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Berrev�er'e l�I�ht t� Retnetafe. t1 13orrower maeta oortntn aondltlono, Borrowor anan hAVO th0 tlght t0 havo �;�; <br /> ,s�:- <br /> • cntorCCmEnt of th13 Securlty lnatrumenf dl;laontMuod at ariy ltme prlor to tho oaritor of, (n)6 doyo(or auch othcr period oo npplbnbto � �` ; <br /> law mey epvcHy tor rolnatcltBment) betore sate ol ihi►Proporty purouant to nny powor ot aab oonlninod In this Scrow�ity �nntrumcnt;or <br /> (b)antry ot a judpmt3nt Cntorolnp thia &ccurily Inotrumcr�i. 7hvuo aonditlons nro that Borrowor: (ot pays Lendor uil auma whbh thon � <br /> ..��. <br /> would be duo w�dcr thl� Securtty Inatrumont and tho Noto as If no acaoloratton had ocaurcod;(b) ouros any dofuutt ot any othct :,� <br /> cov�nant or ngrocment6; cc1 �rs eo oxaonsos Inourted In ontorotrtp this St3ourity�nstrument, inoUding,but not Iim(ted to, r838orttlbb �;_�; <br /> '' `- attomeye'tees;an0(d)Wkoa suoh ao:lon as I.ender muy reasonabty requUe to asaure that tho Ibn o4 this Security instrumant,Lendor'a �, <br />. ,. �ighttti bt lho Property nnd Bortovror's abllgation to pt►y the suma sooured by Ihis Seourfiyr Instrument shail oontinue unohanged. Upon "?�; <br /> � rpinptatoment oy 6oROwer, �hta LSe^��dty lncLUr�l�nt and tho oblh�nttana seoured hereby sheU rsmaN tulry efieotMe as if no necot�ration <br /> _� �,`,^ <br /> had occumad. However,th(s rt8ht M reinetate ahell not apply U+the oaee ot ecceteratlon undor paregraph 17. i� �- <br /> . • �-- °�"•�"�• Tl:a Nots or 8 pflrt�i interest In the Note (tGg6thet wan c�,�s se.�ur�r e-=; <br /> 19.Sl110 Ot NOt@;VRmnBv vi�va�� .ao...d.... g;,._ <br /> �� _:_;#:�_� instrumenq msy be aotd ano or more ttmes v�Rhout prlor notice to Bortower.A sate may resuR in 8 ehange in the entity(knowrt ss the �_,_ <br /> _�,,_,. "loan Sorvicsry that coHpota monthry papments duo under the Note and thls Security InsUumenl. There atso may be one or more -- <br /> � ehangos ot the Loan Stuvtcer unrelated to a saio oi cne Noie. It there is a ahange of the Loen Servber, Bortowor wili ba gken vaitten �-,`_ <br /> �otbo of tha ahange In accordence wkh paragr&ph 14 above and epplicabte law• 7'he aotice wm state the name and addreas of the �,�� <br /> ,� new Loan Senrtcer end tha 8ddross to whiah paymenta should be mede. The notico wW atso oonffiin any other Infortnatian requlred by k-- <br /> epplicabb t�iw. <br /> � � 20. H8Z8td0U8$1d198tSit1C@8. Borcower shall not cause or permft the presence,uEe,dtsposai,atora9e, or rolease of MY �. <br /> _..�..... .0 a��hu��oaorfina the Prooer4�►that ,., <br />- -- a Hn�rdous 3ubstances on or In the Prapetty. norrower sneii noi dv,.���o��� a�;�:�_�_._ -. -• — <br /> P� vto�smal!quai►titius ot H�aserdous•Slrbstent�s tha88re 9enetalNcreaoBnized to bopapP►eP te tonocrmat resideritialuses end to �== <br /> PB�Y .