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,- -'�` - � :. . . . . . � --. - - - � <br /> .. _ . ___ _ . ._ ._ . . - - - � — _ _.._ . . . _ . . . . . _ . . ._ ..- -- - � <br /> � - t = - __--- - :—__ -- — -- _ — -- '{��'�� — _---- <br /> -, �.. - - _ <br /> . 17:7U�ir�t1iel��w D�sAleYl�eer 1��ee�ile�:if afl ar pet oEie i'�dpeety or sqy aiAe�e i�it <br /> � <br /> . - ., Ii�olt ar.�ea�fe�M(ar if� iAe�at it lo�o�er is�ald gs��ad ad�is riot��ra1�aa)arilYa� <br /> - l�sii�s{�iior airtirle�ao'■�e��tii+�iew s�,�[.ia-�� �__iw�i�c .. . _ -. : � �� - <br /> . 9ao�tiry i�t�ae.iiu+�ar.��ar��WI aat k a�p�M��adar if e�a�r is poi�ed�►tnd��l�l�r a�d'�e d�e <br /> . - t.-ai11�. �•.� -� �,--_--- . .,... . . <br /> � �eaaa�es�s a�iai.ierdar s�l pvc Ban�a�.000�d'�od�.'Il�e mtioe s�p�av�de a�aio�d d'�o�t.:, . <br /> kii�drME.�Q Arya'fion�Me.drle t�ioria is+ddira�d at ariled w�i�is w�Ha�o+Mec a�st pr}aU�s se�yraa by�is <br /> Seo�tit}l�tr�e�c.lf�oeiaiKr 4iB�n p��r dreae a�mo pmr a iLe a�pietioa d�as pQiud.Le�dor.ip�y iavaice as�� <br /> _��y�is Soar�ty�are�a�i�o�t f�8�eir nutiae a�dearrnd m Bo«ow� . <br /> �et�wd� v�t,t�.�et�1�1a tf Boaa�+er maets actaia 000fiitioox. 8o�rtv�es s6�i! M�t t6c ri�t.t�i�•c <br /> ��fo�ert af d�k�'i�att�erst d8oaetimmred u aey mae prior ia d�e a�fia a�'la�S�"t�'s�attie*paiud a� <br /> : �ii�+bk h�'�Y�Y tor t�ratemat)6tfot�e�of drc P�oQe�q pwswot 1u anY�ou►rx of sait caalaie�f=is dMs <br /> sea�6�e�ee�t:ar(b)�g o�'�l�a�t aefa�ai�dus seo�iry tmt�u�e.'ibaae coadi�ans a�e u�t eonower:ca)p4�s <br /> . fstler aN�s rrliitti�aa w�oWd be dre�oda tlus SewntY Iast��rl.d�t Na��s if m aooda�tio�t Ind oeau�od:t0) <br /> aRS:y def�lt oi a�ay ad�on►�aneit�a a�eemeas;(t>P�ys all es�eases�iocumed iu�ao�u�t�s So�y f�aaaao�. <br /> i�d�di�,l�t�ot iiMed b,«aoa�i6ia�A�o�aess'fa�ad td)talaes s+�h actioa as I.endar a+ay ads+am6ly ie4u�e to�ua <br /> tiwt tl�t lia of tbis Ser�ity�,i.ctder s�i�t is d�t P�npect�r aod Hot��'s a6li�tioa�pag t6e svms�by <br /> �ic Sep�tiry ip�at.sirtl ra�e-w�eiL Upau �e�ss�imse�at..b�r.,Bnimw�er. tliis Soa�ttg`�rua�eat aad tbe <br /> abii�tio�c se+o�ad�eteby srII trarim filiq e�tiv��if aa�ct�daatioa�d aoovied.liorreve�.tbis n�E m raa�o�st�ll <br /> not appiy ia tbe rase��admdan�t?. ` ::=• . � . y,,��/ . Y� <br /> �w 5�1��t'.wlti t1�e��t�Seerpoer.'t�e�Ka,�e�����jQ�i�YIG{��M���• .. <br /> fast�mKat)m�r 6e