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'i' , ��r,::. <br />.. ,�.: -, it�`. • � —. <br /> �_,� � • 0 . � S • �_,':. <br /> � •)� � � � � p "� � <br /> �// � <br /> � � � �� <br /> .� ` . _ �� �; „� � -� ``^ Cfl � _ <br /> � <br /> � � o ° � � �:�-- <br /> ;. _ ,..,�.� � 1� -o.�� "G � a �' as. <br /> � a a� a �" - c� �. <br /> � <br /> <r�:. �' Q m � � � a rv �r., ��: : <br /> , ���.. � � N � <br /> �t,� � � N � v� ��, <br />-:��..�= �, o v, tV�, <br /> -�r � ��w •���/i� N � �- <br /> r <br /> �•. _ � <br /> V" <br />->a � - Deed of Trus�, Security Agreement a _ <br />-_y,���,�' BANK3 and Fixture Financing Staxement <br /> =.���„�,� o (Nebraskal <br /> ., ;�.___ <br /> _`'��� TAIs Oeed ol Tiusr,Securlty ABreemant ond Fixture Anaadng Statentent/"Desd oJ Trost9 Is made �z-�T-�994 •bY end • <br />-��r�� betweQn c tt H Pfuetze & Karen L 8fuetxe <br />- ; 4 <br /> T�r°""'� ltAe•Tiustor•J afnl h s and w e <br />•_Y��� Norwest Bank Nebraelca. Natio�al Aeacaiation <br /> -- - fthe'Tiustae'l,a nat�onsl bank/rtg assoefaUon,end <br />_= Norweat Bank Nebraaka National. Assocl.ation _- <br /> ="�� /tha BeneAclary%a natl�na!banking assoeladon. yy/�NESSETN: <br /> ���'��� /F 7HIS BOX IS CNECKED f� TNlS DEED Of TRUST CONSTITU7ES A CONSTRUCT/ON SECURITY <br /> _�� AQREEMENT!/NDER TNE NEBRASKA CONSTRUC7/ON L/EHACT AND CREA7ES ORAMS AND <br /> - CON57lfUTES A CONSTRUCTION SEC�/RI�M 1N7FRfST/N THEPRaPERTY DES�RlBED BfLOW. <br /> - --- WNFitF.tiS. , <br /> __- - �Tiustor has executed and delivered to Benefrclary a promfosory note!a the pdnclpal sum ol <br /> v Do!lars/8yqp„nnn ne 1,drlted na_��..i o99 .payable to tho orderolBeRellciaryendhavtr.g o matudtYOf <br /> na_n�_�nnn .togethe�wlrhlnte�esttAereon,/atecharges,prep�ymenrpenaldes any/utureadvances,anda/l <br /> extenslons,modiflesdons,auDstftudons end renewals thereol lherelnafter the Notv I. <br /> - - � <br /> �- _ � <br /> - -�� (the Borrower i hsa app/�ed to BeneNel2ry tor o»e o►mom/oans,lette�s o/credlt,oi other l/naneta!acco�r.rrrodaSons and may hareaftei <br /> ---- lrom dme to Ume app1Y[o BeneBclarylor addJBona/loans Jette�s o!aedlt and othe►finanda/eceommodeUons,and to Jadaco Beneftclery <br /> - ---- ' ' to provide ltnonclal aceommodaUo»s ro Borotiver. <br /> • 0 /1 thls box/s cheeked, 7�ustoihas guaranteed to BeneBciary the peyment end perJonnance of each and every deb4 llabtlftyr end <br /> o b 0ga u o n o l e v a W h p��d descd pden which Bonower may naw or at any tlme Aereatter owa to Beneflctary twtretlrer suah debL <br /> JlaB l l iry o�obllga don now exfsta o�ls hama/ter cieated or lncu��a d,an d w he ffier I t l s o r m a y b e�d l m a t o r I n d i r e c t,J u e o r t o b a c o n r e <br /> — � dpo,absolute or cont/ngent,prlmary or secondary,/ipuidoied or uMlquidated,o�Jotni,seveml or.Jolnt and severali. � <br /> � : 0 /1 thls Gox ls chaaked, Trostor h�s gueranteed rn Be»efiefary the payi»snt aad pedormance o!tho debb linb!lJty,or obligadon d� <br /> 8orrower fo Boneflclary evldenced by or arising out oP Ne!o/lowing: <br /> . .., . <br /> `-`s and any extenslbns,�enewels o�repJacements theroof,togother wlth acaruad I»terest theroon and�elaterl costa ol ento�ceM@nt s+rd <br /> z�:�lf� colleetlon oxpenses,purseant ro a Qvamnty lherelnafter the°Guare►�ty'I ol even dare herewith. �� <br /> - ---� Tiusrer shatl also pay ail othcar rums,►'eea or chor8ea,together wlrh Inie�eat therROn,advanced to prot8et the securTry ot tltis Deed of Tiust <br /> -- oM,,�he nerlom,ance a!the covenants end a8momnnts oF Tiust��wi�sihor or nor sei torth herstn aad per�nmr,�ttschar�to�nd compfy wlM <br /> _-- -_= every term,covenant,aDn�atfon end egreenrerit�t iautar canrcrrd f+crrdr+or h"+eorAor"���'���°��"°�'Y R!'�astlwu vnder th8 _ <br /> Nota or Me Gusranty.