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<br /> O1t�INANCE NU. 34G0 (Cant.) ���► �������
<br /> ihei�co weRt otia n 1�ine 19.� fcet nrn�th of�t�d p�enllf�l tn thc� noeth lir�« of i.c±t 7,
<br /> Nonvood Subdivision, for a distunco of 3�ven Hundred Ninety El�ht ttn� Fivc
<br /> Tenths (7�38.5) feet tp a point o�n the east liao of St. Paul Road;thence s�uth on
<br /> tliq east 1�8 of St. Piiul Road for u distunce af One Hundred Sixty(160.0) feeh
<br /> thence e�st on a lina One Ht+�dred Eorty(140.0)£eet north of and parallel to the
<br /> north liue 4f 15'"34reet for u distuncQ of 9even(7.0) feei;thenoo south on the east
<br /> lin�of St.Paul Road for a distanae of Ona Hiundred 1Forty(140.0)feet to the north
<br /> liae of 15`�'Street;thence west on a prolongatian of t�e north line of 15`�Stre�t for
<br /> a dietance of Forty(40.Oj feet;ihence south on the centvr lina of St.Paul Road for
<br /> a distance mf Sixry Six(66.0)feet;thgnce east on a prolongation of the south line
<br /> of IS`�5t�eet fora distance uf'fhirty Three (33.0)f�et to the point of beginnin$,
<br /> all as shown arx the plat dated Murch 17, 1999,ariach�d h�r�tn a,a F!xhihit"�4"�n�1 .
<br /> incorporated herein by reference.
<br /> , SE�°fION 3. Tha follovring street in the distriet shall be improved by paving and '_
<br /> . other incidental work a n connection therewith: � .
<br /> " Fifteonth Street fram St.Puul Road to one-half block east of Paplar Street,in the
<br /> City of Grand Islend,Hall County,Nebraska .
<br /> Said'unprovements shall be made in accordance�with plans and sp�cif�cazions =
<br /> prepflr�d by the Engineer for•.We City of Grand Island aad appraved by the Mayar and Ciry .
<br /> Council. �
<br /> SBCTION 4. All improvements shatlD b�inade at public cost,but the casi tbereof,�
<br /> �xcluding nttersecdons, shaU be assessed upon the lots and ,Iands in the districY s�ecially
<br /> '��`� ben�Sf�d thereby as provided by law. ::;;`'` .
<br /> .�;,:.�.
<br />- SECTION S. T7iis nrdinance, with tha plat, is lxazeby directed to be 61ed id the �� ,.
<br />_ ,::.
<br /> '�" office of the Regist�r ofDeeds,Hall County,Nebraska �� ..
<br /> ;,,; .
<br /> ; SECTIUN 6: This o�dinance shall b.e,in force and take effect from and utter its � .
<br />:} �: , . passage and publicatiAn,wi�iput the plat;as provided by law. ':� ..
<br /> � .. �; .. ,,. !'
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<br /> g . � A;nxovai u to Fom�♦
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