� <br /> maintenance ot the Prop�rtY. <br /> t Bortower shaif promptty give i-endar��rdten not�e of any in•:asUgatlon, claim,demand, iawsurt or other action by any govemmen _ <br /> ' � . or regul8tory agenay or grlvate P�Y Nvolvinp tfie Property and any Herardous Substance or Envtonmentai Lflw of whlah Bottowar fias '- <br /> �` aatusi knowtedge. If Borrower tesms, or Is noUfied by any govemmentai or regutatory authority.that anY removai or o�her remedlatbn <br /> p} any Ha�rdous Stibstance afteottng the PropeRy is aecessary, 8ortower shaW prompty take aA necessary remedial eoti0ns h <br /> l. .•�. <br /> accordanee witb Envkonmentai Law. ��� <br /> �_���`,,,,� As used e� tt� paca8raph 80, "Haaardous Substances" are those substencss deflned as tox� or hasendoua substancos by ' <br /> •;a`�, Environmentat Law and the foUowing aubstences:gesoline,ke�osene,other flemmabte or toxb petrcteum produats,toxfc Pesticides an0 _- <br /> • , herbbides. volatit�sokents.materi�la oontehing asbestos or fomna►dehyde, and redloaothre materials• As used In this para8rep'h 20� <br /> ° ,� 'Envlronmental Law" meams fedeiat law& and Wws of the Jurisdioticn whero the Praperty is tacated thal relato to heaRh. satetll or = <br /> environmontal protectlon. <br /> ^ :,,� NQN-UNIFCRAA COVENANTS. Borrawer and Lender iuRher covenant and agree as fo��owss _ <br /> 21. AcceteraUvr+; Remedtee. Lander shall gtve noUae t�o Borrower prior W aoeeleratlon t�tlowing <br />_� ��:'a—. _ ��a��.�. �.�a,�i �t seey Qovenant or egr�ement in this Securtty Instrument {but not prior to <br /> . ... acceteration urede�r i�arngrePlo 17 unlests�pQ�ileeble t�provi�ies v�se�►ise�. T:ss r�il� '.!"`-�! �-"-'��1' <br /> _ (e)the defautt; (b)4Gta action required to eure tlae defa�eit; (c)o date, not Iass than �0 dsya trorn qhe <br /> "_ .' �� �K date the notice is giver� ts Borrower, by whtch the detault mu�t be cured; and (d)thet tuilure to cura <br /> '�.�;;.• ..�: � ths detault on or lsef�ro the date specifled in tho rtotiae may re���n o t i e�s h ail turU�erei brm <br />_==•�'���*�`. � aecured by thts �ecurtty Ir�slrument and sa ie o f t he P r o p e r t y. <br /> _- -;;� �orrowu o41he cight to �einstete atter acceteration and th� :ight to bring a court aetton to atsert t19e <br /> non-exiatence of e�deMut3 or eny�th�r detenso of Sorrowec�aeaelarat4o,n end sate. If tt�e dAfauie is <br /> ::�-?f., r <br /> V=ry,t>. • .�. not cured on or �et�re the date apectfled tn U►e notiee�Lender et its optlon m�y �eqaire immedtete <br /> peyrnent tn tult of eil eums secured by thte Seaurity Instrument witl�ut�1ert`�,d Lendor ashnll be <br /> � '---• trnoke the power of aale and eny other r�medi�e permitted by app h 2�� <br /> _'�" �z�� entiUed! to aollet�t ap oxpenses incarred le purwin� the romediES provi�ed in thts paraprap <br /> __,;... <br /> _:__� Inatudinp�but not I{mKed to.reawe�b�e e4Goreeya'feea and coats ot tiUe evide�ce. <br /> ,,,_, ,,;,,,�� If the powet of tala is Inwoked� Tru�tee ehstl �Qaord e rtoUae of detault in each county In which <br /> ,ti�� eny part o t t he Prope r l y t s l o c a t e d end shetl mail co pies of such notlae I 11�'�m�s�ef A�r��e��me <br /> �.