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<br /> � ° .;� NOW, TFtEREFORE, iG ia agreed s -
<br /> �` 1, ���.,,.,.,�,-� i o a� FLtL�"2 Ac3vanc RiahtQ. From and af+�er �"' �
<br /> ?� �ho dnGo of the oxecution ofcthis Deed of Truet Modification
<br /> ,� Ac��Qamoat, �hc indebtednESa secured by the Deed of Trust
<br /> ��`��`° � deo�ribed hes�inabove shall secure advances made ccncuxrently
<br /> � hoYe,wi.Ch aad f�ture advance� izi accordance witlz the following "`
<br />-�°-" .�, provioia:i which ohall herea�tes be deemed to be a part of euch c_
<br />- " gced of Truat s
<br /> � ,� ���a�±rA_A�lvancefl, Upon requ�st oE Borrower, Lender may,
<br />- "' '�"• ae i�a optinn, make addit 3o�a1. and future advancea and
<br />-�r.:
<br /> �k��=�'`�;;�' zeadvances to �orrower. Such advances and readvances,
<br /> -''�''� vsiCh i.nterest thereon, eha1L be aecured by this Deed of
<br /> ,N,:�� T�uet. At ao time sha11 the pr��ncipal amount of the _
<br /> indab�adr�Qae eecured b�+ t�is Deed of Txust,;not includ- �;
<br /> °�Y�:=-� ing oumo advaaced to p�ot ect the aecurity of this Deed a
<br />�;„�.� o$ Trur��, exceed the origjnal principa�. amount stated ___
<br /> ;::`� herein, or $}�1.OQC.00 , wlzichever is greater.
<br />._uQ� �. �nt�±±Linq . fQ r. E�ccept as specifically modif ied by
<br />.-��� thie Deed df Truee Modification Agre�ment, a11 other terms and
<br /> _— �zov�ieione of the De�d of T�us t hereinabove id�ntified shall
<br /> -��'""�� rQmain i.n Eull force and ef£ec t.
<br /> �� � 3� �aa�«,� �r r,3�hnr Co�++�r��v, All real estate mortgages,
<br /> -- daeda c�E Cruot, aeeigtiments and security ag�eementa hereto£ore or
<br /> cvncurrentily herewith to be granted shall rema3n in £ull force
<br /> r�nd eEfect to the extent not inconsistent with this Deed of• Truat
<br /> ModiPicaC9.on Agreement and eha11 continue as security for ,
<br /> �— go��qwe�e remaiaing indebtednesa previously ex3ating until �uch
<br /> _-— sum ahal]. be �aid, ae well ae aay future indebtedness owing from
<br /> - �3r�rrower td Ck�e Lender for futura advancee aad renewals in
<br /> ---= raepeat eo all auc�a owing fzoin sorrower to Lender.
<br /> -�— 4, q�A_a�.+A� DGGLTR ritAt�0l1, Borrowes furthet covenants to '
<br /> and wi�h Len�tnr that Sorrower ehall, and will, at any tima, . now
<br /> or later, upon requeet, mako, do, e:ceaute and deliver all euch
<br /> gvtrthar und other acts, deede aad thiaga as shall be reasoaably
<br /> re�ui�ed Co e�tmctuaee the intent:ion of this Deed of Trust
<br /> Mo�ifi��ti�n Agreement and �o ineure and confirm ta the Lender
<br /> all and bl.ngul�r khe property, securitiee and xights deecri.bed. �
<br /> e�t3a An�er►d�d to bo conveyed, ae security so as to render tk�e
<br />_____ _:_� ��,��,f �ri� g�� pr���f ons, wh�thez now owned or later acquired,
<br /> .__ -
<br /> �uAa gu� �� t:�oo ��s��. �?rnyi�{oYYe and conditious ac�or�i�.�g to �
<br /> e:he� �rue intent and purposee �xpressed.
<br /> �, �.� , The fail�sro of the Lender, at any time, to �
<br /> ---- xegu�.�tl Che pAxformanco by eh�: Bc�rrower of aiiy of these terms,
<br /> ac�venanCd ane� a,qreemeate oha1L, in no way, aff ec� ite rights to
<br /> ------= e�n8c�xc�a �:tte ��ma a nor tha waiver by the Lendar of any loreach of
<br /> - = any eerm, cnv�nank er ct�reemarat �e takea or held to be a waiver
<br /> __�--�-__-= c�� Qny r���cycre�ec�ie�� breac�t of arsy auch term, covenant or agreemeat,
<br /> . --- - -- oa� �c� s� wc�ivor o� Cho term, covenant arid Agrestnent itself.
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