- � ' ' . . . tia:,_t - � �- . z�;��(7�- , . -.., .
<br /> „ ' ; �, i
<br /> ' " .. �i ' ' . ., � � '
<br /> ��k'IM�3 . %
<br /> ,..n ' . �. _ . . .. - . . .. � n
<br /> • . .:.r:..qio. • • `_ ..rc�7j}�Q� _
<br /> - „ � - ' �•.- ' . . � ..._�
<br /> �
<br /> . ..,�,��y,�,e„n :,.-.� . . __ '' ' _"....._.>.._...._- s„
<br /> _. _ilB�f6fiRni� ---• -._._'_.._ �.�..�....'"'_�"_�_"_"'
<br /> "
<br /> '_.`_.__�. ���__•.y�--.-._._..�_'_._..... . . . ......"""_____ . J.
<br /> . . ��
<br /> . �, 99-����s� fr� �y�
<br /> ._��....� �... ..Mti wenrun►nhau not aftCat othCr Drovi�fona Of !hM&oaurity inatrum�nt or tho oto whbh oan be
<br /> . . GOntnGio wnu oy�..�.�...� .�... �-' "
<br /> � gNen cttieot v4ihout tho aontl�eUng provi3lon. To this and tho provlslono ot this 3stturity instrumont and the Noto are deatared to •ss:
<br /> - lbu GGVt�rflbi0. ���t
<br /> ._�:;:`
<br /> 16. Boerowsr's Copy.Bortowor ehnU bo glvan ono aontorm�d oopy of tho Noto and of this&s�urity Inatrumont. ,
<br /> 16. Wesartloua gubataneoa. BortoNer shnll not aauso or p�rmil the pre:,cnco, use, dtsposat, starnga,or relsase oi - �;��,:
<br /> ; � any He:ardoua Substanoes on o� m the Property.eorcowor shnll not do,nor nl�ot+ any0n0 CISO t0 do, enythinp aftootbtg tho _
<br /> Property that b tn vtotaUon ot uny Envkonmental Law. Ttie preeeding two sentenceE sha0 not apphr to the presertoe, use, o► _
<br /> etorege on the Property of ema�l quantittes ol Hemrdoua S1�bstances that are gonsrauy �eaognirAd to be epproprlate to narmai __
<br /> .--- reaidantlet uses and to malntenenae of the PropeA�l. ----
<br /> i';.,_�i
<br /> -�=�"" Bertowet sheli promPtty ONe lsnder wrRtea notice ot eny InveaNBation, ct�trn. demand, IawsuR or other aotlon by eny
<br /> '�-'"'"�"�`� govemmental or reguiutory agenay c►P��P�Y hvoHtng the Propertlr eed any Norardous Substance or Envaonmentat t8w of =
<br /> �� whbh Borrower hfls ectuat knowiedga. if 9orrowCr ieums, or Is notif�:d by any 8cvammentst or regulaMrY 8uthorit�r,that any �.. _
<br /> removal or other romediatbn of nnY Harardous Slibstancss afieating the Property Is neaesserY. BoROwer shaU promAUY t�e atl �:'
<br /> � nace3smY►erriedlal acttons h acaordenca wNh Ernironmentat Law. _�
<br /> As Used in this Pe�9�Ph 16,'HaavdOUB SubatBnces"ere thOSe SUbBtenees deNnBd 8s ioxb OT h9urrrd0U8 8YbSffinc9s bY G:
<br /> teum produotn. to�do
<br /> • 3t� EmYqnm�ffiI l.sw end ths following substareees: gesoline, kerosene. other ftemmabie or toxio psiro _.
<br /> .' +� pastbides and h�biatdes.volaHie soNents. materlels contahhg asbestos or tormatdahyde�and radloaaWa mate�tab.Aa used in _—
<br /> �k the Paragraph 18.'F.+rvFonmental Law" means tederal lavua end Iav�ot the 1u�dbtion where the Prop9RY is located that re��e
<br /> to heaRh,saSaty or environrt�entat protectbn. "`
<br /> �--
<br /> NON-UNI'rORM COVENANTS.Bortower aed Lender further covenant and aprae as foUOws:
<br />�1� �7, ABSEg�mept m�Rg/11�, 8ortower unaondrilonaly es5�qne end transfets to Lender all the rents and rs+renues of tha ��
<br />_��, PropsAy.Borrower authoriu�s Lendet or Lende�'s agents io cotteat tAe rente and revenuas snd hr�ebr dtreots eaah tenant of the ��
<br /> .� _ ,,,� prpperty to pay the renb to Lender or l�ders agents•However.prtot to Lendefs notice to 8orrower ot Borrowe�s breach ot
<br /> anr covenent or asreemen oht�snder�en�eorcovrer. rnis ass�m�t t rer�ts ons�t�8 an absol�te assignment endPn�
<br />>; as trustes tor the en
<br />-� . essignment tor addftional sec�r�Y oniy.
