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,�j�si'rt.. � <br /> 4 � „ � <br /> ''1__",____,.,`_�ar _ _-'_-""_. " '-'_-.___..- � -. , __ . <br /> ' . _'_ _'____' <br /> � . ...._.._.._.. . . _. ..._ _.. _' __- - <br /> , �n.,_. � (�t <br /> ._ -�i�rA:z•�� . � . ' . n . _....c-=- c-. <br /> ;� . <br /> �,.xnxvr�.5l��iil!p�.��...;..,�.I ' . . + ' '_ " <br /> I � � <br /> ._ <br /> .. �.... .•: <br /> . ..... <br /> .. .� .�- ,�, . •'c.�'i'.r�t, � <br /> l .._._ ' . - .c� _���_�__._...__.___.__._..,'__"""��.___�_"_.' _...._. <br /> .�_.�A:_'_� -.._��..._"_"_'_""'___._�._ _•�. <br /> _� <br /> .. ' . 99_ �- <br /> o ��303�l. �.__�. <br /> � '- 19.llranst�r aY the Property or e Beneftdnl Interest in�orrower. If�II or Any pun oY'the Pnnperry or uny interest in It [�' <br /> _ _� ig sold or unnsferced(or if a bcnef3Mal intereat in Borrotver is sotd or tsAnsferred und Borrower Ia not u naturnl p�r�onD withaut t—. <br /> - i,e�de►'s grlar�rittea con�,°nt, Leadsr may, At ita oplion, r�q u f r c IYnmediate nayaeea: in flill of �il sums securcd by �his [�_= <br /> Sectuiry Insuument.I�owever.tbls option ahnll not De exercised by I.en,der if exercies Is prohibited by federal latv as of tke dnte ` <br /> of thia Securlty Inawment. ��' <br /> o `� If l..end:t exercisea tDiiA option,I.Eader ehall give Itorrower aodce of c�ocelertttIon.Thc notice ahatl provide a pedod of not <br /> � .,. ; Ie,,s t(asm 30 day�froaa tke e�mte the n�Hce ls deliver�xl or mailed�vitp►in which Borrov+er must pay all sums secnre.�by this �` <br /> ' SFCUrity Instnmaent.If BorPOwer fails to puy these sutas prior so the e�giratioa of thta period.Lender may invoke nt►y reraed�ea -- <br /> ' --°- <br /> ,�`, pemnitte�by this�ecurtry tnataument wit6out iuruer noiico or�icuia�iu v«�+:r�wer. ___ <br /> '� 1�. Borrotver's.Wg t to Rein.�tate. If Borrower meeta ce�in conditions, Bnrrower gball have the rtght to huve __ <br /> ;`;_�' enforcement of tt►is S�ur�ry Instniment discontinued at any tir�ee pdor to the earlier of: (a) S days(or such otuer pe;iad u — <br /> ��- applicxtbte law �eay specify for reinstatement) before salc of the Propeity pursuaut to any power of sate contaiaed W this <br /> Securlty Incuuu�ent;or(b)eatry of a judgncent enforcing this Securlry lnstrument.Those condidons are tbat Borrov�er: (a)pays <br /> : A I,eader all sums wh{ch then would be due under this Securiry InstcWaent and the Note as if ao acceleratifln had occurced: @) ` <br />. , � qrres anY default of any other covenanta or ngreements;(c)PaYs all expenses incurred in enforciug this Securlry Insuutaent, <br /> . � Including.biu not Umited eo. ceasonable attoraey+s' fees;aztd(d)takes such acdon as Leuder may reasonahly require to assure <br /> ,�. that the llen of t�is Secudty Iasmiment,Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligasion to pay the sums ses�ured by <br /> � � - this Sfxucity Insaument sball oondaue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borcnwar� this Securlty Instrument and the <br /> obligaflona secused hemby aholl rem,aia fuqy effective as if no acceleratiom had occurred.However,this dght to reinstate shaU <br /> • - aot apply in the case of acceleration uader paragraph 17. <br /> � 19. Sale oi Note; �hange oi Loan Se�vtcer."17ie Note or a partial interest in the Note<together with this Secuiiry <br />- -� ipsuur�ant}may ba sald oae or mure times�yithout prlor nodce to Bonrower.A sale may result in a chauge ia the entity(krcowa . <br /> . • as the°Loan Servicer")tl�at oolleas�onthlY PaYmenzs due uader tbe Nate and this Security I�strument.'19iere also mny be oae <br /> -�':,,,,�'��:�;; � or more changes of the Loan Servtoer unrelated to a sale of the Plote.LS there is a change of the Loan Seivlcer.Borcower will be <br />� given wettten natice of the cha�nge in ar,coNaace witb paragcagh 14 above andappHcable law.The nottce will state the aame and <br /> __•_-�s;�-: " address of the aca I.�oau Sesvicer and the address to which paymeuts shoul d b e m a de.T he no t ice will also contain a a y other <br />.,;';�� . ,� information requ9red by appllcable law. <br /> � Z0.