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r „�«w...�.+. �.,c.�..-,-. .'�.... - <br /> „ <br /> .. �� � +,�{„a�,.-..� <br /> , .�: <br /> . .. . . .,.._.,.r;a�,.�:..,�—.F:.r.��.t—.�.._ v.._,— . ..:�.;., ... ..,. � . . . <br /> �, � �.C�,a p r.w.'.� <br /> „_ <br /> � ,. <br /> .�„��. .,,..S:.e�ta.�1w..,,.�..�.. , .���... :,���,. . . ....•.. , .,��,. � � � . <br /> , 'r � <br /> . . . . <br /> . , <br /> , , ,.. ,. _. <br /> , . . ., , . �. <br /> �� , <br /> _ _ � <br /> . :,� ., ' . � <br /> ��`��� � � <br /> ' �XNIQIT "A" <br /> ; <br /> PARCE� 1: Part of the 5autheast Ouarter of the South�a�t QuerG�r (5�1/4 <br /> 5E1/4) of Sectxon Tw�nty �24), Township' �1:8ven (11) North. Range Nine (9) <br /> WesG o1` the 6th P.M. , in the City af Grand .,Island, Hall Coun�.Y, I�ebraska. <br /> more particul��rly described a� fall�w�: B+�ginnin9 at a poirit on ,ths sauth <br /> line af said 5•sction 1'wenty (20), said poirrt being One Hundred Seventy Five <br /> ( 175.0} feet wesk af the SouLhe�st corner of �aid Section Twenty (20); thence <br /> westerly along the 5outh c* �aid Section Twenty (20). a Di�tance of One <br /> Hundrsd Eighty ( 180.0) feet: �hanc:e Northerly perallet �o k.he �ast 1lne of <br /> sai:d Section Twenty (20), a dist�nce a� Three -HUndrsd ThirtY Three (333:0) <br /> feet; thence Ea�terZy para21e1 to the South li�e of se�id SeCtion Twenty (20). <br /> a di.stance of O�ie Wundred Eighty .� 190.0) feet, to the We�� ��,ne of �arthur <br /> 5treet; thence southerly �long tlie weat line of .�eid Arthur Street, a <br /> d�stance af 7hree Hundred Thirty T;�rae (333.0} feet to the pl�ce af <br /> beai,nning. <br /> PARCCL 2: part of k.he Southeast Guarter of �.he S�uthea�t Gu'erker (5E1/A <br /> S�t/a ) of Sectiori Twenty (20), Tawnshlp Eleven (�1) Nor�h, Range Nine (9) <br /> West afi the 6th P.M. , in tl�e citY of Grand Islend. Hall CountY, Nebra�ska. <br /> more particularlY described as follows: 8eqinnist� aC. the 5outhwest corner of <br /> saa.d Southeest Quarter af tho Soutt��ast Ouerter (SE1/4 SE1/4); thence � <br /> nartherly a�ong the west line of �:�id. Southeast Duarter of the Southeast <br /> �uarter (SEi✓4 SE1/4 ). a d�st8nc� ��� 0`ne Hundred Fdrty Seven and Four <br /> Hundredths f 147.04�) feet. thence cfe�flecGing ri9t�t 40 degrees 00'. and running <br /> easker�y alcng a line Or� Hundre� Six (I06.0) feet south of and paral].el ico <br /> the south line of Qel Mc,nte Ave�iu�, a �listance of Two Hundred FortX and. <br /> I Seventy Five Hur,dredth� �2a0.75) �'��s;.; thence deflecting lef�; 4•5 degrees 46' <br /> and runni,ng northeasterl� alcrtg a I.:�rte �ne Hund�ed TwenC.Y 5ix (;1?6.0) feet <br /> s��theasterly �rom and paral�lel 4a 1;.�ns south+eas'terly�line of 4e1 M4nte <br /> �venue, a distance af Seven N�:�ndre:� 1'wenty �aven. and Sixty Five Hundredths <br /> 7�7.65 feet; thence deflect�ng �e�t. 90.,�degrees 'AO' and runn�t�►g northweskerly. <br /> a di�1_ance of Six (6.0)-feet-, to t'�� 'SouLhwes�e.r„�y carner a�=LoC� One ( 1 ), <br /> Black Fi�.�e (S), Be]. Air Additio*�; thence north�8sterly aloii9 the <br /> south�asterly line of said Lot One ( 1 ), a distarice cf 5ixt>• and Sev�n <br /> Hu ndr ed ttis (6�.07} f eet, to the Nar thwester ly c�r n�►r o�� CoC. TwentY (20). <br /> Block Fi��a (5), Be], Air addition: thence Southeiisteriv along the <br /> SouChwesterly line of said t:ot YwentY (�0) and ;its pro.►ongation, a distance <br /> of Qne HundrPd FiftY ( 15o_O� feet, ta a point on the 5n�.�}h line of Delmar <br /> Avenue: thence easterly along the south 1.ine at said a�imar Avenue, a <br /> distance af Eighty (80_O) feet; thence running Soutwwesterly alang the arc af <br /> a curve r.ho�e radius is 90' , an arc distance af Seventy �nd Szxtr Eight <br /> Hundredth5 (70.68) feet; thence soe�Lhwesterly, parallel to the �,auth�easterly <br /> line of said Del Monte Avenue, a d�stance of Fifty (50.0). feet. thence <br /> deflecting �Gft 90 ��grees fl0' anc! ru�ning so�theasterly a distai�ce of One <br /> Hundred Fi.fty ( 150_0) feeL; thence t�eflecting left 90 degrees; 00' and :unnin9 <br /> northeasterly, a aistance of �art� 5ix and Fifty Eight Hundredths � 46.58) <br /> �eEt; thence running southerty alan9 a 1`ine 7hree Hundred Five (3Q5.0) feet <br /> we�t o� and paral].el to the east line of said Section TwentY t20), a distance <br /> cf One Hundred FifitY Faur and Three Hundredths (154.03) f.eet. thence a�esterlY <br /> parallel to ths south line of said Section T;�,►enty (2Q), a, aistance of F=ifty <br /> (5C.o) feet; thence southerly parallel to the east line af sa�d Sectzon <br /> Twenty (20), a distance of �:�ree Hundred 7hirty Three (333.0) feet, to the <br /> south line af said Secti.on Twertty (20); thence Westerly alvng the SauCh line <br /> of �aid Section Twenty C20), a distance of Nin� Hundr�d Seventy �nd 5even <br /> Tenths (�70.7) feet tn the place af be�inning_ EXCEPTING therefrom *_racts o�` <br /> �and conveyed to the City �f Grand Isiand; Nebrasks by Warranty Deeds <br /> recard�d in the R�gister of Deeds Offxce as `�7ocument rva_ s�-aazio2, 83-00Z104 <br /> and 83-004705. ' <br /> (COMT INUEI7) <br /> � <br />�, � <br /> , . <br /> ` . <br /> ' �y - �u:. <br /> - , .` �_ � <br /> � � � �'� <br /> ,,�;�.-b <br /> �`�" <br /> 1' � , . . , . � . � � . •r'A:7r � � .. .� . <br />