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'" <br /> ���il� .�iR.a��.0 -•-.' _"" " ___'�...._..__"'�_.,._" ' " — <br /> `"�.3 rlIB9�9�s r <br /> -�.�.1 . . g.aeA��a�v , <br /> � . <br /> d . <br /> �:��. <br />_;��; Assiguee gives notice to�►ssigaor of an assi�wncnt of said elghta.upan such noti�e the liability � <br />_��� of A,ssig�s�r e�the nssip,�ee of the A�ip�ee aholl be i�nmediote and absolute. Asaigaor will not <br /> set up any claim against A.ssi�nee or any intervsning assi�ee as a defense� counterclaim or = <br /> 5 s�toPf to any aet£on brought by Assi�ee oa aay intervening assignee for any amounts due <br /> _�;� <br /> - herew►der or for passession of or the exercise of r�ghts with respect to th�Leases or th�ttents. <br />_�n� . - <br /> 12. It shaU be an Event of Befault hereunder(a) if aary representa�ion or warrauty <br />���� ma�e herein by Assignor is determined Uy Assignee 4o iiave 1�eEn f�lse or misleading irr s�ry =- <br />.�� material respect at the time made, or(b) apan any failure by Assignor w comply with the <br /> a=��� provisions of Paragraph 6 above or (c) upon any failurc by Assigaor in the perforraance or <br />_,�',�� observance of any ot�ter cov�nant or condition hergof and,tA the extent svch failure descn'bed in <br /> "---- this subsea4ion(c)is suscep�ble of being cured,the continuamce of such failura for thirty(30) <br /> days after written notice thereof from A.ssignee to Assigaor, provided, however. that if such <br />:.`u;�j default is susseptible of cure but auch cure cannot be accomplished with reasonable ciitige�ce <br />_-__= within said p�ried of tirae, end if Assignor commences ta cure snch default pmrnptly after <br />;; , rec$ipt of.notiee thereof&om Assignee,and therea#ter prosecutes the curing of sueb d�fault�vith <br /> �'''u� re�sonabte diligence, suc&.period of time shall be extended for such periocl of dme aa may bs <br />.,fy<`. <br />°���'��=�`" necessary 4o cure suoh default v�th reasonable diligernce,but not to exceed aa additional sixty <br /> '-� . (60)days. Any��li default not so a�tted ehall be a default or aa Event of Defa�lt,as applicable. f <br /> .�� under each of the other Loan I�oeumente. entitling Asaignee to exercise aay or all rlg,hts and -- <br /> remedies available w Assigaee iuider the ternis hereof or of any or all of the ather Loan <br /> Documeats,and any Svent of Default or de�ault emder any other Loan Document which is not <br /> �� n�m1 .y+�thin any appliceble gr$ce or cur�D���1 bB����Event of Default heteuttder - <br /> subjtct to no�race or cure period, eu�tling Asslgnee to exercise any or all rights provided i�r <br /> henin. <br /> 13. Failure by P..ssignee to exercise aaY right which it may have hereunder shall aot <br /> be deemed a waivar thereof unless so a�in writ�ng by Assignee,and the weiver by Assi�ea <br /> of aay default horeunder shall not consdtute a continuing waiver or a waiver of any other def�lt <br /> or of the sams default on any fiature occasioa No collection by Assignea of amy Rants pursuaat <br /> to tbis Assi�ent shall consdtute or nsult in a waiver of any default then existing hereunder or <br /> uader any ogthe other�.oa�Documents. <br /> 14. If any prmv�ision under t�is Assignm�nt or the application thereof w any entity. <br /> person or circumstance s�iall be u►valid, illegal or unenfonceable to any dxtent,the remainder of. <br /> � tiris Assigarncat and the applica3imn of the p�+ovisions hereof to other entities, persons ox <br /> circumstanccs shall not be affectec��aeby and shall be enforced to 4h�fiillest extent permrittc��. - <br /> by law. . <br /> i S. This Aesignmerit maay not be aanended,nnodifial or otherwise changed axcapt:by <br /> a written instnuaent duly executed��.Assignor and Assignee. <br /> 16. Thiis Assignment shali be in fuU forco and effect cotrtinuously frara tbe date <br /> �ereog to and uatil the D�d of Tn�st shall bo released of record,and the release of tb.o Uecd bf <br /> Trust shall,for all purposes,autamatically termin�te tliis Asslgn�aent and render this Assi�nment <br /> — au11 and void and of no effect whatsaever. : <br /> UOGSNY1:SSli18.2 7 <br /> 8233�676JK9 <br /> — _ ,:. __ <br /> �„ :r_ .�:w.*�',�.�� -.�—,�.� — —_ <br /> . f T J'^`^J -� — <br /> ._.. • I/ �It� . . . F.�j4V' 7 — ��.+�1�� _ . -��r�-�.�..�.m�w�r�r.�:-��rre��v,-..-. - � _.��.�._� <br /> � <br /> � �� �h�n � .. ..� .,.n,..n.� <br /> � lu : 3-. � ... � � 1 __ -- . . <br /> r 2 <br /> `�i}^z�� . . :+ ` - - 7 a`y y7;M��� � � �,�f�qr-•r_' —_ _' _. �n- <br /> ��L_W �i , - - n .��-r'�. -i���_r.v. � '� __ . _ _. . <br /> - �t�r�c tiw�?� . 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