�n9 appl?eable,and al/sueh other suma are hereinafter eollectivery rele��ed to as the"Ob1igDJ/0Y19 1. <br /> NOW,THEREF.QR�!n conslderadon oJ the p�smisos end tor the pu�pnse ot secudng the Obtlgetloas,Tiustorl�revoCablY 8iants <br /> ond,trans/era to trystoe,!n tmst 4VfTH POWER OF SALE,the tol�ow/ng descdbed propertylocnted!n�he County ol , <br /> �Iarl . __ .SteteofNebraska: <br /> -- Lot Seven (�). Amick Acres Weat 3ubdivieion, Hall County, t�Tebraska <br /> _�;,,�� . <br />-_- "���s <br /> �n� SVBJECT TO: easements and iesulctJons o/record,and: _ <br /> - -°=:_� - <br /> _'_?:�� i . ' • <br /> . .�4� . .�'. <br /> * � �� . rogethsr wlth U1 al/trulldings atructuroa sdditfons enlargements,moditcado»s repo/rs,�cplacements,vndlmprbvemants now or Aereaftet <br /> located therean,f�7J a!l equ/pme»t,maeAinary and rxtures Uealudin�,withorrt Ifmltatlen,a/!lighting,hvatfng,ventpaUng,coaGrrg;ai� <br />=.��;;;�,�� conditlo»In�sprinkling and plumbing flxtu�es wate�end paweraVSiems v�fnes,baiJers,ronfles,•ovans,d�4hweshers,mfrrom nnd manht/s, <br /> .,u w..�.o aw�arnra and mntors.refilaeietlan plants or units,commonfcstion systems,dYnamos,uensfoimars. <br /> __..,��r:_�� ���v..�........�.-•------•- -- <br /> electdcal equ/pment,atoms and screen wlndowa,doors,awntngs anu snaoesJ now or ae�eai�e�ariacima io,ar bu�:�R�m• :R+�ar <br /> -�:��, /mpmvemeni or Imp�ovemvnt noov or Aereafter/oca[ed thereon,(lJll a!I easemonJS aad dghts ol way eppunenanf thereto,�v1 e!l/masehold <br /> � : '.,;,�:":°.; estato,dght 8de an0 Jntenest of Trosta tn end ro v/J/essos,whether now or hereafter exl�Nng or entered/nto(lnc/ud/ng, withcut llmitetton, <br /> ��.3;_. _. . a!!cash ored security depesits,advsnee rentels aad deposlta or payments of a s/mi/ar naturol,pehalning tMemto,!v1 al!renis,lsaues,pmfrts <br /> - ��� • �' and income therefrom(sub�ect to tRe iight o/Trostor ro copect snd applY such ronts,issues,proNts end lncome as they trecomo due end <br /> �'`` '"' �': pnyaDfe so/ong ss no ev¢nt o►deleult exfsts heieunderl,lvll a!/roysltles m/nerol,01l and ges rJghts snd pm1lts,wate�water dghts,and <br /> .;r�,i`�` iA: wate�atock,fv11i al!tenements,gereditamunts,privlleges and oppurten3rscns trslongJn�, used or enjoyed/n connectlon therewlth,and/vlil/al! <br /> ''��'� •• °��}',� proceeds o/canve�slon,voluntary or/nvoluntary,o/any a/the torcgoing!nro easA or li4uideted elalms(laeluding,whhout dmitatlon, <br /> ' _•�;.`..� �,� j�. proceeds of/nsuraree end condemnatlon awardsl,s!I of whlch ore Aerelnaiter eo!lecrtvely tl�o'Tiust Proparty.' <br /> " ' TO PR0IECT yNf SECUR/TY Of 1K/S DEED OF TRUST, T R I/S T O R C O V E N A N T S A N D A Q R E E S A S F O L LOWS: <br /> t. Tltte. Tiusror tovenants,warrents end agr�ees wiM Beaeflclary,ita sucCessois and asalgns,thst Tiusror owas the Tiust Property fsuDject <br /> •,,� to any/and saJe conuact desc�lbsd obore!artd Aas the dght ro convey Me Tiust PropsrtY.that tAB Tiust Prope�tY/s lree liom sny prlo�Gan <br /> .' .,;, or eneumbronce excapt as ofhaisvise listed above,that this Daed o/Trust is snd w!N rcmaln�vo!!d aad en/orceaD/e lfe»on the Trust <br />�-��', ;, P�opeit►s that Tiustor,et fts expense,wll!preserve snch tltle tted wl11 mafnttdn NIs Deed o/Tiust as a Ile»uQoa the Tnrst ProportY and►vfl/ <br /> __,1,,.,.,:,.'4.` Iorovo�warrt�nt end dolend the�a►Idity and pdodtY of tho lian hereof aga/ast Me clafms ot eil persons ond partles wOromsoever.Tiusror,et fts <br />` - expense,w111 eause this Desd ol Tius4 snd eaah amendment o�supplement heroto,to bs file�end recorded as e moitgego of tha Tiust <br /> � Prpperty/n sucA monner e�d!n such place er+d wi1!tako such sction es!n tRe oplRlon of 7nrs[ee ma y tra reQufred Ay ony present o�futu�e <br /> - � law!n ords►ro PeAetct,malntaln artd protect the lien ot thls Ooed o/Tiust,as tAe sama may tra smended or supplamented fmm dma to tlme. <br /> ` hrosDy relJn4ulshes ellA ght o%dowuer end homeste d!n one ro he Titr t�perty.�st�pe�gs may De requlred Dy Beneflclary. Trustot <br /> Page J o/8 <br />•. nn rsxro uir�nas�aaaaw� <br />