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<br /> . pedods that Lender�t;quires. The insuruncv curtiet providin�ihe inaurnnce shull bc cho�en by Borrower subJect tu I.cnder c
<br /> • upprovul which nhnll not he unreasamibty�vitht�eld. If Banower f'uilx ta muintnin cuvemge descrjhed nbuve,Lender muy,ut
<br /> „ Lenderfi aptian.obtc�ip cuvcmBe to�mtect I.cndcr y rights in the Property in i�crardance wUh pan��;ruph 7.
<br /> •,�:�• All insurnnce palicics nnd renswW�►shul!be ucceptublc to Lender i►nd ahnll include u stundard mortguge clauxe. L.ender
<br /> shi�ll hnvt thc ri�ht to hold the policies und renewuls. If Lender requires,Borrower whull pn�mptly�ivc to Lender�dl rcrciptti
<br /> - • _ ot'puid premiums and ccnewol notires. in the eveut uf lu,Y. Bor.uwcr�;huN�ivc prompl nuticc¢u tl�e innuc:uuc rarelcr and -
<br /> ' '�� Lender. Lender muy nmke proof of loxs if not mude promptly by Borrower. �
<br /> Unlesa Lcnder�nd Borta�vcr otherwi�e ugree in writin�;,insumrtre proceeds shull be u�plied to restan+tion��r rcpair af
<br /> .�, ,., the Pro�erty dumaged,if the restomtion or repi�ir ix ecnnumicnity fcusible und Lendcr� scrurity is nat Icssened. lf the
<br /> "'�`� mstoratton ur repair ia not ecqnomicuily feuslble or Lender'�aecudty would be lessened, the insumnce praceeds shall be
<br /> ,� npplted to the sums sccured by this Securlty Instnrment, whdher or not then due, with uny excess paid to Borrower. [f
<br /> ,,,:�,��, ,.,� Borrower abandona the Pmp�rty, or does not answer within 30 duyti a notIce from Lender thut the insurunce carrler hus
<br /> . : offered to settle u claim,then Leeder muy coUect the insurunce procee;ds. Lender�nuy use the proceeds to nepuir or restare -
<br /> • - the Property or to pay sums�ecured by this Secudty Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-duy p�riad will begin when
<br /> the nottce is given.
<br /> - tlnless Lender :ind Horrower othenvise�gnee in writing,any applicudon of pmceeds to prinaipal shuti not cxtend or
<br /> -':`�.i�' Rostpone tt�e due dote of thc monthly payments referred to in paragmphs 1 and 2 0{change the amouut of the paymenu. If
<br /> •:��s_,',�r;�' under parngraph 21 the Property is ncqutred by Lender. Bomowerb right to any ii�s�R4�1f�'}�tilici�s and proceeds rcsuldng
<br /> '�-"�=� ���i'� from damnge to the Pcoperty prior to the�cquis�t[on shall puss to 4ender to the extent of the sums secured by thls Security
<br />_.�'�.°�.'�..�\
<br /> Instn�ment immedtately prlor to the ucqutsitton.
<br />-?4'�t:�,����.•+ 6. Occupancy. Preservallon, Matntenance nnd Protectton of the Property; Borrower's Loan Application:
<br /> °�.^�?`� �� i.easeholds. Bocrower shall occupy.establ[sh.nnd ase the Fmperty as Borrower�s principal residence within sixty days after
<br />``''�'`�� the eaecudan of this Security Insuvment and shall condnue to occupy the Pcoperty us Botrower's principal residence for ut
<br /> - •:`;�5� least one year after the date of occupancy. unless Lender othenvise ugrees in writing. which consent shull not be
<br /> . �=A-=• unr�eswnably wtthheld,or wless extenuadng cit�cumstnnces exist which are beyond Borrowers control. Bomower shull noi
<br /> _._:�,��� destroy.damage or impair the Property.allow the Property to de2eriorate.or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> _._�� ba In default if any forfeiture actian or proceediceg,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender�s gaod fuitfi judgment
<br /> - __ could�+esult in forfeiture of the Praperty or otherwise materiully impair the lien created by thIs Secunty Insuument or
<br />___._�-;ti� Lender�s security interesG Borrower may cure such u default aad�+ein.state,as provided in parngraph 18,by cnusing the acdun
<br /> - or pmceeding to be dismissed with a niling that,in l.ender�good faith detetminatIun.precludes forfeituce of the Bomower�s
<br /> -_.� interest in the Property or other material impaUment of the Gen crcated by this Securiry Insmiment or Lender�s secudry
<br /> �G;�� interesL Bomower shall also be in default if Bomnwer. during tde loan applicution process. gave materially false or
<br /> -------'!`'° •n;accx;r,zte is:fas:as��st or stetem�s tn r pa�p�(or faiie�i c�gr�nvide Lender with any matedal information)in connectio�n with
<br /> -_-"�� the loan evidenced by the Note, including. but not limited to, representauons concemin� BorrowerTS occupancy of the
<br /> �� P�operty as m priacipai residence. If t}us Securiry Instnunent is on a leasehold,Barrower shall oomply w[th all the pmv isians
<br /> - of the lease. If Borrower acquins fee tide to the Property.the leas,ehold and the fee dtle shall not merge unless Lender r���ees
<br /> _— w the rnerger in writang.
