aeqk i ci�ioe iot d�Bottow�er Giis ta�.1n�c�diec�ril6in 3�atys adia d�e d�te die aotiom is p�+�s„ .; ... <br /> - -,—s ' . - :, _ tacoltECS��t3rt�ptaee�ts��C�R�pa�=e�eacip��tor��tiont�;�t�s€ttsePr,apesty�rtetl�r�.- <br /> aemed 6�d�it Sawit�r Imtn�oon��er ar aot d�m� € ' � `--•� �.:�::"�:= . ::�, <br /> r <br /> v,�. `-:. -i�: to sl���ot e�leM ar ' <br /> U�tas Is�ier ad�����l6������'��>� LKP� P�Pv <br />. , po�pme dre dre d�laaf tli�"ii�4il�ly piym�ats tefc�no�to ia pw�riip�:�;iii��i�'c�e 16e am�cw�ntof sucb pe�raaKS. <br /> 11.�iijlre�ei%'N�t�el�Fit�aes�o�il 1�N�t a Wai�i�`Exteasian of di�ti�fd��synuent dr wiodfiatioa� <br /> . of�q��e�sep�a�by't�.S�rity i�n�t acs�e��l.�da w any suooeas�;t il�;i�ita,at of earo�er s6�n <br /> .�:: <br /> aot o�per�we to tt�d�,liaM"lity of tbe ofi�iml Boc�q;rier or Bonaw�r'�s suoue;ssas m intaiest. ��"�A�er sbaU nat I�e.�qui�ed 6u _` <br /> • �P����1►sacc�s.wr in mtneat ar�'use to eictood Ume far payme�t or�.modify�o�aKioa <br /> of the,sa�sea�rod by t�is Savriry Ias�u�enl 6y tasaa of say da�nnd m�de by tUe oripml Borm�va or Boav�ei s <br />-_ -sproeQas m i�aeat.My foib�aoce Iry i.ender m exrncisiog aay aglK or�nedY slnil eot bc i wtiva of or pnadude tbe <br />� e�arcae af say dEhc a�ranedy. �. � .=:.. . . . . , <br /> 12.S�oa��s aM�ips E�i:Jit�a�i SRed Liaiiij�;G31p�s.'!h ooven�nls and agneaeats�of this <br /> 5e�ity Ias7nm�ant s1Wt��b���d beoefR tbe s000rssoi�s;aii��iPrs;fi4`Lendeir aM Fomnwet subject m t6e provisia�t of <br /> p�p�,�p6 '�in�wer' ' " a�gramants 13�:,'�`,` � My Borrower whb oo-signs t6is Socvrity. <br /> I7: s�nts and sk�<, au4t,aAU�.sevenl. <br /> r��:.. <br /> Imtr�t.but "not exa�te the Naies.. � ao-si : F to�oo�c �ndooav �, <br /> �s- -�� •is. �<,t�' �j�:�asaument ontY •Srant cY t#�i€_:;,:...,., <br /> Borro�er's�i�tfie Ponpaty upder;i��ns ot tiii��:,�i;���ii�enr(b)is not paso��;�liS���03Y��', �; -, <br /> sScurod b�r �etity Iashutuent;u�d(c��s�ehat I��ii���i�r Borrowcr nt�Y s�gr�ee:�a+��tifY.farbear ar'. <br /> ia�aay�with�gand to tbe�tcrms of t�us�urity Inurumrnt or the Note rrithoni a�tat Bormwer's miu�nt.. , <br /> ;`:;,.�,�:Imi Ci��ea.If the laan savred by this Scciu�l�y I�suunfent is subject W a law wtndi' maai�m Iaan c6amges. <br /> �r . <br /> ���t taw i`s;�inally inerprcted so that tle�9ater+est or other loan c,harges collacted or to be qq�ed in ootu�aKion with tt�e <br />, W�n eaceed die permittod limits,tlun: (a)a�ry such loan ctruge s1�a11 be�duoed by the wnount a�ry to rrdua tl�e'chuge ��^ <br /> to tLe pe�autted limit;and @)aay sums atnady oollerted from Borruwer wtdch excoeded pemutted limits will be refundod to� <br /> �o�ppiirer. l,ender may,d�oa�e•,r,u make this rcfund by reducing the principal oaod:urder the Nae or Dy making a diRCt • <br /> - - p�t to HoRa�wec i�,s::�d roducss prineipat. the reductian wi1)•be t� as a paniai p�payrnent wiUwut ar►�------ <br /> �;�-4('«,YtU1�4i��, ' , ` "' ,,. '... '• •�t.