soW nee or�oc�tino�s w'short piac�o�ioe io Banos�r.A sale mry�sah ia a c�ge in�e e�ity(Imowa;- ' <br /> �;t�e"la�Se��oa`�t�E�mmtt�r'pl�mats d�e�det d�e Nate a�d�t��I�'�a�e atw may bc�C . <br /> ar mare c�es of ttr Lo�n Savioer�mei�ed w a sak ddr¢i�iote.lf�err is s+��e of�c t�Saviax.Bam+��r.r�� � ,.. <br /> �ta�riillen patict cfii�� aceotd�4oe wi�b p�a�aph 14 aGo+r�sd apptical►it la�v_'!?�c"i�otioe��s7att tbc�praii�;: <br /> _addiec�af We aev-Y�Savioet:ad.�ha.addoe�,ta�.�me�ls_s6iSNld:6e.m�1�1Ue nnuees*?�t also mapin aasr�ott�i'�'.,; <br />__-__ �������.� . . ._ :.-; ti---�-.----•:_.• ;. ; - ---=--:; -�,•r -- <br /> '1�.il�eei�i e6.Boria�ra s'1oA aat wost�nait ttic'p�a+ae:ase:tl�pc�at.,�ra� rdesse�t,;' <br /> � Nirado�s.S�bstaoa as or i� tbe Prop�aty. Bono�e�smil aot da,.i�allo�r�syraia d�•b+b,sa�t�a�e�::!tie.: <br /> - Prnpetty th�t vioi�ion,of sry Envir�ooroulal lsv.1Ue piae�t�ro sea�esors s1eU oat,aPPly-ta d�e pce�a�oe.vse.a <br /> star�he oa�6e P�aty nf's�tl qa�lities of'H�duas Sabsranaes tmt a�e�em��Y�000�niiod w be appcopa�e w oorn�l: <br /> �tidaewL_�ses and to a�tan�ae af�i�e Pivpaty: ' <br /> ._ . ���Y P�x Ldirler t►�itrea mrice of any imrestiption,clami.doni�oti.las�suit or'atber action aeS" <br /> Envnm+eoo��or •a�rn�y or p�m�fr'porty imdv��she Pnlpaly aad aby I�uudo��bst��ar Em�inaame�al Law <br /> of.which 8ortvwa tns actwl tu�o��ledSe.if�aruw�a is natified 6Y an3►SaraUmeatal or�sgulatory aiuhori�� <br /> � aoig tiaaaroal ar attKrt+e�oe�tian of any Haradous Substanc�e affecti�g 1b�Prupe�tg is.trpnGss�y,Borto�w s1�aU piomptly take <br /> • aD neoessay te�t�od"ul-xtiaLS in acoo�aooe wnW EpvimnnaKal Law. - : -: , <br /> . 'l�s usod ia;_tfis p�ua�nph 20, Nax�udons Su6�aes'm lLose.aubsta�oes def�add zs taiic or dundous substar�oes by:.,. . <br /> Eavi�oome�ral I.xrr.aod th�fdtow�ia�:�: �oline. I�avse�:aLCr fla�ro�bk uc taaue�Parnleum Pcndwcts•toau�:':::�., • <br /> � - pesticides and hesfiicides.rdxik anic�anls;�ataiats eoq�aining asb�os ar fortmlde6ydr,ao3.lo�Goa�'tive anteTials.As usetl ioi` :� � , <br /> Uus p�ph 2(►: 'Envira�ane�tal lativ" meaos fednal laws a�d la+as of the jurisdiction wh7ie tbe Property is loatat d�K�.-` <br /> re�te io bealth�safetY ar rnviivmieatal pna�ection. : . � :� :.' -`:;;;'', <br /> -.NON-ITNIFORM COVEi�1ANTS.8orrow�er aM Letder fan6er c�vrn�t�d ag�ee as foflo+►sc� . . ;-: ` . <br /> � 21.