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<br /> puyments may tto longer be r+equired,ut the optlon of 4ender, if tttOrt€a�C I�tsiiit"ucic CC.i'a.1�$C(�fi t��S1�Jtlilt aii�fAf 1I10�ETIRII � _
<br /> thnt Lender requtre..w)provided by nn insurer npproved by I.ender u�nin becomes availuble and is obtnined.Borrower ahail pay Qti,l �
<br /> tite p+entiums rrquirei4 eo m�eintnin mortg�o insumrtce{n effeet,or to provide n loss teserve,until the reqairement far mortQa�e �
<br /> ia�umnce ends in uccordnnc�witri nny wdtten ag�cement betwcen Borrower mnd Lender nr applicnbie law. �
<br /> 9. Inspectlon.Lender or ita ageat moy mnke reasonnble entdes ugon and inspections of the Property.I..ender shnll gtve �
<br /> �.��We*nn:tce nt the tlme of or odor to an insvection sRecifying re,�nnable cause far the Mrpection. � _
<br /> 10. Condemnatton.The proceeda of any uward or el�im for dcu�wgex.direct or canscqucnti:il. ic�cannecuau�vriss�any [--+ �
<br /> condemnAdon or other taking of any part of the Property.or for conveyAnce in lieu of condemnution,are heretiy assigned and ��
<br /> shall be p�id to Lender.
<br /> In the event of a total taIcta�of the Pcoperty.We proceeds shall be applied w the sums sQCUred by this Securiry Imtrument.
<br /> ...L,,.�.,r _ .,,...w_..a.._ ..a.w. a ..vi.1 e,.p....v,wnr t�rhP P�pnr nf u aartial takina of the Property in which tiie&iir
<br /> ....ww. ..:.....w........... ...«...:'v�°�°_- r-� -- --'•
<br /> market valae of the Property immediately before the taking is equal to or greater than tha amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> Security Inshvment immEdlately before the taking.untess Borrower and Lender ottterwiso agre�in wridng.the sums sxured by
<br /> this Security Instrument shall be reduoed by We amount of the proceeds mWtlplIad by the following fractian: (a)the wtal
<br /> amovnt of the sums secured immediately before the taldng,divtded by(b) the fair market v�lue of the Property iYnmediately
<br /> before the taIdag. Any balence sftall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial talcing of the Property in which the fnit
<br /> market value of the Prnparty immediately before the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured immedintely before the
<br /> talcinp,unless BorroNer aad Lender otherwise agree in wdtin�or unless epplicable law o�erwi�se provides,thcs procceds shall
<br /> be a�+�+ia�ti to the sums secured by thls Security Instrument wh�3her ar not the sums are then due. _
<br /> �f¢Ae Property is abaadoned by Borrower.or if,after notioe by Lendea to Bormwer Wut the condemnor offers to m�ke an
<br /> award or settle a clnim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lendea� within 30 days after the date the notice ls g�ven,
<br /> Lendtr is aiathorizr�d to wllect and apply the pruae�ds.at its oPtion,either t�restoration or repair of the Property or tothe sams
<br /> se��y this Secudty Insuvment,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless ixuder aad Borrower otherwise agree in wrlting, any applic�tion of pra�ads to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due ciate of the montlily payments referred to in paragrapl�s 1 end 2 or change Qt�e amount of such paymeuta•
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Released;ForbearnrrcP]�y Lender Not a Wafver.Extension of the time for gayment or modiCicntion
<br /> of amorti�at�on of the sums secured by tdis Serurity Inst►ument�ranted by Lender to any successor in i¢eserest of Borrower shall
<br /> nat operate to release the liability of the odginal Bareower or Borcuwer's succ�sors in iczerest.Lender shall not be require�w
<br /> oommence proceedings against any successor in interest or refiase to extend dme for payn:ent or otherwIse modify amarei�ation
<br /> of the sums secured by titis Secnrity Insuument by reason of any demand made by the origina{ Borrower or Eoraower°s
<br /> � successors in i�erest. Any fo�ce by Lender ia exercislag any right or remedy shaii not be a waivcr oi ur�.itite t�
<br /> exercise of any right ar nemedy. .
<br /> , 12. SuooPS.sors oad Assigns Boundi doint and Severaf Uabliityt C�igners. The covenaats u�ed ags�eetnents of this :;,:
<br /> �eCU�ityr Insuument shail bind and benefit the suocessois aad assigns af L.ender and Bo�ower, subject to ttie psovi�ions of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's oovenants and agreements shaU 6e joint and several. Any �;�ower who oo-si�s t�.Security
<br /> InsWment bui does nat eaecute the Note:(a) Is co-signing this Secwity Inatiument oNy�4o mort�age.grant and coavey that
<br /> � • Bommver's interest in the Property under the terms of this Seauiry Instniment;(b)ts not personally qbligate�to puy the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Tnsuument;and(c)agrees that i.ender and any other Borrower may agree w exe�nd,uto�ify,fosi�ear or
<br /> make twy aaoommodadons wIth regard ta the terms of thls Sewrity Insuument or the Nota v�tthout thut Bortower's ran�ent.
<br /> 13.Loan Chmtges.If the loan secured by this Securiry Insuument is subjed to a Ia+v wtuch sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> and d►at law is firwlly imerpreted so that the interest or other loan c6arges coUec�d or to be coUetted in oonnection with the ,
<br /> loan exceed tho permitted limits.then:(a)anY sach loan charge shall be reduoed by ttce aruount necessary to�duce the charge •.
<br /> to the permitted limit;aad(b)anY sums already collectad from Borrower,�which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to
<br /> Borrower. Gender may choose w maalcee this tefund bY �educing the principal owed wtder the Note or by msrking a direct
<br /> payment to Bomovrer. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated 'as a pa{tial prepayment witItout any
<br /> prepayment cLatge under the Note.
<br /> � ' 14.Nottces.Any norice to Bornower prov9ded for in tLis Se�vrity Ios3n►ment shaU be glven by dEiivering tt or by mailing
<br /> it by fust class mail unless appltcable law req,uires use of another meihod: �e nodce shaU be direu�ecl io the Prop�etty Addr�ss
<br /> or any other eddress Bomower deslgaates by notloe to I,ender. Any nvdce w Lender shall be gtven by firat slass mait to
<br /> Leuder's address statad henein or any other addrass Lender designaces by notice W Borrovrer. Any norice provided for in tbis �
<br /> Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Bornower or Lender when given as provided in this para�sph.
<br /> 15.Governfng I.aw; Severabi![ty. This SECUrlty Instiume�u shail be govem�d by federal law and the law of th� •
<br /> jurisdicdon in which the Property is located. tn the event that any provision cr claus�of•this 5ecurity Instrument ar the Nota .;.;,,
<br /> confiictn with epplicable law,such oonflict shali not affect other provisions of this Security dnshument or the Note whicb c�n be
<br /> given effect without the oonflic4iag provision.To this ead the provisions of th[s Secvrity I�stnvnent and the Note are deClazed
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> � 16.Borrowver's Copy.Borrower shall be givea one oonformed oopy of the Note and of this Secut3ty InsuvmenG
<br /> � Fon�,soza 9�sa.
<br /> - . �eaae
<br />