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<br /> _ " ' g,�oa� 1?�gra4y II�u�uu�se. �axroti��er ahall keep the improvements now ezlstlag or hereafter erected on the ``
<br /> �-- - �:.-� f�^
<br />- . piroFerty insured aBainst lass by fire. hnzurda incIuded wtthln the term"eatc,�ded cov-rage' �ISd atly otheT hnznrds, lncludinA
<br /> .f'' ' Qoods or flooding. for wht.�a Lender requlres insurance. This insurauce sh�ll be malataine�ln tde emounta And fur the perfons �'
<br />��- - - thet Leader requires.'I�e insurance c�rrler providing ttte lusuraace shall be chosen by Borrower aubject to Lcnder's npprovul '�`
<br /> • ��� wbtch ehNl not be unreasonably wtthheld. If Bornower fails to mainu�n covernge describ�d above, Lender may, u[ l.ender's ��
<br /> __ Y� andon.obttiln coverage to pmtecc i.ender's dghts ia the Property in uccordaace with para�raph 7. -
<br /> - -." AU insuraucc palicicc a�d e2net��als shaU oL�.ca�tubie io a.�uu+;. �s�sl� :^�'i!t.ie a stend�id mortgage CIaUE�e. Lender �
<br /> �•,.
<br /> :' �� sha11 have the r�ght to hold tho policies and renewals.If Leader requirea.Borrower shaU pna►pdy give to Lender ull recetpsa ot _
<br /> , paid premiums and renewal aodces.In the event of la�s, �rrower shall give pmmpt notice to the inaurance carrier und Lender. _
<br /> � Lender may make proof ot loss if not made prompdy by Borrower. -
<br /> '"- Unlesa Lender and Bon+ower otherwIse agree in mtting,tnsuraace pmcceds shalt ise applied to restoratlon or repair of the _
<br /> �� ;;, Property damaged,if the reswrntion or repair is e.conoaucally feasible aad I.ender's security is not lessened.If the restorntton or
<br /> , � � ° '� repaie b not economically feasible or Lender's securiry would be lessened,the insurance procezds sha11 be applied to the sums
<br /> � _ � se�ut+ed bjr this Security Iasuument. whether or aot then due. with auy excess pait to Borrower. If Bortower nbaadons U�e
<br /> . ' Pcopecty, or does not answer within 30 days a uot[ce from I.ender that the insurance caYrler has offered to settle a clafm,then
<br /> ,..,:,�:.,..;.�� : Lender aa�y collect the insuranr,e proceeds. Lender may use the pmc�eds to re(�ai�'or reatore ttte Property or to pay sums `
<br />';:,,� ; secured py this Security Insuument.whether or not thea due.The 30-day perIod wiil begin whea the noace is giveu.
<br /> ����h�'<>:: Unless LFader aad Borrower oihemdse agree in wcitiag. anY apPlicatlon of pmcads w priaeipal shaU aot extend or =
<br /> --�-::
<br /> ��`"'^•'"'� ` s ue the due date of the monthly p�nznis referred to in paragcaphs 1 and 2 or chaege the amouat of the paymeatn.If
<br />=�r•:...�: P��
<br /> �',`:�: ":1: under paragr�h 21 the Pcoperty is acquired by Lender, Borrowee'a right to eny iusurancepolictes and pmcc:.�s resatting from -
<br /> ��:_,,^:. �• ��age to the PropErty prlor to the scquisidon shall pbss to Lender w the extent of the suau secured by tdls Securiry Instrument
<br /> .,� .
<br />�-� ` ' itmaediateSx�zior to the acquisition.
