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<br /> TOQETH�R WITti n1i the improvements nuw ar liec��llcr erectcd on tlie pr��prrty, nnd nll cavernents, nppi�rten:�nces, ancl �
<br /> � fiRtums now or hercvfier a pan of �h� pmpeny. AI{ repiacementq s�na addlUcros st�nli nlsu be covered hy thir� Seeudty � �_.�
<br /> Insuument.All of thc fomgning is�eferrcd to in this Se�:urity Instnunent n9 thc"Pruperty.' �=-_
<br /> • BO1tItO�VER COVBNAN'CS tt�at Barrower is Imvflilly sciscd rf tfie essnte l�ereby cunvcycd nnd hns thc right to �rant and ___
<br /> - convey the Property und that tl�e Pnoperty ia unettcun►bersd.except fur encun�brances of record. Borrower wnrrants and �vll� _
<br /> _ defend�enerally thP tide to the Pro��aty against�ll cln(ms and dcmmids�aubje�t to any encumbr:nce�of record. _
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for nncional use cea�J uo�i-un(form covcnants r�ith limlted � -
<br />. "� varIatlons by jurlsdiction w coasdtute u unlferm securiry instrument covedng re�l pro�sY�y. ___
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Barrower and Lender wvenant and agree as follows: p a Wb�due the
<br /> :,� 1. Payment mf Priuclpul and Inter�s3; Pregayonent end�.ute Charges. BorrcBwer shall romp2ly p y __
<br />-, priucipal of and interest on the debt evldenced by the Note and any prePaYment and lata•chnrges due undor che Note.
<br /> -� 2. �ds for Ttuces and Iasurance.Subject to appltcable law or to u written waiver by Lender. Bonower shail pay:o _
<br /> � Lender on the day moathly payments are due under the Note,until the Note is paid ia fa Il,a eum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes ,:`,-
<br /> . aad assessu�enu which may atcaiapriarity over this Security Instrumenc as a lien on tho,Froperty;(b)yeurly leusebold payments
<br /> •�,., '' or ground rents on the PropGrty.if any;(c)yearly hazard or pmperty insurance Premlutk�s;(d)yearly flood insurance premiums.
<br /> • �- if aay;(e)yearly raortgage insurance preminms�If aay; and(�any sums payable by Horrower to i.ender. ln uccordance with
<br /> the provIsions of paragraph 8. in lleu of the payment of.y:uatg�c inswance Premiumg• These items are called"Escrow Items."
<br /> „ .:.� � ,� Lender may. at sny ttme. collect and hold Funds in an amount not w exceed the m�nimum amount a lender for a federally
<br /> ;�� r e�a a e d aao rtgage loan ma y re qu9re for Aorrower's escrow axouat under the federal Reel Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> �..��:w,,; 1974 as amended fmm time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),w►less another law that applies to the Fw�ds f
<br /> �� • sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may. at a+ng time. collect and hold Fuuds in an a=uount aot to exceed the tesser aznount. ,
<br /> ,�^ Leuder may estimate th^amount of Funds due on the basis of c�urent data and masanable estimates of expendinues of tvture j _
<br /> t. �
<br /> u�: ,�:_�'" Escroiv,Items or otherwise in acxordance witb applicable law. �
<br /> � The Funds shall be held in P+n institutian whose deposits are insure8 bY a federal agency, insaumentality, or eatity i
<br />':=;•�:,::�'�� ` (1nolud�ng L.ender,if Lettder is sucb an instltution)or 1n aaY Federal�lome Loan�anjt. �der shail apply the I�unds eopay the _
<br />- - f Escrow Iteras.Lender may not charge Boaowet for holding aad applYing the Funda,anuut�al�Y analYzing the escrow acwunt,or
<br />-~ � , verlfyiag the Escrow Items.unless Lender pays 1Borrower interest on the bUnds and applicable law permDts I.ender to make such
<br /> :�`�'i`;°`!��_ a chacge.However.I,ender may require Boaower to pay a one•time chazge for aa ipclepcndent real estate tax reporting seTVIce
<br />-:��; ,,=i�' " used by Ixnder in wanection tvit'h this lona, unless applicable taw provtdes oc�.cr�wjse. Unless an agreemec►t ns ms�de or
<br />���=`?��_, annlic�ble law requires interest w be P�d.I.euder sh�li nat b$require�to pay Borro�i�s`cr any i�►terest or earnings om 8he Ftmd3.
