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<br /> � ' 14. 1Vallcas. My aotice to �onower providCd Toi ln this�ecusity Instrumcni a�ioil r.a':�'.-���-y dclf...":l�g tt ar �
<br /> � by m�Uing it by tirnt clasa muil unless appAcablc law requttes use of another method The notiw ahaU be directed to
<br /> ' the Property Address or ony othc�r uddress Bonawer designates by notice to Lcnder. At�y aoUce to Lender shuU bc gtven =�� •
<br /> � by tiret class mail to Lendet's addresa awt�d herein or any othcr address Lendcr deslgnates by nottco ta Honawcr. Amr "`�'":�.
<br /> notirs provldr�d for in this Secudty Instrument ehaU be deemed to have been given to 8orrower or Lender when given =��
<br /> „ as ptovtded in thia pnrtu ph. �
<br /> � 18. Govert�lag��eveea�illlpy 'fhis Sccuflty Itt�ttument shall 6e gav€ma!by federel lnw and thc law of tho �--�..'�.
<br /> � jurisdittion in which tha Propeny ta lacated. fa the eveat that any provision or clause of this Securiry Inatrument or the =__:�-_°==-
<br /> , � Note wn4licta with appUcabte law,such contlict ghaU not affect uther provtsions of tiils 3ccu�tty Instrument or the Note `� �-
<br /> � • �• : � which con begiven effect wIthout the aonAlctin8 Provlston. To this end the provisions of this Security Iastrument and ��,--
<br /> ' the Note ate declured to bo severable. °-�-
<br /> ~ 16. Borrowe�'s Copy. Borrowcr shalt be given one confonacd copy of the Noto and of thla Secudty InsuumenG d':$�
<br /> ;, ..:�; L;,'.s�.
<br /> ��"'' 17. Traasfer of che Peoperfy or o BeneIIdal Iutereat I n Borrawer. I f e 1�or a a y p a rt o f t h e P r o p e r t y c r a n y = _^
<br /> ''-"""""{'� interest ia lt ia soid or transfeeretl (ot if a benefidat tn�erest In Botrower is sold or transferrcd and Bortower ts aot a -.- _
<br /> "' �; natural penon)without Leader's pnot written consent,Lender raay,at its optlon,requlre immediate payment in full of __-� -
<br /> . . �; all sum+ secured hy this Security It�stn�ment However� this option shall not be exercised by Leader if exerclse ts __
<br /> � , pmbibited by federal law as of the date of this Security Iastruraen� _
<br /> If L,ender exeTCises this option, Lender shali grve Borrower notice of aoceleratton. Tbe notice shall provide a
<br /> perlod of not less than 30 daya&om the date the notice fa deUvered or maffed wIthtn which Bonower muat pay all aums --
<br /> ' ,,�„ secured by thLg Securtty Instrument If Horrower faUs to pay these sums ptior to the escpitation of this pedod,Lender
<br /> .... � �y�18. Boy.a�s Rf�g�n4 tat�tcste. If Bor�rowe�eets cen in cond�i�ons,�8orrower shaU ha o the rtghet to have = -
<br /> enforcement of this Securtty Instrument disoontinued at any time prIor to the esrlier of:(a)S days(or such other period _
<br /> � � as applicable law may spedfy for rciastatement)before sale of the Prop pursuant to aay power af sale containeci in ____
<br /> this Secud Insuument; or (b) entry of a f udgment enforcing this S�e u ity Instrumeat 'Ihose conditions are t1�at
<br /> „ ,�: Borrower.�a) paya Lender all sums wtuch then would be due under this Secwity Instrument and the Note as{f no �.=•-'
<br /> •� acceleration bad oc�cuur�ed;(b)cures r�►y default of uy other ooveaants or agceementa;(c)paya all nses incurrecl in �
<br /> � es such actIon as ��-
<br /> enforcing this SecurIty Insuument,induding,but noat li�nited to�reasonable attomeys'fees;and(d) _
<br /> . Lender may m,asonably require w assure tliat the lien of this S�curity Instrur�tent,Lender's rlghts in the Properiy end
<br /> -:� Borrower's obligation w pay the sums aecuted by this Security Instrument shall aontinue unchaaged. Upoa reinstatement
<br /> by Horrower,this SecurItY lnstrument ead the obligatiaag secuted hereby ahall remaiu fulty effecti�'e as if no acceleration
<br /> �� � had occurred. However, this rtght to reiastate shall not apply in the case of acoelerattoa uader paragraph 1T.
