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200011183 <br />Credit Agreement (or immediately upon the expiration of any redemption or reinstatement period <br />required by law) or Beneficiary may delay any such sale or other disposition for such period of time <br />as Beneficiary deems to be in its best interest. Should Beneficiary desire_that more than one such sale <br />or other disposition be conducted, Beneficiary, may at its option, cause the same to be conducted <br />simultaneously or successively, on the same day or at such different days or times and in such order, <br />as Beneficiary may deem to be in its best interest. <br />(c) Should Beneficiary elect to cause any of the Property to be disposed of as <br />personalty as permitted by Section 3.04(a) above, Beneficiary may dispose of any part thereof in any <br />manner now or hereafter permitted by the Uniform Commercial Code of the jurisdiction in which <br />the Premises are located (the "Governing Jurisdiction ") or in accordance with any other remedy <br />provided by law. Any such disposition may be conducted by an employee, attorney or agent of <br />Beneficiary or Trustee. Any person, including, Trustor, Trustee and Beneficiary, shall be eligible to <br />purchase any part or all of such personalty at any such disposition. Any such disposition may be <br />either public or private as Beneficiary may elect, subject to the provisions of the Uniform <br />Commercial Code of the Governing Jurisdiction. Beneficiary shall have all of the rights and <br />remedies of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code of the Governing Jurisdiction. <br />Expenses of retaking, holding, preparing for sale, selling or the like shall include Beneficiary's <br />reasonable attorney's fees and legal expenses, and upon Beneficiary's election to proceed under this <br />Section 3.04(c), Trustor, upon demand of Beneficiary, shall assemble such personalty and make it <br />available to Beneficiary at the Premises, a place which is deemed reasonably convenient to <br />Beneficiary and Trustor. Beneficiary shall give Trustor such prior written notice of the time and <br />place of any public sale or other disposition of such personalty or of the time at or after which any <br />private sale or any other intended disposition is to be made as may be required by the Uniform <br />Commercial Code of the Governing Jurisdiction, and if such notice is sent to Trustor three (3) <br />business days prior to any intended disposition in the manner provided for the mailing of notices <br />herein it shall constitute reasonable notice to Trustor. <br />(d) Should Beneficiary elect to sell the Property or any part thereof which is real <br />property or which Beneficiary has elected to treat as real property, upon such election, Beneficiary <br />or Trustee shall give such notice of default and election to sell as may then be required by law. <br />Thereafter, upon the expiration of such time and the giving of such notice of sale as may then be <br />required by law, and without the necessity of any demand upon Trustor, Trustee, at the time and <br />place specified in the notice of sale, shall sell the Property or any portion thereof specified by <br />Beneficiary, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in lawful money of the United States, <br />subject, however, to the provisions of Section 3.04(g) hereof. For any cause it deems expedient, <br />Trustee may, and upon request of Beneficiary shall, from time to time postpone the sale by public <br />declaration thereof at the time and place last appointed for the sale. If the Premises consist of several <br />lots or parcels, Beneficiary may designate the order in which such lots or parcels shall be offered for <br />sale or sold. Any persons, including Trustor, Trustee and Beneficiary, may purchase at the sale. Upon <br />receipt of payment, Trustee shall execute and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers a deed or deeds <br />conveying the property so sold, but without any covenant or warranty whatsoever, express or <br />implied, whereupon such purchaser or purchasers shall be let into immediate possession. <br />G� <br />