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<br /> B. �aEae� I�.sara�cc. Sa lowg a� the Owners AssociaHoa msintains, v01th a generally accepted .
<br /> insurance cartler. a "au�stet" or 'blanket" pollcy on the Condominlum Project which ia setiafactory to
<br /> Ixnder and wWch pmvides insurauce coverage iu the amounta. for the periods, and against the hazards _
<br /> Lender requires.includiag fire and hazards included witlila the term'e�teuded cnverage."then:
<br /> (i) L�nder waives the provision ia Uniform Covenant 2 for the monthly payatent w Lender of
<br /> the yearly piemium 9nstaUraents for hazard inaurance on the Ptopertyc axtd
<br />- (ll)Bon+oaes's obligation under Uniform Covenant 5 to ma�ntain hozard insurence coverage on
<br /> the Pmperty is deemed satlsfied to the extcnt that tiee r�quireci wvcrage is provided by tha Owaera .
<br /> Association pollcy.
<br /> �orrower shaU gtve Lender prompt notice of any lapse in requlm.d Uezerd insura�►ce coverage.
<br /> IIn the event of a disuibution of hazard insurance pmcec.ds in Ueu of restoratioa or repair following a
<br /> loss w the Pcoperty,whether oo the uait or to common eleaients,any proce�s PaYable W Borrower am
<br /> heaeby assigned and shall be paid w Lender for applicatton to the suo�s secured by the Security Insmiment.
<br /> . with eny excess paid w Borrower.
<br /> C.Publle Lta61l[ty Iusurenae. Bomower ahall take sucJt actions as may be reasonable to insute that
<br /> the Owners Asso�a�oa maintains a public liability insurance poUcy acceptable in form, amount. and
<br /> exteat of ooverage w I.cnder.
<br /> D. Con�demnattoa. '[he pmoeeds of any award or claim for daza�ges. direct or wasequeatial,
<br /> payabie to Bonuwer ia �� � a�-a �St��II Q7 4th9*tnkin.,� nf ell or any part of the
<br /> property�whether of the unit or of the common elements,or for auy coaveyance in lieu of condemnation,
<br /> are hereby assigned aad shall be patd to Leader. S�ch proee�ds s1uiU be aPPlied by I.ender to the sums •
<br />" securcd by the Secvrlly Iastrument as pmvided in Uaiform Ca��eamu l0. � .
<br /> E. I.eader's Prtor Consea� Borrower sDaU not. e�ccEpY after nattce to Lender atid wlth I.eader's •
<br /> , prlor wrltten consent,either partidon or subdivide the Property or conEent co:
<br /> � , (i) ti�e abandonmeat or termination of the Condominiwa Proj�t.escePt for abando�nt ar
<br />— termination reqwc�by law in the case of substantiat destrucdon by fin or other casualty or in the case of
<br /> a taking by coademnatton or etninent domain; � .
<br /> �ii) any aznendment to any pmvision of the Coxisdtuent Documents if ttte Pmvision is for the
<br /> eapress i�eaefit of E�nder: -
<br /> (iii)taranination of pmfessional management and assumpdon of self-management of the Owners _
<br /> Assx�ation;or � '.
<br /> (iv)any►acdon whictt aould have the effect of r�cndertng che pubHc liability inaurance ooverage .
<br /> mpintained by the Owuets Assodation uuaCCePtable to Let►t12t. .. �
<br /> F.gemalicv,If Bomower does aot pay oondominiuin duss end asse�sments a+hen�due,then Lender
<br /> � �Y PaY them.Any amounts disbursed by Lender uader thie P�B�Ph F shall bEOOme addiflonal ti�i►t�f
<br /> Bo�rower secured bY the Sxuriry Instaument. Uale�s Borrower and Y.eader agiee w other tei�e�.g r►f .. .
<br /> payment�these amoums st�a11 lxar interest fmm the date of disbursement at the No3�raie and shall bs t
<br /> payable,with interest,upon not�ce from Lender w Borrower requ�ting Payment•tnt�ats: .
<br /> ��8i!(970b1.Ot Pe9e 2 of 3 Form 9140 9f80
<br /> r.': �' �
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