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. .. ..T��p n . . . . • . / . <br /> � ' �, i <br /> . . ..1 . .' - .�...r. � i <br /> 1 r ,� <br /> '_`(�; . . . . . <br /> ( '�� . <br /> .�qq1A01ti- . �• � n __ .- .*--� <br /> 1 �IYIIR!f1EiRksF..r. ,� �. .,"° .. . , . _ •- : .,_:;�...a...+�......s.� <br /> .. .i'v�T�Sn�t��3�r.. ....hviei.- '"••/f�•"�. "ir Y^�'�;n'�IkKfMe�e'/�jFF¢�±_t•�r` � ^��1_"_�.. -..�---��.�, _ <br /> , '�3Y�IHC�Mds�s.r�+.*.w;..,.,•.�...._--�...__.__�.'_.-..'_'_"__... __.' . _.—' ' " " � �.-. <br /> ^ �.,^�•• - � �,Y.. <br /> �.. . 9�' ���s.�� �:�- ; <br /> '��' UKt�attnt Cov�►,►�rrs. Borrower ond I.ender caver�ant and agrccs aa followa: �� <br /> • 1. Foyycuent ot�h�i�ncDpnl a�►�Iat�c�s�Prcpuy�cen3 ae�d H�¢e Chne�ea. Bonovrer shell ipromptfy pay when due [-;�:.. <br /> the pria�ipsil ui und intarest on tDro debt evidenr�st hy tho Note und any prepaymeat und leta chnrgc�due undar th�s Notc. ;: _ <br /> . 2. Funda tbr Tnxea�nd Iaeueancx. �ubject to applirublo taw or to a writtcn waiver by Lender�Borrower shail �,= <br /> n <br /> '��` pay to Lendcr on the day montlily puymente are dua under the Note.unW tha Noto is p�ld in full,u sum(°Funda°j for: - <br /> (n)y�arly taxes end assassmenta which msry uttoia pr�odt� over thts SeeurIty Instrum�nt as n Uen on the Property; (b) �,_ <br /> ;�,� yearty le,�sehold paymenta or grouad rent�on tho Praperty. if any;(c)yearly haznrd or propercy insueance promlut�s;(d) <br /> yeariy Aoad iasumnce premiums�if eny; (as)Yeurly mortgage insuranee premiums.!f any;and(t�unY sums payable by <br />_,;.,,�� �orrov►�er to Leader,ia aaoordaace with the prov1sions of pnragraph 8. in Ueu of the paynaent ot mort}�go insuranoe <br /> � premiums. These items are caJled"Fscraw It�ms.'Lender may.ot auy►Ume,wAect snd hold Fuads In an amount not <br /> to exaeed the mtudmum atnouat a lender for a federaUy related taortga�e loan rnay requtto for Horrower's escrow a000unt <br /> - --=�g under the fedcral Real Eatate Settlement Prooedutes Act of 1974 as amen�+ed&om time to time,12 U.S.G. §Z601 et <br /> � seq. ("YtESPA")>unless aaother Iaw that appiies to the Fuuds sets a lesser�unoun� If so,l.sndsr may,at any dme, � <br /> � crollect aad hold Funds in aa amount not to exc�eed the lesset amoun� Lender mey estimate the emount of Funds due <br /> �� on the bash af curreat data and reasonahle estimates af expenditures of future Escrow Items or otheiwlse in acoordanoa <br /> �:.:�:: � wIth applicable laa. <br /> :�',�::�;:�,� The Ftirtds ahell be held in an institu�on whose deposits are i�sumd by a federal agenry,inswmeatality,or eatity <br /> ==`�� (including Lender.if Lender is such an iastttutiou)or In any Federal Home Loan Bflnlc. Lender ebsll aPP1S+�a�� <br /> �:,,���„ dtng PP�B <br /> - -'=•- to pay tlte Fscrow Items. L.ender maY not charge Bortower for hol and a the Fuads.annually►analy�ing <br /> :�,%�r�� <br />- .�� essrow aaaunt,or veritytng the Fscrow Items, uoIess Lender{�aya BoreawEr intcrest oa the Fs�nds aad appllcable law . <br />'=�- srs� permita L,ender to make such a c:harge. How�wer, Lender may require Aar�oaer to PaY s one-time chargs for an <br /> ��'~�� independent real estate tax reporting servtce used by Lewder in vonuection with thia loan,unleas appllcable law provIdes <br />_-_;�_� othexwlse. iJdess an agceesaent Is made or appllcable law re�quires intereat t�be paid,Lender shell aot be required to - <br />.�,;r;� pay Horrower aay interest or eamin�on the Funds. Borrower ond I.ender may agree ia wrlti�{�however.that interest <br /> -=�v,�"-' shall be paid on the Funds. Lender ahall give to Borrower,�vithout charge,an ennual aaouadn8 of We F�ads,shou+InB <br /> _.;�� credEts aad debits to the FLads and the pucpose for which each debit to the F1uids was made. The �nds are pledged <br /> - as additional securIry for ell sums secured by ttds Securtt3►lnsuument <br />-�:�..�.:: <br /> �'±� If th�Funda lield by Lender e�cceed the amounta penaitted to be held by applfcable law, Lender s a000unt <br /> rt;`;� Borr�wer for the excess Funds in accordautce with�e recluirements of applicable law If the amount of the Fluzds held <br /> _ �.■ by Lender at aqy time is not sufficIent to pay the Eacrow Items when due,Leader may so notity Botrower in wtiting,end� <br /> fa s•� � �arMwer Rhall pay w I.eader the amount necessary to aiake up the deHcIenry. Eorrower shaU make up <br /> --w=�= the deficienry In no atore thaa twelve month�y paYments. at Lender's svle discretion. <br /> ' <br />