<br /> �� 19. Sale of NotqChan�e at Loan 3ervlcer. The Note or a partial iaterest in the Note(together wIth this -_
<br />'. . ;
<br /> ..:,�, `•, Security Iasuument)may be sold one or more tlmes without prtor notice to Horrower. A sale may result ixt a change
<br /> �._ � �P�� {knawn as the °Iaan Sendcer") that oollects mont6ly payraents due vnder the Note and this Security
<br />_ ' � Instrumen� There nlso may be one or.more changes of the Loan Servlcer unrelated w a aale oi tho idotc. �f tiie��i� _
<br />`�� •. a change of the L,oan SeivIoer.Bortower w111 be given wrItten notice of the change in accoidance wIt�paragraph 14 above
<br />�°-�;��.�� :.. and appHcable law. Tke aotice wIU dtate the natne and address of the n e w L oan 5ervlaer and the a d d r�s s to which
<br /> .: ". payments should be made. Tite aotke w�l aL4o contain aay other iaforaiatioa requtred by applicabie law
<br /> r�`}�"����~:�� Zil. Hazardons 3ubsmnces. Barrower shall not cause or pednit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or releaso
<br /> '' '� '� Y;' afauy Ha•mrdous Substances on or fn the Properiy. Bortower shsU not do, nor ellow anyone else to do,suything
<br />--::y���;:,i� affecUng the Property that is in vIoladon of any Biviranateatal Law. The pmceding two seutenaes shall not apPly to the
<br /> =�;'•-1�;-���-��� pr e s e noe�use,or stora ge oa the Properiy of amall quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recogeized to
<br /> -`---':�•...�=- be approprlate to norme]resid$ntial uses and to maintenanoe of the Property.
<br />=--�.,,. Borrower shalt pmmptty Biae Lender writtea notice of any iavesdgation,claim, demand,lawsuit or other actton
<br />��:.;�-�,�•�t.=F by aay goverameawl or regulatory ageacy or prIvate party iavolving the Property aada�r Hazardous Snbstanve or
<br />_��--.•;•..�;. Envlronmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Bonower learps>or is notified by any govemit►ental or
<br />�F:�'::'`� regulatory authority, that any removal or other remediatioa of aay Ha�ardous Substance effecting the Property is
<br /> _�-:.=�-=-=�"�� neoessary�Bonower shall promptl�► teke all neoeasary reucedial actions in a000rdanoe wIth Ernlronmentel Law
<br /> - '�'-'-���� As usal ia this paragrapfi 20. "Fiazardous Substances" are those substaaces defined as to�dc or hazardous
<br /> =r�-----��� substaaces by Enviroaraental I.aw and the followlng aubstances:gesofine.kerosene�other ftammable or w�dc petroleum
<br /> _��°�� products.wxic pesttcides and herbicides.volaWe aolventa,materlais oonteinix asbestos or foraaaldehyde�and radioactive
<br />� ^_ — mater[als. ocated that�late t�o health,��h��ernlronmental p otect{o�laas ead lawa of the jurisdictton where the
<br /> •-�• �,-,:� Property is 1
<br />��?+��'�--°� Nox-Uxmol�t CovBNaxis. Bormwer and I.ender further wvenant and agree as follows:
<br />;��..,;.�.-:
<br />_..._ �.,� 21. Acoelerationj Aemeddes. Leader ahall give nottce!o Barrower prior to eoceleratlon foDmvtnR Bo s
<br />_�=•������.:�,a� breach ot any eovemant or agrsemeat W t b l s 8 e c u r i t y I u s tr n m e n t (b u t u o t p r t o r t o a c o e l e�r a a t t o n u ader p a c a g a a pb
<br /> --;� ��`"�"�" 17 unlese appiicabie law provtdes otlae�vise). T6e uottce shall epect�ys (a)the dtt�nit� (b) the sction reqnL�ed to
<br />=�'�'x� _ cone We detaWp (e) a dat�noi less than�0 days trom tha date the Qotto� ts gtven to Borrower,lry which We
<br />— r<t
<br />- - deilault mnst be cursdi+ind (� tltat Wllure to arre tlte detanit on or befon the date specitied tn ttte uotloz'wtll
<br />�:�'��� nsnEt tn scalerstion of the aums secured bs'this'S'ecurif,l'Inatrument and sale of the Pcoperty. Tite aotice sLell
<br /> - �-==�.v��.� turther intorm Borro�wer di the right to r�lastate atter uooeteration nnd the rtght¢0 6r�g n conat actton tio assert _
<br />--���^:°,:,:�: ,.., the aon-ext�s�eence of a dei�ult or any other de�iense of Bots�a�ver to a�cxleratton ead sale. �i the det�ult is aot cnred
<br />- .-�;.-,s^.:•,r .�:.
