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<br /> -�.---�-.���� tnatrutnent nf€ecting title ta the Pmgeriy� oe �ny part thereof, re�,erdless of whether such -
<br /> dacument or i�teaam�nt is superior or subo:dinate to thia Deed of Truat. . __
<br /> � �
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<br /> �� �' 1.4 In u ae, Trustar shatl,at Trustor's expense�maintain in force and e�fect on the
<br /> -�'� Property at all times while this Deed of�'rust continues in effect the follov�ing insurance: _
<br /> —�.�•�-
<br /> (a) I�surance againat loss or damage to the Property by�re,windsYarm.tornado
<br /> - `� � and hail aud against loss and daraage by such other, further and additional risks as may be now �
<br />:n'1;.,.�� or hereafter eanbraced by an"all-rtsk"or"special fo�n"type of insurance policy. The amount of
<br /> ��'=�, auch iusurauce shall be nat less than one hundred percent(100%)of the full replacement cost
<br />.�-'`"' '•".� (insurablc�value) of the Impr�veraents(as established by an MAI appraisal).without reduct�on -
<br />;-_�.� �, .
<br />_� ._r.�.S>s� .
<br /> -- __ = for depreciation. The detem�ination of tbe replacement cost amount shall be adjusted aYUnu Y to
<br />_-_'�„r;�, comply with the requirements of the insiu�er issuing such covera�e or,at Beneficiary's election,
<br /> _==;�a;�;�-,�� by reference to sueh inslices, app�aisals or informatian � ]Beneficiary detennines in its ,
<br /> ---- - reasonahle discretion in order to reflect inereased value due to infladoa. Absent such annual
<br /> °_'.....�"'��;� adlu�nent,each policy shall contain intlation guanl coverage insuring that the policy limit wiA
<br />.:.,,,,�,�.-
<br /> -_- be increased over dme to reflect the efl�'ect of inflation. Fhll replacement cost, as used herem,
<br /> `,�'„"�'�� means,with re�ect to the Improvements,the cost of replacing the Improvements without regard
<br /> to deduction for dvpreciation, exclusive of the cost of excavations, foundations and footings
<br /> � --° belaw the lowest basement IIoor. Trnstor shall also maintain insur�nce a�sinst loss or dameee to _
<br /> =-_--= ��� �u�ishing, f xtures, equipment and other items (whether personalty or £xtures)
<br /> -- — included in the Fmperty and owned by Trustor from time to time to the extent applicable. �ach
<br /> -_ - policv sha11 conta�a a replacement cost endorsement and either an ag�eed amown3 endorsement
<br /> p _"_
<br /> ___ _� (to avoid the opeiation of any cainsurance provisions) or a waiver o� �y �-��
<br /> .-�.W'.:�`y� prmvisia�ns,all subject to Baae�ciary's approval. Th�maximum deducttble shall be$10,000.00.
<br /> ,� . (b)Commercial Ceneral �ability Insurance against claim�'far personal injury,
<br /> :,�_�:,� . baliiy injnry,death an� property dam�igA�occurring an, in or about the Real Bstate.or tha
<br />`�--� Impaovements in amounts nmt less than$1,000,OO�AAO per occurrence and�r2,000,000.00 xn the
<br /> �:�
<br /> ___— aggregate plus umbrella coverage in aat amount nof lesa than$2�000,000: ::�eneficiazy hereby
<br /> -__ _ rretaias f�e ri$ht Ro periodically review the ainount of said liability ittsivancti=being maintained by
<br /> Trustor and to require an increaste in the amount af said liability i�surance should B�nefscisry
<br /> deem an increase to be reasattablY Pnadent under thcn�xistiag circumstences. -
<br /> (c)Bailer and m�chin�-�y insurance is require:d if steam boilieits or other pressur�-
<br /> fired vessels are in operation at the Progerty. Minimum liability coverag�ger accideat Ynust
<br /> ,. • equal the greater of the replacement co�t (insw�ble value) of the Iinprovements housing such . ..
<br /> boiler or press�ase-fimd macl�nerY or$2,OOD,OOU.00. If one or more large IiVAC units is in
<br /> �-� eg�ation at the PropeptY,"S�atems Brealcdowns"coverage shall be requir�d,as deterniined by
<br /> Heneficiary. Minimur�lia�iAitY coverage per accident must equal the vatue of sach unit(s). .
<br /> (d)If the Imp�ovements ar any part thereof is situ�tarl in au area desigaated by the
<br /> Feder�l Emergency Mana$em�nt Agency{"FEMA'�as a special flood hazazd area(Zone A or
<br /> Zoae��,fl�aod insurance iri�,tw amount equal to the lesser of:(a)the mininiuni�mount required,
<br /> -- umder th�terms of csverage,to compe�nsate for any damage or loss on a replacement basis(or the
<br /> --- unpaid balance of ffie indebtedness secured hereby if replacement cost coverage is not�vailable
<br /> _ __ __-� fox th�,type�of building insured);or QbD the maximum insurance available under the�appropriate
<br /> -_---_ ,,;,cs�.:�:,���„a� 8
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