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<br /> r lessened,tha insurnaco praceeds shail ba appl[ed first to t�c rcductlon of any indebt�ae�s uader n Secort�i Note f
<br /> � ` .� and Second SecurIty Instwment held by the Secretary on the Property and then to the red¢cdon of the �-
<br /> � indebtedness under the Note end this Sec�ty Instrumen�Any excess insurance proceeds ovet un amaunt required _
<br /> . .�� +�� to pay aU outstandIn�indebted�eess under the Note and this Security insuument ahuli be pald to the entiry legNty m'
<br /> , i':�;� entItled thet+eto. ��
<br /> ��,�� la the event of foreclosure of tbis Securiry InstNment or other transfer of tIde to the Property that exttnguishes -
<br /> the indebteduess,ell dght, tItie and interest of Borrower in and to insurnnee palictes in fotce shall pass to the �
<br /> j � purchaser.
<br /> �'�� 4. Occupancy, PreservatEon, Maintenance and Pratection of the Property; Borrower'a LoAn
<br /> � .� APPU��oa; Leasehoids. Borrower shaU occuPY, estabUsl�„ and use the Properiy es Horrower's prfncipal
<br /> residence after tbe exeivdan of this Secm3ty Instrument,and Borrower(or ai least one Borrower,if inidally more
<br /> ' than one person are Horrowers)shaU canrinue to occupy the Property es Bo:rowea's principnl restdence for the
<br /> . term of the Securlry Instrumen�"Princip�!e�idencc"shall have the stu�ae meaning ag in the Loan A�neemen�
<br /> Bomower shall ao4 commit waste or destroy,damage or subsmntially change the Pmperty or aiow U►e Ro�e;ty -
<br /> � ,.,, �deteriorate.reasonabte wear ead tear excepted. Bairower shaU also be in default if Botrow�r,during d►e loan
<br /> AppUcation proces,�,gave mater�ally fals�or inacxwate infomnattan ar statements to Lender(cr feiled w provtde
<br /> , Lendeu wIth any matertel info�mation)�connecdon wtW the Loan evidenced by the Note, inctuding,but aet
<br /> . ' limited to, representatlons conceming Bomowefs occupanry of the Property es a priacipal nsidence. If thia
<br /> ,:.�r.�� Secudty Ipstrument is on a leasehold, Borrower shell comply with the provisioas of We lease. If Bormwer
<br /> , a�quires fee t[tle w the Property,the leasehold and fe�t�tle shall not be merged unl�.ss Lender agrees w the meaEer
<br /> ;��:;�':.,;r in wr[tin�. .
<br /> - S. Charges W Borrower sad Fpa3eetlon oi I.eader's Rfghts 6w ffie Propeety. Hoirower shall paY ell
<br />�..,:~�;;,� goveramentel or municipal charges,finas and imposittons tbat ere not included ta Parageph 2.Bomower shall gay
<br />��;;-----� these obligeHons on time directly w the entity wldch is owed tme payment If failure no pay would adve�sely�
<br /> �-,,;�_,��- Lender's intecest ia tIIe t�vpercy. upon Lende�s zequesi Borrowar sLnil ��ui�y � �s t� s�9g�
<br /> ..=-��_� evidenctng these paymeats. Sotrower shall pmmp2ly discharge any lla►which has pdorlty over this Securtty
<br /> ' ' Inshvmont in tho manuer pmv[ded in P�►ra�raph 12(c).
<br /> _:`:;�� If Borrower fails to make these paymeats or the A�P�Y���4�t►Y�Ph 2,or fails to perfotm
<br /> � -�`� any other covenant�and a�reements conn�ined in this 5ecwfty tnstr�ent,or then Ls a legat proa�ing d�at maY
<br /> �`^`��t'-- ai�nificantiy affect Lender's dghts ia the Peoperty(such as a prnceed3ng in bankruPU,Y, for candemnation or to
<br />-`�"'��`�_� enfo�e laws or nguladona�,then Lendet raay do aad pay whatever is necessary ro prctecZ the vatue of the �
<br /> _�=`'��_a� Property aad L.ende�s rights in the Property. includtng payme�oY taxes, bazard insu�euce and ather itema _.
<br />�;wa.��'.=-_�;ti�
<br /> _ --=�_� mentFoned in Parag�apb 2.
<br /> - To protect L�ende�s securiry in the ProPert!►.Leader shap advance and charge to Bomuwer ell emountg due W
<br /> _
<br />