�,,,,,, appltcabte law t� Borrower and to the other peraons prescribed by epp <br /> -----=_ �aqutred by applieable I�w� Truatee shatl 91ve public notfce of aale to the pe�aona and tn the rn�nner <br /> -- prescribed bY a�+Pltcablo taw. Trustee�xxithout demand on� Borrower� shntl sell the PropeTtll �publla <br /> -°-_� auction to the hlghaat b�dder at the time and ptace and under the terma deaig�ated �onQ�te of alY _ <br /> --;�;� sale in or.e o! +�reero amr�cia and in any order Yru�e determtnea. Truatee m�l poatp �e��� <br /> --�°� ar�ef of tha Propertyl bY PubUc announcement at the timo nnd place ot any p <br /> - , or any p urchase the P�aperty et+nny aele. <br /> -��=�=-�•- scheduled eale. Leeed�r a� its desipnae mey p <br />_—_----- Upon eeceE�t o4 pffiyonertt of the price bld. TweRea aheu delfver to the purehaaer Trustee'a deed <br />-�-��.,,,�� conveyinp the �raperly. The �e�i�is t�n the Truste�std�ed oshat�s of`the s�le In tha toflowin�order� <br /> - --°_ — ot the st�tem�nto �etade therein. Trurtee ehall app y, � P <br /> -- ��� p)to all coste and expee�aes of exercisiag the pawer of saie, and the sate, inetudtn� the psymeM of <br />���;�� , the Truatee a�ees actu�ily Incurred, not W exceed 3 96 of the princlpat amount ot the noie <br /> __�'Y;:��.:ti;�- et the time of thfl dl�ct�retioe of defautt, and rQas�nabte attorney'e tees es permltted by tew� (b)to all <br /> `;:r�. ; : �.. auma aecured by tht� Security Inatr�eae�eM; and (a) eny excess to the person or persona lep�tiy <br /> � = entiUed W iL <br /> ,' • - 22. F�E�pfE178y81�ae. Upon payment ot all sums secuced by this&ecurity Instrument.Lender shaU request Trostae to reoonve�r <br /> _ :i•• the Propertfr end ohnit sumendor this SecuriiY InsWment and aD notes evldenat�p debt secured by thia SecurGy insWment to Yrostee. <br /> , s�' Tn�stee shail recortvap tho FroPertY w�hout wenanty end wfthout Charge to the person or parsons legalb entitled to N. Sueh persOn Ot <br /> _- ° persons shaU paY any reeordatlon costs. <br /> - � i <br /> �—°- �� '- 23. SubsLlBuUs T�e. tsnaer. at its optbn. meY hom th�e to time remove TruBtee end ePPoint 8 suusbaor Yns�iq to - <br />- • a ' . <br /> '-'"---- ent► Ttust68 eDDoS►ied horoundet by en hstrument recorded h the c�b b,..Q.h�����e cmdteaed unon TNStee hereln enid by <br />_ —v - CpJ1V�QTiC9 Of�tA PfOQE.r'ty. SttLS:O$S�/f W3i08 Bt1H0 su4�eea 6iv 6o w�v ...�.�-..�. --- ---� ! <br /> , ' ` • gpD�,'db�B�B1N. I _. <br /> - ° 24. Requ�st 9'or N��icea. BoRaWer recl�tests t�et�a��$of the notkes ot detauR and sate be sent to BoROwefts address <br /> _ �— --.^: �hiCh(s th9 Pto�iRg AddteGB. <br />' �--•— ---- dp, ����8� �1���curitjt In�trumoc�� If one or mors �tders ere executed by BoROwor anG reaorded together wtih <br /> �ry;��ur;�y�n$pvment,tho aova+ants end agfeements of eaah such rtder shall be incorporeted Into and shan amend and suppiement <br /> �rys�p�gp�e�t9 t3�te�te ot Mis 6ecurity inBUument as if the rider{s)were a part of this Seourily insVUmen� <br /> 0 <br /> � � Form 90P8 9/60 <br />— ..—.- � Pape s ol b <br /> PtOSe.tNto(+lee) <br /> _.' . <br /> + +oas <br /> �.,. —— <br />