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<br /> . _ . - 99� �c�++a�� ��
<br /> ' DO�tROlFJEIi COV�NANTS thnt Bnrr�wcr is IawEially seiscd of thc estute hcreby conveycd aad das:he ri�ht ta �_
<br /> ' � gsunt nrtd mnvey the Progerty end that the Property ie uncncumbcrcd. except far cncwnbcaucea of record. Horrot�rer �".
<br /> �� . ��rt�emnts and �vtll defend genernlly tlie Ude to the Prapett; ngctinst nll clAlms artd demunds� subJect to any enc�mbrnnces __
<br /> of t�or�f. __�.
<br /> ' THYS SECURiTY INSTRUMENT combines uniforrn ct+venante far national use f+nd non-uniform covenunts wlth ��
<br /> �� `: , limited vadations by.i�uisdiction to�:onst{tute a unitorm e��curlty inssrument covering real propeny. -
<br /> : . �.._
<br /> ':��_� UNIEOItM COVENANTS. Borro�ver aad Lender covennat and agrce As followa:
<br /> �_-,
<br /> �_� 1. p��� of p��p�.pmt�t end Lato t�a�gc• Eorrower ehuU pay when due �he principal of.and iaterest =_
<br /> �"""�"�� � on,the debt evidenced by the Note fsnd lnte ch�rges due uader the Note. °`-
<br />-`"��`..'"�w� 2. '!a�lY �Pay�t af Te�v.tcis�trat+oa. � �lltes(�ugee. Borrower shall lnctu�e In each monthly PAYment� -
<br /> � together altb the principal aad interest as set foi4h in the Note und any tate c4�tuges,a swa for(a) taaes and e�aal+�l
<br /> ;�, asscss�xnts Ievied or to be levie�i�uinst the Properry. (b) leaseho!d paymento or gcound ren�s on the PropertY. and L
<br /> - � o ..� � (a) Prenaiums for insurance cequlred uader paragraph 4. In nny yeur in which the I.ender must pay a mo�tgage --
<br /> ' � ;nsutartce premi�a�m to the SSCretary of Hausiag and Urban Developnaent ('Svcretary").�r�n anY 9��"�'�ch such _�
<br /> �. pnemium �vould have been requimd if Lender etill held the Securiry Iasmunent, each montbly paYmeat shall also
<br /> ° include either. (i)a sum for the anaual mortguge insurance pre�ntwn to be p a i d by L ea der to the Secrett►rY.or(�1) a
<br /> � m,anthly charge instead of a mortga�e insutaace premiwn iP thie Secudty Insmunent ia held by the Secretary. 1n a :.-
<br /> � rem
<br /> reasouable amount to be determined by the Secrztary. Bsceeyt for the monthly charge by the Secretary. these items
<br />_ � '.. +� are ca;�ed"�scrow Itews"and tt�e su�s paid to I.endee a�e ca!!ed "Esc�ow Fands." ate aznount not to exceed the .
<br />- M �: ,`� , I.e�der suay,at any time.collect and hold amaunts far Escrow Items in an a�re� _
<br /> iT :. �'�� maxiaium amount that may be aequired for BorrovYer's eaccbw sccount under the Reat �state Setdement Procedures
<br /> , .�..,. Act of 1974,12 U.S.C.C�2601 tg„�gq.and icnplemeating ceguladons. 24 CFR Part 33fA.as tiiey mt►Y be ameaded from �,9
<br />°."�'`""� Hme to date("RESPA"D.��Pt � �e cus6ioa or resetve permitted by RESPA for uaanticipated disburseiueats or =
<br /> ;.,�,�����y . disbursements before the Bornower's payaients are availeble in the account ra�y not be based on anaounte due for the _
<br /> • mortgage iflsurance prenaium.
<br />=y•`���" If the amouate held by Lrender for Escrow Items exc.eed ths anwunts Permitted w be held by RESPA. Lender shall
<br /> -� �;:Mr-%. account to Hoaower for the excess funds as required by RESPA. If the amounts oF fuads held 6y Lender at any tinne
<br /> "�'���'"�• � , are aot sufficieat W pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender aor+y nottty ttae Botrower and require Borrov�+er to make
<br />"=�'�`�' � � � ... up th� ehortage as p�nitted by RESPA.
<br />-:'=_�_•:-.�_ � rv �r a11 suma secured by this Se�.-urity InstNmetsi. If�orrower
<br />�.;°�„_w:;,� ° 'i'uaectisiv� Fw�ds arc gt�3g�d��ldfitos�al �ztt3 ,,f-- -- -.
<br />-'-:�;',.;;,�'h ' tenders ta�.ender thz full payment of xit such sums�Sorcower's socount shall be credited with the balance remainiusg
<br />-'�� �...�:.�� for all tnstaliment ie� (a),(b).aad(c)and any�aortgage insurance precaiwa installment that Lender has not beaoat�
<br />'��{�����t'� � ' obliga�ed co pay to ahe.�ecretary,aad I.eader shall pronapdy rePund any eacoess fuads to Borcower. Im�raediately prior
<br />���,, to a fonclosure sele of�tte Property or its acquisitioa by Lender. Borcower's aocount shall be credited wlth any balance _
<br /> �`'"'%�L�� t�ng for ail installments for items ta), (b).and(c).
