. .�,,, . ,
<br /> �, � •
<br /> _ '. ... . � ..
<br /> . . .s� .. -. ...—.__ ." '_' :-�'___" _. _—'_ . . . —.- -
<br /> ..v`� � � �e.r , _
<br /> .� .. . �yyrfWMr.G... _ . ., . . .,�_
<br /> . .. � '_... ^' "" _' '... ._. '.�'"".. _..— . I�-�,.
<br /> � I '-
<br /> - - -r.�r�."e;•6tlA."•n�,��'n ot nny actuai ot -�- .
<br /> �"..��- 11. I.�P1ClEB'8 QtIGNT TO C�l�tkE OR O��EKD LGOR�.A a��33.ho eby��nto L�u d�'n��nttornoy�ln•tnct to cormm�nto.IntaN�no in.cm� ��._
<br /> �� thteatnstcd nC.t�n,tult,ar cth^r GroceeAtn(�nitoctlrts�the Property a�co or cntito ci+y cl,Im or eontrovoroy rlolr+inp iharato Lcndar chn,i►rot►�o Ilab!o to i-
<br /> d� dofcnd euoh eettons.Quite,or alher tegal prt,a�dn o��nd mo¢stpr t=_
<br /> _T=_ �����:__�_,,.Y,,vrar,�ustr;�.orrd��:an oT�l�y�S�rl'.:nin to tl�o��lo���d�o hna�Pa,� �or nny�larn:g�a rosulttr�p thaTotrom. Noiht�g �� �,
<br /> �. �.�`,:
<br /> camzrs^d here!n�r17 Prevcnt londer h�i��t�Sdn9��"' -
<br /> 12,iMDF.11A�t1�1CA��. �a°r a��i1 rtnt assuma er0a responalhto for the pedatmsnco 01 nny ot�rnntor'a ubtlq�tian��vilh ro�p:ot to tha PropcAy und�r •� I•�=:;:.
<br /> eny circutnstnneoa C�.rentor ehn!t tmma�!ntety pravldo Lcsn�kr�evi�h wfnen nalica ot nnd Indamnlry nrtd hotd Lend�r and It�chnrcholdore,dlrectera,of(ieao, , Y_
<br /> �yai Ntd aQoiRn haminss tram u'1 atairns.dam�gc�,��et�!'�Iles(lnc'in tudng�butirut Iimltcd o!�ho�o irv o;vinp P�r�nrdnu�Matc Iids)110 ant r�upnn � � ._
<br /> . � # a1Mr Ngd Pror���S��wmut�tively'Clit{m►)PEKutn'rtg toRto Froix►q�( xpc �
<br /> oartr�ion t`eesew��T�{;�tt�tctt�m ti�,ts,len�rdch bo c�itl�d o cr�oyl�lto an�d Saita�nsofneoyd�lond�e uh Cl�ilm�nt QmnloVa eosst�Ortin ot's � t°,• '
<br /> . � �� nhslgrtion to Indennity Len�undar lhis pamgmpte Btuzil sunMra tno temin�rton.roleaso or taredocuro ot thi��ec�d of Tn�s� . _ -
<br /> . : -- -°--...u�,.�,�,�nnd�+�t•�*tmanter�lai{�gtoPropnrtywhana�on�aO1,+�a�taly�c�nn�u�alr�nsur�an� � --
<br />�•;.;,.� 49.��EB AI�IT1RSbC�31f1Ci��o.�aim�m�.�.� -.._ . +, ... .. .,-
<br /> , ...._ -° . .