<br /> - --'.::��' 6. OocuPan�7'. Ptrservutton, l�inteaance e8d Prote+�a� o! the Pmperi� Borrower's Loan ApplYcetfun;
<br />-= V-=a:,� 1,easehol�Bs.�orrower ehall oxupy.establish,and vae the Property As Borrower's principal residence within sixty days af;er the
<br /> execution of this Securlty Instrument and shall continue ie oocuPY the Pmperty as Borrower'a gniacipal residence for ai leaf:one
<br /> =-^_:�:�� year after the date of occupancy,unless Ixnder othetwise agrees in writin,g,�vY►icln eoasentshail not be unreasonably withheld,
<br /> -:�L;� ui�::��tenuating cim,uasstances exlet which ac+e beyond Borrower's cann�ol:�rrowerahall not destroy,damage or impair
<br /> �`'"��s the ProPertY,allow the�n,yti-:ty tc�#?riorate.or commit waste on iti�,�'mPertY. Borrowu shail be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> -_�� atxion or p�ing,whether civi3 or criminal, is be8an that in 1.a►der's good taith judgment coutd result in forfeituc�e of the
<br /> .,� Property er otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Securlty Instr�meat or LendeCs aecurity inte�+est. Borrower may
<br /> - cure suc�a deiautc aad ceiw�iutc,bs�,rvtdsd 3a pasagr�sh 28.lrf c�iag the�{azt ar g:�!!n8 to ts�d��d►1tt�3 r!ling ,
<br /> --� �that, in L.ender's good faith determivatten. preclud�+ fforfeiture of che BorrAaer's interest in Y�e Property or other materiet
<br /> —_-= impaitment of the llen created by this$acurIty Insuur�eat or Leader's sa�rlry interest.Borrower s1�aU also be in dofault if
<br /> -_-- Bomowes,during the loan applicatFon proeass.gave materlally faise or inacxurate informudon or statementa co Leader(or f�iled
<br /> to provlde l.ender wittt any►material infornoadon)jn connecdon aith the loan evidenoe�d by the Note.including.but not limited
<br /> --- -=--— - to.rePresentatians conce�a�g Borrower's occupaacy of the Property as a priucipa3 sesidence. If this Se�urity Ins�tument is on a
<br /> —� deas�hold, Barrower shaU �oihply with all the provfsions of the lease. If Botrower atquires fea tide W the Property, the
<br /> ---�-- -_� ,� leasehold and the fee title shall aot uf�rge unless Lender agt+ees w the merger ia wrlting.
<br /> --�-:'`"'�'� 7.Pcotedton o!I.ender's Rig�La dm dhe Prope�ty.if�orroaer fa�ls w perform the coveaants and ageementa contaiaed ia
<br /> _----- this Sxuriry Insnument�or ther8 ta a legat Proceediu8 that mal+signit'icantly affect Lender's dg�ts in the ProPertY(suran as a
<br /> pmc�eell,iag in bankivpt�y,pmbate.for oondemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or�egulattons),then L.ender may do end
<br /> pay for whauver ia ae�saiY to pmtect ttte value of the Property and Lsnder's rlghts 3n the Property. Let►der's aetiona suay
<br /> include payin$any sums secured by a lien whicb has prlority over tLis Securlry Insqunneat. aFPearjng in court. PaY�S
<br /> reasonabYe attomeys'fee.v aad enterjng on the Pcopetty to make�airs. Although Lender may take actIon under this par�raph
<br /> - - --- 7,Lender 3ues not have to do so.
<br /> pny amounta disbu�sed by Lender under Wie paragraPh 7 sha11 become additional debt of Borrower secu�d by this
<br /> Secuiiry Insmiment.idaaless Sornower and Len.der agree to other ternos of paymemt,tinese amounts shaU bear interest from the
<br /> __---�--- date ot dislnusement at the�Note rate aad shall be payable. with interest� upon notice from L.ender to Borrower requessing
<br /> -- -- t
<br /> --- - p��8.Mfox�ge InsorRace.lf Leade,r reqnired mongage insivanc�ns a coadidon of ma�ing the loan secured by this S�u�t}r
<br /> � � InstrumCnt� Boirower shaU pay the premiums recgulced to maintain the mortgage insnraxe in effect. I�. for a�r rcasoa,the
<br /> . mortgage insurance coverage required by Lendcr flaps�or ceases to be in effect, �onaa�a�all pay tho premiums cequiced to
<br /> � oMain oovqrage substantially equivalent w the martgag;e iasuraace prevlously in effxt. at a wst substantially equivalent W the
<br /> --- cast m Borrower of tho mortgage insuraace prewsausly ia effect, Tmm aa altetnate mortg�ge insurer sppmved by L.endet.ff
<br /> - substantially equivalent mortgage insuraace ooveiago is not available.Bonower s�aU pay to Leader each month a sum equel w
<br /> ---- ___a__� oae-t�relfth of ttce yearly mortgage Insurance premiwn tseing paid by Borroaer when the�rEnce coverage lapse�or ceased to
<br /> _ . _ °__ � be in effect.Lender will accept.use and�etaiu these Qayments as a loss msetve im lleu of ffiortgage ias��ance. Loss resenre
<br /> _ --_-==s
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