�R�s.�e�der�!!�i�e eeiics te Selti�'er ptier to acreieratiw fi*a�sias�ana+�es's U��. <br /> `�t,.y o.��aq.'t��,�ce.e.� ;.t�s ses.�ey Ia�t:.:eat�terr iiiK p�or a��w�er p.n�api Y7 ..i�.,; <br /> spp�ita6k Irr posides otl�aRise).71re aet�oe siaY speeifj� (�ti�id'aWh(b)tie sctlao.iroq�i�+ed to e�e t�e defs�, <br /> (c)a dre.nid h�tl�n 30 dtys t�nm ti�e date tre�atta is��irto�ornowa,bY�rhicb tLt ddadt ad 6e�+ed:ad <br /> (d)tht ta�e"to cace t6e defaoH oe or bdore tbe date specdial is tie�otke.�pay ie�stiit b saek�stio�d tiie s�as <br /> sae�r+ed by t�is Seco�Ia�mmt aed sale o�t6e Roperty.71ie notice slwr ii�t�er Lform Ror�o�er ot tie ris,it to <br /> neiastale aRa�aAd tLe rtg6t to briu�a cart aetioa to�sert�iMc�e�oe o�a defsdt ar a�otLer. <br /> idase a��e+anrer to socciaaNa�a�.sde lf tbe defsWt is aot carrd aR ar�e�+e tUe date spetitkd iw tie�otio,�,r ,.. <br /> 1.ender.a!its optlon,aa�y t�qades�me�sate p��meM in fell o�a!!smns sererti�by tiMis�e�eity 1�ir�eMt..itiia�t:�•�:`� � - <br /> t�ritier de�sd s�d my i�e�qe tie at sale ab ary dber nea�edies pe+'raitted by:�ica6k law�.l.tader s6al!be �' - ' <br /> ;�,�uaea�cou�.0���i�t���o�a�a��t�p.r�a��i.t�aai�.�Aa u�a ". <br /> �.. . ir.�om6leaccorne.s�R��afplr otG�ee�wero�. <br /> ;� �I�t6e po�a ot saie'�s�i��r��tFe shaQ neea�d a notice oi def�Wt ia eaeh �t�fii�arar pntt o�th, <br /> '`�liiipeet�Ls located and s1���W!sveh notiee in tUe pescri6ed by ap�i�la�c to�ee a��f!�. <br /> '-`;:, <br /> , ' �ti��'i�lne o�er p�s�tks�re�eribed b �1,E�:After tix tUm�+�by applicable t�v�.'�is�.►x sbn0�e pobHe�a(�.s:;: . <br /> r er y� <br /> ;.. ' ;o�sak to thc.�l �d.i�`�e�'�iescribed by spplicabie�iv�-Trustee►w3tlraM�4�w�d os 8orra►er,sralt�' <br /> �k ptnpMY st�O��we1�(fy�11i�e�nf6�bidder at tbe time�n��{�ce a��ii�r�tie t�desi�shd in t6e notioe ot <br /> sYe ls aae or more paR�i�xrg�3a�sy arder Tn�stce detsrmintw,T , .: . � �y'�pone sate ot aU or asy p�rM ol t6r • <br /> l�op�tY b3' W6Ue�±�i�aG:at the time siad ptsce ot an�� .����Ced sak.Lender or its desi�ee may <br /> p�niale 11�e ttopert8 sl'�'"�'�li�.�;,:. : �, _,'�`",' ' .. <br /> ir, :,sF�';.".F� ,. <br /> . . . '�{'�4�: _:.�`. _ ,` .'�•.- ,�,f�-. <br /> � �",-1; ��i.\ '' f:�,��%. • - <br /> 1• '��''�.n, './,''':'.`' •�' .� <br /> �J�'% `, :±:: •,�;'� 7/..� i��'�.i� � IFp'nt302s9/!0 <br />. . 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