<br /> ^,-°�_�t o!payrnent o1 iarns• l±po�!the raquost�I hndet!•���Bh�����1 ie��°o�It.�iheso,lirtbunte 811a1)b3 nppllsd to tha pa M oi taxos,
<br />,-,.,y,•�:��'q�, 7 �@}HUm I8XB9 LO�o asabaT�a"'.°�^"'. - ' �y,ihe e�rom oi aerau!r.LBM�Ci on�i iraw ii A 7:tpd.ES!Y'=�n ne°I�rt;t0 R!�4 ih4�3 60 hCld t0 -
<br /> z� assersments snd insurance as requlred an t�o PropeAy. led in rovareo order ot tho duo d�to tharooT. _
<br /> ., g PaY�Y�s o►egai�t iRo Obltgailor►s. Any tunds ep�iledmay�at Lortder'a ap�fon,bo nAP�
<br /> � � elnin to tha PropariY trom tlma 1°1�►• �or shafl provl arry assistenee
<br /> •^ � t�. tNSDEC719N OF PFt�ERTY�SOOi(9.RECORDS Ah1A iiEP4iiY�. Qranta shall alia:i Lcn�r ar Its e�Ma to exarrine and inspoet tho Proporty
<br /> �se
<br /> cnd exem�ne.inspeet�m�fcs�coptes ol arantor's bootaarsd raoords R:rt 9 _
<br /> ' ' raquircd b lrender for ihs:.�purposss. {Ui ot tin si aturs cn!lntarn��lon conteinod In Qranta�e bookn and maorda shNl�o genuino.truo,accurate an
<br /> f Grsn�to��h�Il�rotpeo%eln a t�isf�aetotY t ttand�r,susA N oom�°n as Lenc(or�mayretit�est rcgardeg Ciremo s Mortc!e!eon�lton ort i�e ProPertY�n�h °
<br /> ,. � ` Info�mation stvr'i be tor s�a to 9�tandrir►shail bo truet�eocurate and e�or�ptete In eit re6specbe r�����by�raMf o�Le��r r�uod is�y�stgnate. Ail
<br /> _ °� . IntorrretbntumfsF�edbY
<br /> � ' est 6 L,ender.tiraetw sha�de�Yat to Lender.or en�teRended transferoe ot lender's --
<br /> 7���Qpp�,���A'�Eg,Withtn ten(10)days arter eny re�► y to tha Ob►Igstions and,if cn.tho nature at Guch datrta,dstonses.cet-otte or `
<br /> � . �ta x�ith respect to the 06i�s.a signed artd acWwwtcs�gad statemetst spediytn (e)the autst,^,rssEng 6slanoe�n he ObligaUons:and(b)whethe► --
<br /> • •'�.".,� Cirantar possaasea eny dalms.detenses.set�Na or aouMerdairt�s wlth resAsct
<br /> . . � courrtetdams. (irartor wtil ba°o�i°sirery bound by any►�e�����n�r�y�to the Ir►ist+ded transterea wrih respect to iheso mattere In
<br />- .y:,`
<br /> ihe evnnt that tirarrtor latla to provtd3 the requested sta4em3rt in a Umsty manner. �
<br /> .,•,.y,Y ._
<br /> td. OEFAULT.CraMor sha0 be��def�wn under thls Qeed et Trust and the Tnisteoe po+we►8�8����°����n the evem tt�at�raraor, awer
<br />-,;„r_�.�� any g�ararRor ot 1he 0bligatlons: --
<br /> ::r:„ .... (a)tatts ta pay any ObUgatton to L�der when dio: os oovenazrt to Lender ooMatnmd In thls Deed of Trus1 a any other presem w tutute
<br />.,:`i:u' (b) (afls to partortn anY OW�lon or 6reachus any wanentY
<br /> agreema+n; in� �e���y or u6Secta the Properiy to ceizure.oontlscatfon,or condermetlon;
<br />,_��;,�:'� ' (o) destroys.bses or darregea the ProPe►h► Y to Lender.
<br />-,..:r"•" (d) see7ca to rewke.teminata ar othenxtse Umlt its Uadiity urtder enY 9uara�!►
<br />•. 7-s. ' (e) �es.6eoomes�e9a►Y�noortpeteM.is�ssdved a temiinated.��a has�m�at�atY�Petit3o�n i�n�f��'�Y�l�ed in whi Qranut�sBarower
<br /> �`"'� � dehts as 1heY beoon�e dua.files a pellflon urad�rthelecferel banlvupteY
<br /> t��,�.x�am�lt��!+!�o!court: or use of whici�,is�'�i: ,
<br /> _: or gttaratna►is ttarned.e►Fias F�oPmv _.__.
<br />-.,:;;J;,_-� (��j�8oads to be used.transported or sta�ad anthe�roparty.l7►e Pesses�� w�fthan the wdtten oonsent of Leader,or
<br />=°.:r�.�4�� (g1 �s ar�y�arty°tt�than Cirentar ar Borro�nreru ar�sume or underteke arry 19�� faith.tor eny�son.beli�ves
<br /> --- - (h) eauses isndar to deom Itself Insoarre duo to a dgniiMar►t dedino In ttie value of the Prope�ty:or it Lerider.in 9ood
<br />_:-����'°"� lhaitheprospedofpaymemwpeKomianoe�9�►�aVed.
<br /> =z��
<br /> �.-��zya'�
<br /> 17. R1GHT3 GF LENDEW CN DEFAULT. If Yr�ra ts a daf2Wt uncbr thia Deed of Tcu:4l.ender sAatl be e►rtftled to exett3se one ar more of the tdlaMftnB
<br />.-;n.=4�,:�;.:�'ifi%� mmesHeswithoutrtoticoordurtiettd(exaep�asrequir�tr/la�+).
<br />:��vr::r�,. (8)tO deda►e the Obli�ta►9 imTle�BtelY dtse 9nttpayabl9 tn tu11;
<br /> .,—t„r , (b)to cdieet the outsian�Yn9 ObIlSarions wtth orat�resorUrt9 to jue�dai pc000ss�
<br /> . rsona!pmperiy or Chattots oonstltuti�9 the Propertp a1 a ptaae reasw�tY
<br /> -x�_�._,�s,�. (o) to req�ire tiranta to delhrer and maice av�i.9hle to l,ond3r eny p9
<br /> - a o m r o ntent to Ciramor snd Landar: t o r o r a b m i n t n g tha e p p otrmnem ot a recefver and.at'tandEx's op¢1on.to
<br /> n x
<br />—=_-�;':��. (d� to errter upon and taka Posse s s i o^0 4 e ha�a p e r i Y w f t h o u t e P P��9 � statutory oo n d dona rt�c�3 t i 9
<br /> -- '���' appoirR a reoeiu�wlthout hoted.without flrsl�tinglr�9 suit on the Obltgatlons end without ott�eiwiss rt�'+��. Y ,.
<br /> — �eaelyeta,(t beUig irrte�►ded Uiat Lendor shall lr�ve�ds eontracWal tl�t to ePPam a reoehrer, '
<br />------ , � ,(8)ro errP►oY a rtrarts�n9 agent oi the Propeny end�eR tha same.ehher in Tnistee's a�xn name.In the nema�f LeAder s end eeiq�enses,on acoourt o
<br /> ,� . �reoelva iho roms�Inoomes.IBsues and profrts ot the Propedy and aPP�Y the sait�.efter pal+ment of ait neoessary chargc� ,:+-:,
<br />__:a._�e.�� ��;t[tpC�IBattcps� ' . ,t. �
<br /> - f4 to p�Y�Y�in arry tartn or manner tteamede�edierd by Lender to proteet U►e securttl'of thts Deed of Tn�st or to cure amr detauri other thsn
<br /> _ - PaYmer�t ot inlarest or PdndAat an the Obilg�t}o�;
<br /> ---= - (g)to toredaa�tF►ia Deed of Tmst judclai•Y dt non�iwalhr and to�9rec1 the 3ala ot the property ti'►rough exerdse ot the powar of sate as refera�'�cbd fn
<br /> _ _,�`� p�ra�pti 20 hereof In aocoorQanoo a�i�sAp��e
<br />- �------- (h)to set-0ft Cirantois ObligaUons egainst any rmaurAS owad Qrartor by Lender tnctuding,but not f(mRed to,mon.b^w instrurtrirrts.end daposi►
<br /> - -- a000urts mai�alned wMh Le�er w em eunenttY e�dsttngor tuture eHiliffie of Lander,and
<br /> . � (h to exerdse eil other d�te avaitabie to Lender under any�ther written agreemaM or aPPA�th�ovont that Lsnder ins1lditss an ectien s+B�Idng the
