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<br /> 1-4 FAMILX 1tIDER
<br /> �issl�uepri oP Ren�s °
<br /> THIS i-4 FAMILY RIDER ia made this a2ad day►of Marah ,isss , �
<br /> and is jnca:porazed into and shall be deemed to.amend aad suppiement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust or
<br /> Sccurity Deed(the "�,.�curity Insaument")of t3�e same datB given by the uatiersigned(the"Borrower')ta
<br /> BCCUt�Bornower's No2e toHome Fedoral 3�vi�ga amd Loaa Aasoeiatioa of 6raud
<br /> ie�aa�d
<br /> (the
<br /> 'Lender")of the same date and covering the Propetty descrlDed Ia the Security Insttument aad located at: �
<br /> 3130 WEST ld'1'8 N3
<br /> GR11Z1D IaYd1ND, NE 6880� �
<br /> IPropertY Addressl -
<br /> 1�1 FAIVIQ.Y COVENANTS. In addition w tha covenants and agreemtnts made in the Secudty
<br /> Insuument,Borrower and Leader fiutder coveuaat and agree as follows: __
<br /> A.ADDITiON.AL PROF�.Aia'Y 9i18JECT TO T�SFCIIRTTY 1NSTRLtMENT. In additiou to
<br /> 0e Property d� ia the 5eauriry Instru�ateat, the followiag items ace added to the Property .
<br /> description,and sLall atso constitute the PropQrry covered by the Security Insuument:building materIais.
<br /> appliances rutd goods of every nature whatsoeVer now or hereatter locat�in, on, or used,or inunded to
<br /> bo usal ia conaectio�wlth the Prop��rty, iac�udiag,but aot limite4 w,t�os�for che purpqsrs of suppIyIug
<br /> or distribudng heazing. cooling. elecMcity.6*as, water, sir and tight� fire preventlon iisn.d ex�Buisbing
<br />, aPParaeus.securIty aust�access asatrol apparatus.Plumbing.bath tubs,wazer heate:s,water closets.s3aks,
<br /> raages. stoves. refr[��txators, dishwashers. disposals, washers. dryers. awnings. storm windows. atoram
<br /> � doors.sce+eeas,blittds.eh2des.auneins aad curlitin rnds,attached mitmrs,.cabinets.Panelling and attas�sbd
<br /> floor ooverings noiv or hereaRer auached to the Property, all of whidi, iucluding replaoe�ents and
<br /> additlons theneto{ shall bo deemcd to be aad remain a part of the Property cavered by �he Sccuriry
<br />� Insan�msat. All of the forcgoWg wgether wlth the Property described fn the Secudty Insteuaasnt(or the .
<br /> . l�tschold estato if.the Secudty Instrument Is on a leasehold)ac+e nfernd to ia this 1-4 I�amily Ytider aad chc
<br /> Sxudry Insutttuent as thC°P[operty.°
<br /> MUL7I87dlTE 1-4 FA1�Al4Y RI6ER-F�nnf�MadFnddi�Mac UNform tnwum�nt
<br /> � Page 1 of 3 initials: '
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