<br /> ���'T ' Boxttiwer and Lender may agrec ia wrlting however.that lnterest shall be paid on��dne Fuwla. Lcu�o+s�ait Sive tc&�ss'3'»�r,
<br />.:i='s�:,:yi a:;, , ri
<br /> "`f-'=:. ` withbus charge. an annual accounting of the Funds.showing credits and debits ca th�Funds and the pnrpose for whicl�i each
<br />�__�__-��aw°��� : . debit to�the Funds was made.'Phe Funds are pled�ed as additional se�urity for aU aums secured by this S�ty Insuument•
<br /> "'`�"`''�� � • If the Funds held by Lenda excxed the amovnts pe�ditted to be held hy appllcabfie law,Lender shaU account t�►�Bormwei
<br />=i�� , for ffie•excess Funds in a�cordanae wit�tho regu�remenis of applicable law.If tt�•ar�ount of the Funds held by I�ender at aay
<br /> ����. dme ls not sufftcient to pay the Bsemw Items when due.L�ender may so nos�y Bortov�er In writing+aud,in suah case Bormwzr
<br />���:.�� shall pary to Lsr�ler the aacount aecessary to mnlce up the deficiency. Bott�wer shall make up the deficiency in ao more than -
<br />-,��:.c�,� twelve monthiy payments,at L.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> --�-.�� Ugoa payment ia full of all swns secured by this Secudt5' insuument� Lendar ahall PromPtly refund to Borrower aay
<br />�.°r:!���'� Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21,Lender s6A11 acqnire or seU the Proporty,L�nder,pdor to the acquisition or saIe _
<br /> `--- of the Properiy.shaU apply suy Funds held by Lender at the tirne of acquisition or snYe as a credit aga�ast the sums�ecured by
<br /> - this Socurity Instrttment.
<br />' - - ' 3.Application o!P�y�eMe. Unleas appllcable iaw pmv[des otherwise,a11 Payutents mmceeived by Lender under parqB�F�
<br />_-��-�--- 1 and 2 shail be applied: first.to any prepaymenc chazges due uader the Note;seooncg,w emQnnts Payabla uadcr p�agraph 2;
<br /> —_— = third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;aad last.to any late charges dae undar t�e No 8i�0��butable to tE�o i►e+opertY
<br />�.^� 4.Charges;Lteas. Bormwer shall pay all texes,sssessments.charges.fines ane9 impo sents. if any.Borrower shall pay
<br /> _ �-_- which may atta9n�prioriry over this Securlty Iastru�eent. and leasehold paymenta or �roun
<br />— = these obligations in the manner provtded in paragraph 2�or if not paid in ehg.t manaer, Iiorrower shall pay them on t3mo dicectty
<br /> - to the person owed payment. �orrower shaU promptly fusnish to L,ender aU notices of pAlpunta to be p�id under this paragraph•
<br />— — If Borcower makes these paynnems directly.Botrower shall pmmptly furnish to i.eadar tecefpts evidencing the payments.
<br />__-_--- Borrower shall promptly dlacharge any lien whi�bas priority over this Securiry lnastument unless Borcower: (a)agrees in
<br /> _----_ ' urritiag to the payment of the obligation se�+ued by the lten in a maqnerw� �18� �der's@opinian nperate of P�te���
<br /> � by, or defeuds agsilttst enforcement of the liod in, legal pror�edin8s
<br /> - - � enforcemeat of the Hen:or(c)secures from�the holder of the lien un egreement sstisFactory to Lender.subordiaacin:g the IIen to
<br /> -- ---�s.�� thi�Securin,Inst�ment. If p.�nde�,determt�es th�t any pzrt of the property is su6ject to a licn which m�y uttai�►��ionty over
<br />±`"��=��`-��� Wis Secudty Insnvu�ent, ��tasay give Borrower a nosica idsntifyin8 the Uen.Dorrowet r,.h�il satisfy the lien o;c�take one or
<br /> �r:::3� :�� ,.��
<br /> --.�_,s s�.,��' more of the actiama set forth above within 10 days of the giving of uotice.
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