<br /> -- -;-:-�-.��`: �" on or beture the dnte spxi8ed tn the not[ce�Lender at ita op8on may reqnL�e Immediste paqmeat in ibD o snms
<br />�::..:.;�x;.,_, ._ secured by thfs Securlty Insbrument withont lbether demamd and may involte tlte pvwer o�sale and any other
<br />�;, . . � �zmeddes permitted by appllcabie law. Lender shstt be en4ltiM to collect all espenses tuca�rred in pureuing W� _ -
<br />_:�:' . ;� `, �q�provEaled(n thts paragraph 21,indudtng,be►t not Umitesl to,reasonable attoraeys'[ees ond coats of titte _
<br />;��.;.::' ::� :: evtdence.
<br /> . � " It�I►e pavoee oi eale is imoked,Truatee shall rernrd e aotice of defaWt in eacd covnty in v�41ch any part u! .
<br />_` the Properly[s located aad shall mail aoples o!such notice in the manner prescribed bY appllcable law W Borro�er
<br /> _ . � �. F and to the other persone prescrlbed 1�y sPPltcable la�v. Atter 4be daae required`by�Pll�ostee,wtthout demand on
<br />= pnblle nolice oi sale to tE3e persons w�td in ttae mepn�er prescrl6ed by app ----
<br /> - ' Bora+oWer,sh�il seU tlte Property at pubUc andion to!he Hlghest btdder at We tlme and plaoe and�nder We terms
<br />: _._.
<br /> designated ia�fh$notice o!sule ies oae or more pa�+cels and in an,y order Trustee deteeminca. Trnstee msY Postpone -_-.
<br />_' - ---------�• . -�-..____._ •..e a..».�ew,�w....Idin nnnnnnea...wnt et thB tilri¢elld D18t@ 0�e11Y Pl"CY101181jr BThCd11ICd �
<br /> . _ - 6E10 Vi au va asy Yw+ws...«.....q�v �r---—---� - _.
<br />- ' sale. I.ender or its destgnee may pnrrhase We Property ut�y sale. �-.
<br />= ° ' � . Upon c+eoetpt oi payment of the prIce bid,Trnstee shaU deliver b We pnrc6aser Tiustce's de�d conveying --:
<br /> _ � th$P,ropeRy. Tha rscitala in the Tnuste�s deed shNl be prima t�de evidence�t the truth os the statements mede �--
<br /> � ' : therein. Tenstee ehsiU ap �r t�e ps�occeds of the sale tn the [o�lawing o�Yen (a)to ald ansts aud expenses oi �_
<br />- ' c�csrrlslug tt�e lw�cr of��and We saDe,�ncl�din� the payment of the 1Yustee's tiees actuallY tucurre�l,n�t to p,_
<br /> _ ^ ' ? ex�d ip the agg�ate flf�y doflers or one�Dwl4 ot oae peroent os We prtadpal emoant ot the Note at the tGme oi �-_
<br /> fl y
<br /> �' .�, � the dectera�ton ei defanl�,whtchever ta ge�eater,and raasonahle attoraeys'f�s es permflt�►by lewi N) to a�1 8w�a C_
<br /> • secnred py t6is Soa�rtty InsWmen� end(c) any exoess to ede person oa�persons legall,y ent[tled to t!. `.;:_
<br /> - F:�,
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