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<br /> �I�11���.:
<br /> EQRD�RATI�N
<br /> 3415 WBST ST11`P8 STRBBT
<br /> QRAND ISLAND NS 6�803
<br /> DE�D O� �'R.UST
<br /> TI�IIS DEED OF 1'RUST is made this 22ad day of t+fauch .1999 a�ng the Tntstor,
<br /> (hstein'Boi►�+pr"?,
<br /> Mir�nel F. Rivett ��
<br /> . •Trastoe").Aud t%Bemficiary. COI+IINBRC�IA7� CRBDIT CORPORATiON •
<br /> a ant�otation organixtd and csaisting unc�i�r�the Laws of Marylenc! �' •�'�
<br /> �ItCSS is 3415 WSST STATS STRSBR' C3RAND ISLAND I►78 68803 ���
<br /> "LC�ei�).
<br /> `` ' �- -_-
<br /> � BoRROwBR.:ln con�sIderation of tbe itr�tear�i�ein re�ea ana mo i�usi u��,. ��. �s�l;gr��!
<br /> � oomeys to Tn�stev;in uusc.wtth power of sale.the followIng describcd pm�erty tocated in t�e Ca�natyaf
<br /> tiALL ,Statc of Nebraska: , • ��
<br /> . ;:',
<br /> ,• � � ,�.. �
<br /> ,:.;.; • �
<br /> 1;-� THFl��AS4"$1tLY 40 PBBT OF LOT 80 AND THB WBST812LY 30 PBBT OF LO`!�'���, . ,'';:,':
<br /> �JOL 'S SIIBDMSION. CITY OF C�RAND ISL11I1D, IiF�T+L COUNTY. N8�1�&j�'�'•:, , •:: ,
<br /> • •,�,,
<br /> :L, .
<br /> ���{]��of 5!4 JOHIJSON DItIVS . aRAIID IsI,AND • .
<br /> Ndfraska 68801 (herein'Property Address'):
<br /> _' TOCfBT1�EA�ittth 'II�IQ thG�III�IOVCIDCrit6 QD�Y QT�IC[CiRC7C t[�Y�G OA 4�'iC�POj1Zi't�r�at!� e�:..-as�at� ri31�i.
<br /> y�pptute��nres au�rents(su8ject however to the rights utd agthorides givtn bertin����Cicr w oollect ud uI�p1Y�voh .
<br /> t�nts),ali af w�acD st�l�6�doemod eo 1�aud�em�in��act of the prop�sty cavcte�l by 4bts 7Xcad.t►f�'lY�st:atoid all af t�e
<br /> � forcga3ng.together with said DroperiY (or tve lease�old estate if d�s 13c�'i of Tmst ts on a�t�Sehtrldy ara h�imtfter
<br /> ��������•� .
<br /> s
<br /> TO SE�tJitE i�Lender ti�rep�y�t of the i�btedness evidenc�A by Bo�wer's noie datc� 0302�/1999
<br /> and exttnslot��d ren�wals thereof(herBlII'l�iote").in the Qr�ncipal aun Of U.S.$ 15.593.57 .whh ia�etest thereon.
<br /> pmviding tor mo�hly instatim�nnts of princ.ipa!and iMeres�with cbe balanx of tht i�.if mt so�ner p�id.duc
<br /> _ and payab3e a�n oa/io/2006 :tt�paym�nt of a1l mhsr sums.withiaierest N�nn,�dvanad ds of Barrow+en c�min
<br /> protoci the srcuiity of this Deed of Tn�st: and the per[ormame of the cove�and s�oeme
<br />— oo�tined.
<br />— &►rruwer oovenutts that Bomnwer is lawfully seised�f the atate hemby oomeyed�nd t�s the rigtii to grtt�ru�t
<br /> eonvey the PmQerty.aud Wat tl�e Property is w�etxuanl�ered,eacept fot encumb�af[toord. Bomuaer covet�a�ts t�at
<br /> Borrower wanants and wilt defend �neiaqy the dde to cix PM�crtY agaiast ap cia� and den�nds. subjrct ta
<br /> encumbranc�es of yecord.
<br /> Nearast�zsa�� ��a or�gs�ni(Ltecosded) copyt8ranch) CopY(Custoa�rl P�e�ors
<br />