��: <br /> ,1�:';1{�'rtt4'��� tatict`tb'�oRos�"r'p�vidod for in this Socuri i�iii.m�mt shall be givea tcst delivering it or pY�n�i .;.,�;';:; <br /> � y , �' 1�.::''"' <br /> ' it by; .,�.�:aNtss appticable fa�t�r�ies use of amther '�t�e notice s6ap be dii�d to tLe PropeRy Addn�cr;,�-:'•;',:`;�' <br /> �'� <br /> � � �:r�;,,.. <br /> or:�j�`b{�,s�litess Borr�nwer design�tcs�"�y sio�ia<<w.�znder. Aay nw�ce to iren¢er shall be%��!en by fust Sl�ss rt�7 to� ',1�i�',�:. <br /> ��s9r.ifkess st�ted Aenein or�tty ottkr add4'�ss;'�t�esignates by noace iq�v,r�r=:lAi�;�p�'!�for ia tlris <br /> ,�.:� <br /> �r Ti�ent sh�U be deerned to lwve ,� '�iinl�rrower or L.endcr when �ma�s�v, �this � <br /> ��;-• �.��- �f�. P�• <br /> 7S.Coyt�yie� I.�v; Sera�il&9'`,4`�l�i:�"�'.��'�;` It�hument shal! be govertdb�l.z'1�;• ?i�fb• and'the law ot the <br /> , r�.�,'�.ti <br /> jurisdiction in whicM ttie Pmperty is loca�i�a�:�i,�+��n,�r,�that any ptavision or claa�e��;i�;�o�:�ttument or the Nate <br />' confticts with applkable tav�!,.sucb eonilic�I:�l���;��i�t.hgr provisions of this�"��i i�c:�i�=;a.'4�e Na�which can be <br /> givee'ef�ect witlwut the caii�`ncting pcovisicsn::�;fr�:�tltin���t��provisions oi this Se�t:i���.gt-siiufr,���A9 t�'�are decl�rod <br /> tobesevcrabtg •;�:�:,:;�;;::;;r•,.,;:,•:::;. . �..:�. <,��.;.:.� ';':.�:'�. . '' � 1 <br /> ' li.liouniai�ier."s Copy.Borrower s1�1h��i�p�n���;t'r��omicd uo�y',c�s�the Nae and of'tli�.s'S�a,���.��ment. �• ' <br /> : . �, , .; • , <br /> ��� ' i �:.:f"i�.'.f!i:�,: [- � 1 -�, ' C !17. . � T . <br /> ./' ,1 i� �, �t� �.' �:r ,,:-,.,' . :;�.y.`-°t .� � . � 11 - t <br /> ��� '� <br />_ ;�i; r.; ��. �'. �,+�. ,� it 1 � �}�,�4ofB ' ,- �.,i;?i,�',c�;',.:- }. <br /> a- .�,� il �1��' . �.1. � i . � . • i�S���tiy ,�����:,::�'?i+="�tf � <br /> �•;', � �.2� � '.�� � '. t � . .��y�4,�?�;�.��. !';;:�;:::�,;:� <br /> h:�.=t ' . � ' y� �� ., • . '�. ..� .i>,u�;�:'..��..-" . ; <br /> :.jR�.,"•��, tit.`,. .i�:. �t ,r�' I '' • ':�+�; , }�'�::`:.;ir��it:�J:�r��•,'�l`1.,'' <br /> ` 'i , r .: ��^�:.... <br /> � ��� , . . . . ,'. � . ,.�,: •w�'`A`:��' , . rr <br /> . ' .f �� Ji ;t ' .�i -� -ti t.��' ? '�, - <br /> � .__, <br /> .,;,: , - ,. .• � � <br /> . . � .. <br /> ----. ._._ _-- � �� - - -" <br /> .... <br /> - ----=— --� �. .`-�-- -- � - <br /> _ ._ . . ' • t aomr, _ <br /> _ *r�� .�rr� . ..—'� J���i y,� '^' �' .e.s y.� f�' '}� i)y���i�i7. _ <br /> - '�-Y '�q - . ,���;��.° ► ,- � , f �,1.7¢,�._Vc}.. �ls�� °�l"�'���:(�'�ittv, � <br /> _— _ _ ..ti��jN ..�t� �.- ytY� � , ��. �r .����: .�..C�.,. r � � �1L,��1� T2llfiYl/ -. <br /> -- ^r{ y�. _ . �f,���i ��r �i :t ��lS .������`4'�`� 4�' '15���r�r si :l(l�t�)YvZ��1f�e�..» <br /> �'�. '•� u1w»�n n <br /> � ,4.. ' � ;t,���, � .�t ' <br /> . — -1-.�- �¢ , . , . .±�,;..•.P��.t -�°e . . Y.�[R,(l.J1�.vg ... <br /> �- l�i ! } Yr. �y�M.YiwY/:iPwr.r.�r•�o+i��r � �/ .IIifB.S'-�i 'if�; <br /> .._... `"'" <br /> �� 9 <br /> _ `+�y'ki��L . i 1 . ... �.. ;i��. ' tf{�Il <br /> _ ,.ti .�i. � ' <br /> . � � � <br /> -=ac-.vc_..'�' s .l �, . : . _. _.. . ., . . 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