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<br /> • MAItfiY Ie g1AFtRIht3�'ON �REII081T8 l# H1�F2RINGTON 102509 03/22/199�
<br /> F2
<br /> 6=:
<br /> � 9.Cand�c+na4to�.Tlie pressercls uf a��y award M clalm far damages.d�rect or caasequentiai.in canuertian��ith au�y �_
<br /> , � ;. � oon�emnation or other tulcii���f the Propany. or pzrt thereaf,or fm conveyance in lieu of condemaadon.are ker�eby w^.
<br /> assI�;ncct s�ud sle�ll be paid to Lei4Jer. suhje�:t ti�die tem�s uf any nu�rtgage.deed�►f trust or ather s�cudry ag�uemettt wIth u =
<br /> � ` lten�vflich has prlorlry over thls Dercl of TnG�t. �,-
<br />_. ° .,:� Ip. Borr�wer Not Reteased� �'orbearnnce �'Lender PIoY u Wuiver. Batei�sian uf tltr tinte for paymen4 or -
<br /> modificadon of a�nurti�atiun of the swm secured by�his Deed c+f Trust grantc�l by Lender ta any successor la intenest af
<br /> � � Bor[ower s6ati not o�fetate ti�releaxr.in any n4uui�r,dte Itabiltry uf the adginai Bormrler aud�mm�i�er's sL�ccessors in �-=
<br /> lnterest. I.ender shuii not be required to con�nience pruceedings egainst sucl�sucuessix or tefuse tn eatend time for payment �
<br /> ' ur otherrwtsc raodify•rncorttzad�n of the sums ucured by this Deed of Tnist by reason of any demand a�de by the a�ig'rnat o -
<br /> �:;,r�s'' . � B�orrawer a��orrower's suaes.u�ts in inrerest. Any forbxarance by I.ender in exemtsing any right or iemedy hereunder.
<br /> " '� or oWerwise afforded by applica6le law.sl�all uot Nr a waiver of ar preclade the eaercise of any sucb dght or remedy. �
<br /> 11.Successois and Asstgns Bound;Joint an�Seve,xui IAabtdityt Co-st$ners. The cove�ants and agree�nents herein �
<br /> �:�� �
<br /> - corusined shail bin�t.a�W dce risYus l�ereunder sliall inure ta,ttie resgective suc�essors and essiIIns of Lendee und Borrmwer. ._
<br /> � • �• subject w the provisIans af paragraph 16 hereof. AII crnenants and ag�eemenu of Bornower s1�116e joim and s�eweral.
<br /> • Auy BorKawer who c.�s�slgas tbis De�d of T�ust.but dces uoi ex�cute the Note.(a)is oo-s3guiag ti�is Deed of Tnrst oWy to
<br /> gu
<br />_.. gtatit and cnnvey that Borrower's interest in tlie Property to T�ustee under We tettns of t14is D�ed of Tn�st. (b)is Qot A _
<br /> � �.�`��. personaily ttable on the Note or under this De�i of Tcus�and(c) agrees that Lender and anY aiher Bomnwer herennder
<br />;:�:^�, � :.
<br /> _....,_:..,,... �
<br /> ,":���•; may age�e to extend.modify.fnibear,or tnake any otuer accomma9aaous wIth regard to the temos of this Deed of Trust or
<br /> .�'"'�`?�*�, the Nate,wltlaout that Borrower's co�uent and witlsnut r+eleasing that&irrower or modifying this Deed of Tn�st as to dmt
<br /> ..-._,
<br />=-�=; - '=='� Borrower's interest in the Propeaty. �
<br />,`�.�;ir,,{,a:.,-:
<br /> ,� �,,� 12. Notice. Bxcept for any nut�ce reyulrc�J under applicable law to be given ia another manner. (a)any aattce to
<br /> � , � Bortorver provided f�r In this Deecl uf Tntst �hall Ne�iven by delivedng it or�Sy mliling such noflce by certified mail _
<br />"°,,:.._;::A;,� addressed w Bomower at tlte Prapercy Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate by nottce to Leffier as --
<br /> -- �°..'".,, rovided he�eia and(b)a�►Y¢otice to i.ender shall 6e given by certified mail w Lender's add�ess slated hem�a or t+�stu�
<br />�_�'-���r�,�?;::�� P
<br /> =-'�"„` other addnss as I.ender may designate by notice to eorrower as provided herein. t�ny notice pmvided for in tbis Deed of
<br />=-==A_��'� Trust shall t+e deemed to have t�een�iven to Borniwer or Lender wheu given�n the ma�mer desigoated hecein.
<br /> ,,;e;�_�__g�� 13.Goveraing Lawi 5ev�rabilisy.'1'he state and Icx�l laws appltcablc w this Deed of Tnrst shall be tha laws of the
<br /> ���'-.. Jurisdiction in wLich the Property is toc�lted. Tiie forcgoing sentence shall not limit the apPlicability of Federal!aw to this
<br /> �;�� Dead of'Pnist. In the event that any prnvisiun or ciause of this Deed of Trust or d►e Note conSicts vvIth applicable law.
<br /> -��„� snch contllct shall not af'fea otLer provlsions of tbis Qeed of Trust ar tde Note which can be gi;�en effect wtthnut tbe
<br /> ---.—= �offiljctiog p�ov[sion.s�xi io ilni5 cii+i it'ic�nz'ssici�;of ilss:,I?�tt �f Tts�t�* �Nnie 3t!'d_er_.lamd tn Ite sevelable. I�a .
<br /> -�� ased herein. "coscs", "eapenses"and"aaorneys'fea' i�clude all sums co the eaq�nt not prohibited bY apPlic�ble taw ar
<br /> -_ - Innited hereia
<br /> �-= 14. Baravwe+r's Copy.Borrower shall Ue furnished a conforaned copy af die Nois aod of Wis Deed of TYnst ai the
<br /> —� time of exect�niun or after recor�dadon keaeof.
<br /> __ --� iS. RehabifItasian Loan A�em. Borrwrrr shaU fu16i1 all of Barmwer's obfigations ut�er any home
<br />-:;;e�;',';;;.:;
<br /> ;N_� m6abilItalion,improvem2ttt.repair or ather toan agreeimant wbich Bornower eate�rs imo with Ixnder. Le�a'.�:rt�.ender's
<br /> - - --- • ppt�on. may requite Horrower to e�cecute aud de tiver zo Lendar. in a foim aooeptable W Lender.an assig�neht of�ny
<br /> =---
<br />