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<br /> Tp(�67t0ER WITti ai! th� Improvaments nov� or hereaiter crceted on tho property, ond nil easements, eppu F 7=
<br /> . � fix�ura9 naw on c�rcaRcr n pnrt ot tho properiy.Ati rcptaec:flcnto end addiflona sha0 aiso bo aovered by this 8eeu�ity InetrurmenL b .�:_�`:
<br /> AO of tho torepotng io rotcrted to In t h ts Sacu d t y ln s W m e n t n s lhe'Pto pa r i y.' � _
<br /> BORR0IAIER COVENANTB that Borrowar Is larfiilly sefzed ot tho oatuto harcby convayod and hao tho dpht to gmnt cnd _
<br /> convoy tho Property nnd that the Rroperty Is unencumberad,oxcept for ancumbruncoa ot rczeord. Borrower vrarmntc�and rAU c�_
<br /> - de:cnd gener�liy tho tlq�to tho Property ng�inst nU ctatms and damnnds,aubJact to nny enaumbmnces af racord. � �-:,�_.
<br /> �• :�, 7HI9 SECURf1Y iNS1AUMEhf� com6lnes u�Ha�rn easrc�r►ts tar nattonaf uso and non�nitorm covennn4o v�ith Itr,nted � ___-
<br /> va�.^tlono by Ju�tad:otlen to coneUtato n unitorm sacu►Ity Inetn+ment covering►eai propary►•
<br /> � � UNtFORPfl COYrNA11STS. [iorro�i�cr nnd lcndcr eovenent nnd aqree as foiiows: � �� :
<br /> r, 1. Pe ynteret of Princi pal and Int�resx Prepsymant and 6.at� Chargos. eorrower shau promyuy psy wnen __
<br /> ;, .� duo tho drtcl�at of and tnterest on tho debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and tate c harges d uo un d e r t he Nota � �
<br /> ' �. �unds fsr Taues and inaurenee.Subject to eppltcable Iari or to n w►Itten waNer by Lender.Bo�ow�r 4hat1 p1y � �:-.__
<br /> �� tp Lqrtt�zr oa the day monthy payments ere due under the Note,unUl tho Note is patd in ful6 n aum(°Funds') tor. �ca e Ilad �__
<br /> ;���,i tcsxrss ra�d asaesamente v�hioh may attatn pdodty ovEr this Secudty Inetrumeed °Insurance�ptemtums p(efl Yearh►�OOd Inaumnca =-
<br />-- - payments or ground rents on the Froperly,it any; (c)yeartY hemrd or properly Y
<br /> � premtums,M nny, (o)yesr�r mott�C+fle Insu�nee premiums.N any+:and(Q any s�m►s p�tabte by BoROwer to Lender In accardance
<br /> � wlth the provislans of pa►a9raPh 8. In Ileu of the payment af mortgage Inaurance premium�• These Items ere calle�'Ecaots -
<br /> ,�, Itema' Lender may, at any Ume, co0ect and hdd Funds in nn amount not to exceed the�narimum amount a lender ta a
<br /> �� � federally�elated mortgupe loan may requtre far Borrower's escrow account under the tederai Real Estate SetGeme� Procedures
<br /> aets a Iesser a��td.�1�o LendEr may,at�nY Ume�coo ect e�d hoid Funds�trt nan amo nth ot to excaedpthe Itesser eretamt- _
<br /> Lender may esUmate the amouM ot funds due on thee�sNS of curiresit�tate a►►d reasonebie e�.matea of e�endlWres ot tulure -
<br /> 9��.4..'�: Eocrow Itema or othenvtse In aeoordance with aPP�
<br /> - Tiie Funds ctr�ll ba held in an Institution whose depostts are Insursd by a tederal agene.y,�"s he Fu��to �e C-�ra 9 =
<br />.,.,:^{r��,,.0 y. Lend¢�.if Lender Is such an tnsUdiNon) or in any F�daat Mome Loan @ank. Lender sfiell appiy PaY
<br /> . s � � Itc�my. Lendar may no!aharge 8or►ower for hotding and applying the Funds,nnnuaily enetlRtng Y�s escroEV encoun� or vetAylnB -
<br /> - E
<br /> ' tho Eacrow Items, unless Lender p3ya Borro�vet it►terest on tha Funds and applicable t�rv p�mnits 9.ensler to make sud� a
<br />�;;��y,.�T�, s cherge. However. Lender may requfre 6orrower to pay a one-ttme cha►ge 4or an Independent�a►ea4ate twc reporUng snvlco
<br /> �- used by Lender In conneotton with th�s �ean� wless epPpcable Iaw provldss othenaise. Unless an agroement [s mad�or
<br />` � �fi• - applicable law requires intetest to be patd,Lender aha0 not ba required to pay Borrower any Interest er erm�e9$an t1+e Funds. _
<br /> =-5*:. tn writtng, howerer.U►at int�est ahell be paid on the Funds. Lender s;��l give to Bonaver,
<br />=.;!,�r�-: u Bmnr�er and Lender may e9ree
<br /> ;t;�,�;;_� without�harge,an annuat excounlir+�of the Funda. showing eredde snd de6lts to the Funda snd the purpose tor which enc
<br /> ,:_-;q�,.a`.
<br />=a:';r:�f debti to the Fands was made. �e funds are pledgsd as addtttonal seeurttY tor e1i sums seaur�!by the Security InsVume�A.
<br />_^:,�}� If the Funds held by Lender ex�r.eed the emounts pem�lted to bo held by appltcabta laev.Lender shell aa:ouM to Bomower
<br /> tor the excess Far.�in acaordance M+1th the reqWremn►ts cf aPP�cab�e taw. B the erreowt ot 4he Funda held by Lender at any
<br /> --"��T"z"7 time ia not suR'�!en1 to pay the Escrow ftems wtia� due, Lender may ee no4i�y Borrovaer in w�ttng�end,in suah ease Bc��
<br />°-'"`��!s�� aha7 pav to Len�Per the amount necessa�y to make up the deRdenay. 6onowar shall make up the defldency In no more than ;
<br /> - -�`_ tw�-m QnonthN Paym�nte�at L�ders sole dtsa+euon. refund to 8orrower any Wnda .
<br /> �""5:� Upao paymer�t in fuil ot all sums secured by this Secur[ty hst�umerrt,�ender ahaU promptly
<br /> _"`',=� held by Lender. M,under pera9reph 21•�ender ehell acqutm or sell the Pregeriy.l.end�� P►�or to ffie aoquisHlon or srto ot tiu
<br /> -- p�,ope�ty, shall a�ypy any Funds held by Lender at tha Ume ot acqufst�on er sata.as a aedit ngeir►�t the sums sec�ued by Riat�
<br /> ._^�� seeu3��aPpUcatlon of Paytnents. untESS epppcable 1aw provtdes ott�anv�e. e� PeY�ents recetved by t.�nder unda . .
<br />---__ — paragraphs 1 and 2 shail be eppUad frst,to anY PrePaYmen:charges due unrlaz the Note;seeond,to amou�ts payableunde —
<br /> ��-'-;_�:•', paragraph 2:Ntrd�to U�tarest dua;4auRh�to prIndpal due:end tast,to any Iate charges dua unc�er the Note.
<br /> __-�° `�;;� 4. Ph8rg68; Li9n8. Ba:�wer ahal! psy aU tc�nea� assessments� eherges� tNes encd imAosIttons att�ute6la to the
<br />