<br /> _a;,,,y,,�.� � ' N Lertder gMes notiee ot breach to Bortower. (a)all rents recekad by Bortower shatl be hald by 8ortower 8s OusteCl ror
<br /> ``' benefit ot I.ender only,to be appiled to the sums secured by th�Seatrity InstrumenC(b)Lendet eha��be e�tRled tp Qo��d
<br />-".��, � . - recehre all ot the rertts of the Prop�ty;and (e}au:i'� terani at t!x Ptapetl� shelt �+?y aq rents dua and unpui0 to Lendet or
<br />�;`.,;.:�;_�.,,� � Lender's�gont on tsndefs wr�tsn demend to the tenant �� �that would p�+rent
<br /> ..j�,.'•,; Bortower has not ara�uted any Prbr sas�9^mant of the reMS eed has not end will not parto Y —
<br />' `t.�`�' `" Lendar irom execctsin9 ils rlghis under thts Panagreph 17. __
<br /> `������`.�'�x� Lender sheU oot be requYed to enter upon.mko controt of or melntah the Propeih+before or efter gl�n8 noik;e ot breech to —_-
<br />"''���= Bortower. However.Lender or a ludia�ty apPa�� �M��Y do so at any timo there is a bresoh.My aAP�^ ���
<br />-`r�a..•... . , t :t
<br />�=,-=, -:�r... shaU not cure or wahre any defaurt or Yrvalldate any ather right or te�y of Lender• This assig^mant of rents of the Pro
<br />$';?.^�•�^•x� ' shail t�minate when the dabt secured by the Sscurity InsWment is pnkl h tu1L _.
<br />��;,.,�,:u,:r 18. Farectosure Procedure. If Lendu requires tmnnediste paymeflt in futl under Pii�r�a�1ew.
<br /> � �-.a��� �� Lender may Mvoke the power of sale and eny other �emediea permitted by epp
<br /> r°`;`�"'`' �I��; L.ender sha11 be entitled to cottec3 att expenses incurred in pursuing the �emedtes provided in
<br />��,_w��;� 4his Paragraph 18, [ncluding� but not Itenited to, reasoneb0e att�orneys' fees and aosts of tiUe
<br />-�,..��.---� evidence.
<br /> -- It the power m� �ate Id Invoked� Trus2ee ahatt record a naUae ot detault tn ea�h co�Mf► [n
<br />--_.--_ — which any pert oi 4H�e Properiy ts located nnd shati mail copies of such notice tn the�mann�
<br /> v--� preacrlbed by epptieable Iew to Borrower nnd to the vther peraons preacribed by app
<br />—�n�`=� After the tt�e �equired by����icable lav,r+Truste�al�a�i 9�de publtc notice of sate to the peraons
<br />- �"=--� and in the mann�r�cascri��a�by�pplae�ble law. Trus4ee, without demand ofl 8orrower�shap sefll -�
<br /> 4..-=�.;� t�e Properly at p��DBo auc4mm� to the hE�heat bidder at t�e time and p[ace and urtder tl�e t�rr►ss
<br /> deaignated in the eto�ce o4 sa�te in one or more pae�cela and tn enY�b�l�ic announce�nant at the
<br /> �=��`�-----_-- Trustee may postpone sale o? ati or any percet of �ee PrapertY bY p
<br />'---�� Ume and place ot am/ pr�vlously schedul�d sale. �.ender or ita designee may purchase the
<br />�_'=-"�;:=���
<br />_...-�.� �; Properht at any salo.
<br />'�`�"�""�"'� Upon �eceipt ot payntent o4 the priee bid. Truatec afiell detiver to the pureh�er �ea�sY�e'a
<br /> -`-= '��'- deed conveying the Property.The recitats in the Trustee's dee0 N�a1t be prlma Pacie evidence of _
<br />"~"•����.V � y�e tra�th of tha statements made therein. T�uatee �hait eppty the proaeads of the saie tn tha
<br />_- . •� ' .' , toitowing order: (aj to eli ca� �nd expenaes of racerciaing iR�e power of smQe� and the aaie�, --
<br /> =.: tncludirt�4h�payment ot the Yrastee's 4eES actuatty irecurred, not to exceed 3
<br /> � of tho princtpa! arreount ot the n�te at the ttme oP the declaratlon of detauit, and rea�nable _
<br /> � . ar
<br />�`�-' • �`��•� ettarneya' teea aa permilted by lew�(b) to all sumo secured by thts�ccuri8y tnsfru�+ent; artd (c)
<br /> �,... .
<br />= . . . � �' any excesa to the porsan or persona legatty entltied 4o iL �.
<br /> � �. If the Lender's iMerest in 4�I� Securiiy Instrumon4la held by the Se�rrabw9►and the Seo�'� __
<br /> requtress immediate payn►ent in fult under Peragrt�b 9� the S�c�'et�► meY Invoke the nonJudtc�t ��,
<br />- _ _�_ nower of aate provided U the Single Family N1or4gsge Foreato�rm Act oi 9994 ('AcY'){1 a U.S.C. �:;,.
<br /> �--....._�� ....w.. *hs Ae4 te f�R11ftP.1!`4e �`.
<br /> -- ..� 3751 ffiE�.4•) bl�requesting a ecreclosure commiasivner o�.�•a.a.. -....-- _-- ---- -- __
<br />- .. �r II de�we the 8�aotary o9�Y trigMts otherwise evailab e to a Lender underrthisd[P�agraph S ��
<br /> aha P
<br /> � �� or npp118ab1e taw.
<br />� 19. RElCOfYYey8116Q. UGon PaYmBnt of uQ sums 6ecured by thts Securily Inshument,Lend�6haD rc�est SYusta9 to
<br />—.� -
<br />_ ° reconvoY the ��Trustee shau recarneY the roPertY wf out wa�a^tY a�d wtthhout cha►8ceeo t�ha�ar Derso IeS�fi
<br /> Instrument to
<br />-�- � �� �- entitled to tt.S1iCh person or peBOns shoA pay enY recordatton costa.
<br /> � .. F601AlMG(9J60} Pnp��al 6 �.
<br /> , 3
<br /> ; �aza E�
<br /> �_
<br />