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<br /> (e)' qN applle�4lo laws and regulations,inctuc�rt8,wrihaul�Imitstion,tho AmoAcana�vith Olaabflitln3 A�1,42 U.S.G. 3actfon�2101 et sec�.(ertd c�E �y:
<br /> regutmiona promulSated thoreundor)end eli zoning and bullding la�va and regutnllons rolating to�ho Pray�ny by virtuo of any ic6eral,stat�or rnactc��sl
<br /> mModty wNh judsdldlon ovor tho Prop:riy,proacmly aro und aheJl b�obscrvcd and compltcd nitP�h NI matarit�respeeto,¢nd�II dghta. �eenttea,
<br /> - por�rita.c�nd ulrlitleatoa ol ocxu�ancy pn Qmn�1�n�I��?0d��to tho uco andgoe�u�p�ney af���Pray.:rtypooan ly a o ond�ohntl rb3�oq nEd, -
<br /> nyprovnla),wh4thor tortporary or pomian
<br /> .� praseNSd and,wharo necoaaery,ronov�ad; ,-
<br /> (d) Grnntor has tho dgfit end�a duly authodzod to oxocuto c+nd porform 8a Ob!!gationa undor thia Qocd af Tniai end thoso edlann do rtot and�h�li mt
<br /> - ��, " oonitkt w(th tho praNciana at any sLntWe,ragulation,ordinenoo,ruio ot Isw,centract or othor egUCemcnt aih!ch may b�birtding cn arantar at enYArTrtt�:
<br /> —'— -.__�_�_.. ►.su►.e.�n��r threataned whlch mt�t matodaGY oHect thA Praycrty:and _..-_..���tt�e�1x»rtet Iimlt�dto. ..o
<br /> (0) I�0 QG110J1 Ot p7uuce�uy w...0..�.--�- . ..
<br /> � iha��oem 0 H �azardoeuda Matodels��i fifeh mtgMymaterletly a ect tha Proporry or LEmda�right�or lrttorosi in th ProPo�Y Pursuanl�o Ih{o Da�ed ot =°
<br /> ' Trust.
<br /> ;�„-.;;;;�''= 9. PRIOR DBEDti OF TRU8T. Cirarrtor ropreserrts and v�arrants that there are no prlor d�eds of trust aHxllng eny part o}1ho Proac�rty oxccpt as e�1 kAh �
<br /> _ , :,,.�. on 3cheduto B ettached to this Oosd of Trust,which tirantor agreos to pay end porbrm in s tUer�ly rtanner. It thore ere sny prtor d¢cd�ot wsst V�en �
<br /> preMor agreeo to pay all amourrts owed,end pbdorm eJi ob,9gatlons requlrer!„urtdar such deeds of Vuat and the indebtednoss eewred thereby end fe�rfner .•
<br /> ° �rein or�in the�CdlSattons to whl�oh Len d er wou l d b s e n t i t l e d In�t f h e e v e nt�o t�a n y o t h e r d e f a u l 4��hzlf¢miue Lsnder to ail dghts and rFme�o3 wMr�i�ed �.��.
<br /> , ..-
<br /> r ��'.
<br /> 4.TRANSFERS QF THE PROPERTY OR BF.�lFF(CIAL INTERESTS IN GR��in�i dRu1Q A�oT eny Imeerest�i reln a of a�ll oreayirey�ber���a! �s
<br /> � : corrtrad for deed or ttensfer to any person at all or any part of the real propertY p
<br /> i [merest in BortoVrer or 4rantor(H Borrower or Cirantor is nol e naturai��n�r�persor�kwt is��t}rpo��a�a�xuad Ime�rmest th�n�ir�clla ht�Y�.00 end �;-
<br /> other ta�i anliiYl.i.i���Tny.6i iw vFL''vi�dC�i,fein b'io'v:stsfo+�tL'.'i$ �-
<br /> � payable. At Le nde r s requ e s t.C i r a r rt o r o r B orrower,as�he ease rrray be, all f�m�h a°or�eto almtomoM setting forth eti of its statdioidera.rvoertA�irre,or
<br /> ,r�, �2([fl@1g,ss appnptiate,and tha exteM of ihelr reapedhre owne►ship intereats. ��_
<br /> �� 6, i48SltiNI��N'i OF REl�iTB. In wnsideratlon af the Obllgationa,which are seeured by this Ooed of Trust.Qromet ebsoluRely assi}7ns to tsrir,ler al! �
<br /> qrarttors esiete.dghi,tftla,Irttarest,dalm snd demand now owned or hereafler s�efred in ali exisUng and future ieasos ot 1hs ProPori�,{(Inr�ludn9 � ,
<br /> . . '`:"''�`' extensions.reneweis and subteases2,ali agreertx�nts(or use and oauPaneY of the P►oper►Y(ai!suzh loases mid ugrear�nta tivhether wrlttar or oral,are �._
<br /> . ';•�'�;;f;'�i� hereafter refenad ta as the'LeaseE),and allguaramies of�easees'pertom�ance under the Leasos,tog�ther wdh the immadlata and aunlr�z;Gh7 �9�lo .,_;.:
<br /> cd�ect end rooelve all ot the reMs,incoma,reee�pts revenues,Isaues,profils and mher inc�ms ot ar►y�atu*e now or hereaftar d�('.nd��c9rtA�L haetre of
<br /> � any nawrs eoming due dudng any rodempdon per�odY under the Leases or hom or edstng out ot lhe Property Inclumng mlrJmum r�ms,additlw�i3 rema.