<br /> -- 7. Protection of i.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform We covenanu and ag�eemenss
<br /> - contained in this Security Insmiment, or there is a legal praeeding that may signiftcantly affect Lender�s rights in tpte
<br /> � Properiy(such•ss a�pmceeding in banluuptcy.probate,for condemnarion or forfeiture ur to enfotce laws or�egulatioms).tAe�►
<br /> ___, -° Ixnder may�do sntl pay for whatever is.aecessary to protect�he vufue of the Ptoperty and I.ender's dghts in the Property.
<br />- --- -� _ Lender's actions may inciude paying any�ums secu�ed by a lien wh�ch hss priority over this Security IustnuttEnt,appeacing
<br />- --- in court,paying reasonable stwmeys'fees and en[ering on the Property to make repairs.Althongh Lender may lake acdon
<br /> under this paregraph 7,Lender does not have w do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbuised by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall tsecame addidonal debt of Borrower secw+ed by tlus
<br /> �ecuriry Ins�dument. Unless Bon�ower.�nd Lender agte�w other tenns of payment,these amounts shall bear interesc from the
<br /> --� date of disbursement at the Notc rate and shall be payable. with interest,upon noHce from i.ender to Borrower requesting
<br /> payment.
<br /> ,_;� 8. Mortgage Insw�ence. If Lender�quired mortgage insurance as a condidon of malcing the loan secured by this
<br /> ':� Security Instrument, Bormwer shall pay the premiums r+eqvire�i w maintain the mortgage inswauce in effecG if,for any
<br /> -'`'� reasa�, the,mortgage insucaTtce coverage reqU.ired by Lenda lapses or ceases to be in eft'eci,.Somower shall pay the
<br /> --- pnemiums�xqpised to obtain wve�e substantially ec(uivalent to the mortgage insurance ptewiously in effect,at al cosE
<br /> =__ =_-�:y:'� FuMctantia!!x eq�rivnl�m to the rost ta T�onower of the mort�e insurat►ce previously in effect,$bm an alternate mo=tgug� ..
<br /> '---- i,�ita��K?v�d�y Lc�r. Ii�ibcta:.iiaiiY�qu'svat�i snc�rtr:g�in.�t�nce ce�Praae ic nor availahle.tiomnwar st�ail nay w
<br />_�,:�� Lender each month a sum r.qual to one-nvelfth of t��yeazly mortgage in�urance premium being paid by Bortower v�an the
<br />_- - -- i�nsw�ance cgverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Ixnder wiU accept,use and i+etain these paymenu as a lass r�eseive in lieu
<br /> -,::� of mortgr,�e insurance. L.oss reserve�ayments may ao longer be required,at the option of Lender.i�mortgage insurance•
<br /> ,,,,� c:uve�ag�.t+��.1he amount and for the periad that I.ender nequin,e) provided by an insurer appmved by Lender again becum�s
<br /> - available and is obtained..Borrower shali p,�y the prezniums�quir�ed to maintain snortgage insw�nce in effect,or to provide'a �
<br /> ,�� loss reserve,undl the rr�.yuirement for mongage ins�npnnce ends in accordance vtitb,any wntten Agte�ment bettive2n Borrower
<br /> "�� and Lender or appticabla law.
<br />- - - 9. Itispec4ion. Lender or iu agent may make reatonable entries upon and`inspections of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> _. ___ �v:� �ive Bormu+er natice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying ieasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> -_.----..�.
<br /> 10. