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<br /> • Q1tU1NANCG INC.8459 (Cont.)
<br /> east of glum S�'�i Md bet�veen fu'''Stre�t an� 7'^ S�rc�ei (as�litliilil 6Y1�J�lt�l�"A,,')for se�.w�r,
<br /> el�ctria.starni drainaga��us�a�td oxher�ublic utiliri�s e�s�m�nts and all ri�hhts s�nd appurcent�ces
<br /> thereto:
<br /> SE�"t'ION 2. Th�titlo to the abeve-descrihed properiy vacated by SecYioa 1 of ��
<br /> tl�ns ordinar�ce shail�evert to th�owner or owners of r�al estate abutting the saine in PT+np°�°r'
<br /> w the respec�ve ownership of reat estate.
<br /> SECTION 3. This ordinance�s directed ta ba filed in the o�ce of�he Regis±�erc*� �
<br /> Deeda of Hall County,Nebraslca
<br /> �:;;�r" SEG"rIUN 4. This ondinanee�hall ba in force and take effect from and atter its � '
<br /> �a,ssage and publication,without the plat,within �ftean days in one issne oF tke Grand Island
<br /> � :-�.�� �.,i�l.by.law_
<br /> -..: --- - - �------- ; _ —__-----_=--_---
<br /> . Enact�l;.�March 22,19�9. . • .
<br /> , �;i�_.. ' � G „�,,,,�" . .. .
<br /> .._i•• `��'`.a-
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<br /> �� � . Ken t,Mayor. .�. - .
<br /> . Attes�: . ��RaNp� . ..
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<br /> ..2- Mssh 18,1999 w City�moeY
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