<br /> �eroenmge rerrts.ParMng or cattron able un�de�r any p�oliqr of butlournarice�oove ng bss d nts�re�uding iromeuMe an�tebflit�jr cA+�sed by�'e�sYU��O9 �'
<br /> ' detauft In an Lssse.all Proceads Pay de�red tram the
<br /> ����e propeny,al�prooeeds payable as a resuR of a lessue's exerdse of an apllon to psirchase the Property FJI�ds _
<br /> termination ar rejeetton of any Loase�n e banlauPtoY ar other insolvencypraoeedin8.end e11�ooe�da tr°m any d9Ms and�Jaima ot any Wrtd vlhkh�'iremor _
<br /> may havea�(nst arry lossee under the Leases or any oocuPar►ts of the Prop�ny(eli ot the ebove aro trreafter wt!sqivery reterred to as the"ReNS").1his
<br /> essignment 1a subject to the dgM,power end authortty gt++en tb the Lendsr io aoNect an�d epP�y�dR�o u�n8ho�e�w�n6g of t�hl�s Oeed�f T����I as
<br /> appticable etate iaw:the Ilen ereated by this asaignmerrt is irrtendod to be sped6o,po eeted �f ti Deed of Truat,Ler�grents
<br /> t provtded by appilcabls etate Iaw as amendad trom tlme to 11rre. As�ong ea there la no dotautt urtstar tha pa ono ar thls
<br /> 3ranta a revocable Iloense to colleot elt Flerrta hem ihe Leasea when dua end to ueo such proa�de M ar�udo�o 6uolnoaa o�onn. Ha7evn, Lendor
<br /> _� � trey at any tlrtw require Cirentor to deposdt ail Rer�tLendet may at hta oRtlon�telce p�Oaa�aston of tho Prapsnfl nnd have,ho Q,m.oUpon doaa�en opo�ratyi ihe
<br /> ` � ot.or in tha perterrrenee ot.any of the Obtigatlone, to oollsct and rooeNe aii RerAS from 1ho aaport�.er� t+�d�r
<br /> - §:." ,r�. ` propuly on tertn and ior a period af ircre iitat iroit��:ss�F'aFK. �-"s�°1 s°�" �'°d
<br /> shett heve MI power to mFilce alteratione,renovattona,ropalr�or reqaoemenis to the PropeAfr a�LAr'�dar maY deem propor. i�er�or rtu � i�p r�i��m i��
<br />;.. � und�P�sol0 dl�areUa�to payment at the Oblipatlone er to the paymeM of the aost ot such alterai'crcie,ratovallont.IQ�lilfs 9IId fC�BCEiPO[)NS�Jld 8�y
<br /> ' � p►a�peny ProPeriy�nsurod��d rey�sohe gs�y texes h�gea,�dai�rrm�a�sa�neMe and ot�r I»a�s w�tdch m�ayt�eoaua Tho�e�en�ao e�rtd�t of Uiese
<br />- � •;'-a°�° . aetione may be d trom the Rerrta reoeNad,end eny unpaid amour�e ehufi be a�ded to tha prtrr,lp3i o!the Obitgattane. Thaso artnuntn,togqtt�a with
<br />:.�.s:;_.,...
<br /> a other�sts,ahal Yecame part of 1h0 OW�SaUona secured bythls Oeed of Trust.
<br />-�_� �s`..��"• ' E. U$E AND MAlNTENANCE OF PROPERTY. Cirantor shatl mke atl acUona and ngks erry reca3ro nsed�d to maintain iho ProportY�n gvod cranddon.
<br /> _';�;.:. :_ Cirantor shall not oomrtit or pertNt any v�aste to be oemrNtted wlth respect to tho Property t�rurtot shsli uso the P solely in corv�pE�tnaa with
<br /> - ,:�;.� ,,�� app,tcable law end Insurenoe Rofidea. Cirentor shell not mairoarry eite�0lons,adeitlons a 1rtpro vertnnta to 1Re Proporiy rr out l�►ders prY�r wrltten
<br /> .,�,^�.. " oonse�. Wnhout iimitlng tho foregofng,ali aiterattone,edddons e n d irtprovert+ems made tothe P ropariY sha:t bs sub y s c 2 to trtu bertefldal t�tcrestt+ola�ng
<br /> �-. ,.��. to Lender.ehell not be rertaved wfthout Lendera Pdorwritten oonsent.end chall bs mado et Q►aMO�s sois oxpar�se.