<br />�=a �..
<br />�.°•°��`Y�=�:'s`;?f_ 3_ ��P1i�i°n °f gYm�te. Ali payments undez puragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied by Lender as follows:
<br />�',=^t���� I�Sri� w the mortgage lnsurauoe pmmium to be paid by I.ender to the Secretary or w the monthly cl�arge bY the
<br />"''°�' �''� � Sec�etary instead of the monthly mortga�e insuraace premium; ..
<br /> -�`�� , S'E • . to any taxes.specia]essessmenta. leasehotd paya�eate or grouad rents, and fire.tlood a��s2ber hazud
<br />'���=�.�:,.:,� l�agurs�nce premiu�as, as recluired:
<br /> -- ._.'.'::"� ,w interest due under the Note;
<br /> --�.�:�� FatfEt � ta;ummnization of the principal of the Nou;ssnd
<br />=—.-.`-° I�H,to l�te;c2surges dne under the Note. .--
<br />�=�,�••� � 4. P"uz.Flott�tmQ OlLer Hsutd Ins�aooc. Bosrower shal�insure all impmvementa on the Ptopei'tY. wt�ether
<br /> --- � uow in e�eisteace or subsequently erested. against any hezarde. casualdes. and condngencies. inciu�tng fuc,f4r ahidi
<br /> a4.- _ - L,ead�r r�ir� insurance. 'Ihis insurnnce shall be maintained in the aiaounts and for the perlods that 1.ender
<br />-,�.-;��;a� � �quirc�. Bortower.sbaU al�o i�sv$e all impmv�anents on the Pcoperty.wh�her aow ia existeaoe or subsequeaily _
<br />'�"`'`� � �• erected,agaias� imss b j Aoods tm the extent required by the Sacretary. All insuranoe strall be cacr���1���A�� --
<br /> __-�---- � �pprssved by Lendes. .37ie insuca�ce policies and any renewals suall be held by Lender aad shall inrhi(�lass puyabl�
<br /> - clauses ia favor of.'arid in a foim aoceptable to. Lender. '
<br /> T�-----= In the event of lass,Bv:rower �'hall give Lec.der immediate rtodce by mail. Lender may make proof of loss n�'atni
<br /> _-. - made FromPUY bY&rzmwer. Bach insueance aompany concemod is hereby authorized and directed W ma�ce F�eez►x
<br />---�-�-_�� for such toss directty 40 lxnder. instead of w Bomower and w L.endes joindy. All or any gart af tbe insUran�oe
<br />--r=��:.:�." mce�da may be a�ptied by Leader. at its opdoa. eit�er(a)to the reduc¢Ioa of the indebteda�s under tha Note and .`; .
<br />=:==;_;�_�:w�� p
<br /> c�� �his Socurity Insuument, fust to aay delinquent amount� applied in the order ia paraBcapb 3,and then to prep�ent
<br />��``� ':��'°�'-�.`?�" of principal, or(b)w the rc�oration or repair of the dawaged PropertY• MY aPDlj�on of the pnooeeds to the
<br /> �=`:;: ',;<� prlacipal sluill not extend or pastpone the dus date of the monthly payinents which at+e refemed ta In paragraph 2.or
<br />�,i _.
<br />-=��':.,-�-_':;. �; , change the anaount off snch payments. Any exce�s insunace pmceeds over an einount required to pay aU outszan
<br />�:.:::_.::_,:- _:v�. � . -
<br /> �. �.,.�.�. indebic�uess 4auder�e Note aad this Secudry Insa�me�t shall bz patd w the endty legally entitle� thereto.
<br /> _W . u
<br />�.�:-...._
<br /> ,":_;:_,�;.;�<�'. Tn the event�f forectosvm of this Securicy Instn�n►eat or other transfer of title to tha Pc�oPertY ��t �xtinguishes ,
<br /> ' ,. t�e �►�!si�todnese. ali right� title and interest of Borrower in aad w insur�nce polioies in force shall P� t� t�;
<br /> - .' . 'h.
<br /> - ' �.� p��y� pcesavsfiofl, MainLmsooe aud Pr�otectlon of ttie PmPeriY: Baemwer's IAau A�;
<br /> =�-,�,� .:} --�� �+ �Lall Mnunv ��i� ����he �v as�orr�wer's nrincipal regidencs w�thin sixty d�Ys
<br /> - �. , - - ;tam�,�o. .r,....e.. ..�.----ca.
<br /> : , :�,.�,.-•. after the execudon of tlils Secudry Iastrument (or witbin sixry days of u latec sale oi transfer of the FroprrtY) aaa sztaii
<br /> n
<br />_ : contiaue to oacupy the Property as Borrower's prl¢cipal residence for nt least one year aRer ttte date of aocupaucy.
<br />� �� �� �t�Prmin�s �hat requireau.�at wlll cause undue bardship for Borrower. or unless extenuatin5
<br />- 'n. 3� ��stances e�cist which ace b�Yoad Borrower's conuol. Honower ehall notify LRnder of a�,y ext�uatiag
<br /> ° 6N6
<br /> �A�HA D�OP TRL'�c Pa e t of 6
<br /> �. D�xw*�1 6ysten.[rc.t60016t9�1J61 �'a
<br /> �
<br />