<br /> -- -- L e n d e rs�i�ts�curtulatNe and may be exerdsed together• �sop�M�rt�n s t G r a n tm,Qrar►tor wahres the P o s t i n g of ar►y bond whtch�
<br /> reoovety ot any ot tha P►oPerty by weY ot a tueAidgnsnt rerr�dy► �. Prooeeds of any Trusteo s sele hereunder shall be
<br /> - -- oyhe�wlse be►e4ufred. LendBr or�endePa desi�se may qud�ese the Properry�erry ►R of the Trustee's feea aetuelty Incurted and not to
<br /> --- - flrstl to the aosts mnd expenses of exerdslng tho pawer of salo end of the sate.in�lud�ng��a��ons seoured harabY.tt►ird to tl�e paymert of�u�or
<br /> ---_ - otcreed the amowit whtet►rtsay bo provtded tor in th[s Dead ot Trust.eeoond to PaY� thereoT may
<br /> -- --���. trust deeds��s.or othat Ilatihdders.and 4�e baanoe,if any.to the person or persans��nGS+��rrtitied t�ereto. The{xopertll or,�P�
<br /> ,:;r;��i�� be sold In ono er in suct���rtr3nnner or otd3r aa Londeis so d or tha 9bitgations�ere';patct in tulire or more exercisos of ttio sr herein gran4ed
<br /> rtn
<br /> },t��� shaJl nm e�fiF�'ishor e�aust 1he pawer unt_ss tha e�ire proPerry
<br /> 'u�?'�' tg,TpiigTEE'8 FXERCIS�QF.PCYYER OF gALE ON OFFAULT: If Lertder aiocte to soll Gra►dot's irrterest fn�the Properiy tyY exardse of thn�o+fr�ot
<br /> s.. .` �: , .
<br /> ,���� >,.-•. . ssie hareln oordatned.Lende�shal{nolily Trustso in themarmar then requt[ed by l3iw. _
<br />_ . ...c.::.': -
<br />�,'.,',;.,t...�u,�%,' Upon re�eSpt of such notioa o!lkmmdet I�red b i taw a�nd�tMs Oeed of Tn��Tncst9e shail only atlh�rection of Le dor c�+nd witho�trr.nd on C�r�m�t -
<br />.�,.1:�,.:�;:��r�;,� end noUoos of sete as may thon be requ �;,.°
<br />-._:4�.,.3A t,.,..� efter sueh tlme as rtrfy then bA re�tre��Ysaa fiueed byt In�ae of sale,�hho i��adNt�noU°lats or�ara:a o�er�es Lend�er�shafl�@sem
<br /> �i.� �
<br /> „ k,`. setl the P��ty ei tho tirr�a and ptaee ��qion to the highesi�addur far cash tn lav i mcnsy of 1he United Smtes payabte at tfta 11�of
<br /> ��1:��� o rtt,and in sueh ordar as ft May dotertrdma,al Pua1
<br /> e,or as othenarise maY thar►6e�N��tiN�w. TNStee shdl delNer to suchopt Irch��aThp+���a in sudip� e1 Yd�te aT��chat►�9 ,
<br />:_�_ comeyirtg the.p�O�a��f►��1���r n}.��r�u�� a�'�Ii�on.arartor�Trust�e o�Lertde�.�y P��a����°�e.Ttustae may
<br /> ` .�........_,�_.-
<br /> .^ ��;-_r. In th�nm aet Provided bY taw Past��e saie ot ell or etry I�oruQn ot mB rroperis• _
<br /> '.N':�.. '. ti _.
<br /> � � ,.! 19 RE4iiESY�R 1'InIICE&Qrentor ceq�esta thata eopy of erry nottoe a�default and a wpy of arry notico of sale hereundar ba rta"�to c�Rgrson
<br /> � 6ad�ibeen�bY eaoh sud►aP�n ot such person setiorth harotn at tho Bana Ume and In tBe sam9 manner reqitircsd es though a s�p�vato roquest thoreof
<br /> ., o,
<br /> ' . �r
<br /> U .
<br />. Plpa9a10
<br /> aEOOrc ae�.�2an
<br />