<br /> • 7. LOSS OR OAMAGE.Qrantor shall bear the erdire dskof any losa.thoft.doeguellon ordarrgga(amita�c�y loss or Dmi�a 7 to tha�rr.�.�ty or e.ny
<br />�;i� .�1' ' st the optlon ofi�.�end0r.repair ih�etPacted Properry to its
<br />,i�_ _.:s:,� partion thereof from any awse whatsoever. In the evert ot eny Loss or Darteags.Cirarrtor shali,
<br />___�_�.s�:.�r� prevEoue aon�clon or pay or eause to be pald to Lender the decrease In the(eir rtarketvafue of the efieasd°ro�nY•
<br /> 3=!��-'��',� nst e11 hazerds indud iaas or dartiaSecauted by .
<br /> S. INSURANCE The PropertY will be kept tnsured tor Hs full Insurable vatua(reptaoernant oost)eSai �9
<br />-"—�"_c"•�'=`� flood,earthquatoa,tomado and flre,iheft ot other easualry to the exteM requtred bY Lender• OraMOr may obtaln inc�[renoo or+the Pco�orty t�rom sud�
<br />�-..`-;=�,_,�� oorrpanies as are aeooptabla to Lender in fts saie discreUon. Tha insureme polides shati require the insuranae eortpan9 to Ravkla Lender v,rith at least .
<br /> =„„���.� 3 p . daye wdttsn noUae bafore such po[ides are aitered or canoalled ham�rr�anner. The insuranoe polides sTa14 riarre 1,st�dx i� �
<br />"^��- -- an �rcv thaf no aot or omtsston of tirentar or any other ►son eheil aifect ihe dgln of Lander to be peid the tnsuranoo praoeeda PQ*� 9
<br /> _;=_�'� ss or damape of the Property, in the eveM 3rantor fails io aoqu�or mair�tsln insurence,Lender(atter ptoviding notiee ea ma�ybe requlrod taw)may
<br />-` - " �s�ai�bed In tt ep'R IMBURSE�AAED T OFR�OUNTS EXPEtJDED BY LEND Re Insurano h�dese�au�ed he8reb�y.are,rrtar sha�ll�tumi�eh�der wf h
<br /> .`��`;,�r e�vtdenoa of insuranoo Indicsitn9 ihe re4uired oovetage. Lendet may aG as enom y-t� n•fficlrrt drawn by any i�r�er. M eu�inauran�oo�pol�idas shail he
<br /> °`:�;�,��=.' �idea,eanoelling eny policy or endo►sing arantors nars�e on any draft or negmiabt s. In the everrt of loss.Cirantor s�:all lrm�ately�v+o Leneier
<br /> ��,�;.j,,jt mrtre�ateIy asslgned,pedgad and deilverec!to Lsnder as further security tor the Gdig�b���rected to make ms dredh to L.crider leatead of to
<br /> written not(oe and Lender is euthorizeci to make proof af Ioss. Each ineursnaee�par�
<br /> ;1;�::�;„�.y, �nder and Grentor. Lander ehall have tha dgM.at fts cola op�ort,to appty such moniea towFUd the Obl! ons ot towarr t�e wat ot r�tu?iding erid
<br /> ..��,.-� qn artpunts rtray ai Lenders opUon be appUed In tho inverse orderof the due dates thereof.
<br />�., ressadng tha ProperiY• Y
<br />�,._.�i�;:k•�
<br />":"�!��►^�-��. • d. ZCNIN�AND PRiYATE COVEt�1ANT8. Grantor ehall not Inkiate or aonr>eM to anY dien (n the zoNng p r o v ia lons or p r N e 2o eov c�rt e rt b d t a e tl n p the
<br /> h�
<br />- ' '-*�. use of the Property wfthout Lenders prtor v�n consem. it Granto�s use ot ttee Preporty mea�nonoordomdng uso urtder arry zmnirg p'orlston,
<br /> .''��t' Qrsr�tm shall not cause or permit such use to be cDsoortlinued or ebandoned wqhout tho pAor writtan conseM of Lender.C3rantor wili imrt�edetefy povtde
<br /> . ��?- - - Lendar wtih wrftton noUoa of eny PmPcsed charrges to the zonk�g provt�ons or pdvate oovenarrts aHeding tha PropeAy.
<br /> . �� 10. CONOF�IATiON. Qrantor ohali Irtrr�adiateh�ProNde Lender with vrrhlan mUce of arry ectuat ar tlueatened aatdam�ation ar mr.�inonl domaN
<br /> � n9 pertalning to the Properry. AII moniea pa able to Ciranto�from such oondamnalion ar��at teo�in conrtyaeti�o n�tthe n�eortde�mdiaticn o a�rtem
<br /> ,�, rst to tha paymenl°�d�n,�e o p U o n o L e n d e r.to N e p a y m e r�t�of�a�0 1�i 9 a t l o n s o����n or repair of thu P4+cpeA�t.
<br /> : � domalrt P►ooac�Jf Bg
<br /> - � _�
<br /> _ �, "
<br /> ;
<br /> ., . ?
<br /> ..�•
<br /> ` 'i;`:
<br />_ ' • NEDOTB Rev.t?fJ/ Ppp2d6
<br /> -
<br /> ��-•.
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