�Is�zardous Stibstauoes. Bmmower shall not cause or gecmit the ptesence, use,disposal. swsage, or release of any <br /> '�"��•� Ha�ardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall aot do, aor allow aayone else to do. anytWng affecting t6e <br />„�,K:}�` Propaty that is in violation of any Envi:onmental Law.The preceding two senteaoes shall not ly to t$e pn5enoe.vse�or <br />_-_',�'� swrage on the�ropeaty oS smaU quanthies of Hazazdons Substanas that are generally reco�to be appmpriate to noimal <br /> resldentiat uses and to ma�tensnce of the Prnperty. <br />-=Y�.,�;3.,�� Borrowu sball promptly give lxnder wrltten natice of any iavesdgatton. claim,demand. lawsuit or rnher action by nny <br />-���� govemmental or n�ulatory agenay or rtrate Part�►Involving the Propesty aad any Hazardoua Substance or Environmsntal Laa► <br /> _— ui�i��.�tsm�ist«2�s�i�t. If�1m�Qt ir�mR,�r is ttndfi2d bY�Y L'-ovemment2l or�e�WawtY authortry, tbat , <br /> -_,=��� aay re�noval or other remediation of aay Hazacdous Substaace affe�tiag the Pmperty is neces.gary.Barrower shall pmmptly te� <br /> -_ --- all necessary reinodtal ac�ttons in acoordaace with Enviconmeatal Law. <br /> —'-—_== As usod in this para,graph�0. "Hazardons Substances' are those substanaes defined as toxte or hazardous subswnoes by <br /> -- ------- gnvlronmeatal I,aw and the following gasoliae. kerosene, other flammable or w�c pertol�un producas. toz[c <br /> _ — pesticides and herbieides,voladle sfllvents.mau7ials containing asbesWS ar formatdehyde.and radioaafve mauerials.As used ia � <br /> -�^'`•t� thispa�a�aph 2p, °g�vironmeatal• taeans federal laws aad lawa of the jurIsdiction wherr,the Property Is loc:ated that - <br /> __.::3'� relate to health. safety or environmental proiectton. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and ag�+ee as f�ltows: <br /> - �=„�,�� 21.Aacel�atlon;Rwnedtes.E.e�mder shail give nattce to Bomower primr 4o aooeleration foAowing�orruwer's bresch <br />-- - uf aq,y eoveaant or agreemea4 in tWs Secusity Iashvoment (bui not prioa� So aaceleretton tmderpse ph 17 unless <br />-----_� �PF�ca6le IQw pmvIdes othcrw�lse).'17ie notiee shall spec[fy: (9)�he defam3Qi tb)the AdiQn►reilWr�d to��n+e tbie�Panit; <br /> � (c)a dzie.not I�ss t6an 30 days from the date 46e nattoe ts g6� Borros� whicd��3te cldaeilt mwt he curod;.ond <br /> (d)that[n!lure to cun ELe default�n or 6efose the date sprsiftal in the�aoUce msy sresadt in aooclantlon of the�sums <br /> secwed by th�is SecurltY Insuument and sate ot tht Hnperty.'l�e aotEce shall t�rther intorm Borrawcr ot tbe�lg6t to <br /> . Ydrd.,r''taate after aoxieratton nnd the r}g6t to 6�8ng a aouat actloa to asseaa...tha non-adsteaa ot s didavit or any alhher <br /> — driwse oi Bon+oa�r to�►axleratlon and sale. If the ddault is not cured an or bstore the date gF�I3'ted in t�e noHo�. <br /> -----__..---- . ��,�at its optlon,tnayreq�immed3Ate payme�in t1Wl of all s�ems socur�by this Secsu{ty`Ins�mmt wfit6ou� <br /> [mRher damnnnd ond msdy tnvoke t�i�epowe�of sale and any otber rc�meafes perm[tted ley agp7lcable law.I.eader shali bx <br /> eatitled to oolL�ct a!I expe�Inca�rca�d ia purauing the eemedies p�+uvtded tn thls para��pb�2ll,lIIdud[ng,bnt not Itmitsa <br /> ---_��°- to,reasonable s�ttornep�'.tecs am��sts oi title evldesaoe. <br /> If t8apo aa oi ss�e iv im��►kRd,Tn�stee sbaU reoord a aotice�r!dita�t in es�cb ooumtY in wLich oay p�e�t of th�e <br /> p�pe�y N lo�t�an�i s1�a11 maii ooptes of such not[ce in�e manner pr�ribed by apptirabk Iaw to Borrower arad ta <br /> -- ��'I��ffi�bY apPiicable law.Atter the time ca►aired by appllcable la�v,Teutee ahAll give pnblk natfc�e <br /> ot eale 4a the pusons and in the manner prescribed by e�opl[sa61e law.Tr�stee.wltbo�S demsind�Boirower,sha11 seYl <br /> - — tlu Ho��siy at pnblic audion to tbe Wghest bfdder st tlte 44mE oad� ee asmd uader 15e•Q�ms desJgoated in the n�3ia oi <br /> - sale in oae or more panxLs and�n smy order Tnstee det�rmi��wseh�ed sal�l.ead or[�ts desiguee may <br /> prope�ty 6y pnblic unno�utcemmt�tt the tims�d place o�Y naY P� Y <br /> --- purchase 4he Plroperiy at any sale. � <br /> __--_�� <br />_ _�,����,�� <br /> ----- - Farm 3028 918� <br /> -_'�- � ��BRttiEl�sz�a�aa wfle e as wua� <br /> -��� <br /> _ =v�=�:�s .'t r,.6�._ . <br /> LL:;}�r:�� ��m� �� . <br /> _;7' i� - <br /> _ .i: <br /> . .� <br />- _ _- _ �- ��woe�R�+�s�+s��.r�n_-_ - __- <br /> . ., <br /> _ . _ . <br /> -.v ' . ,. . . 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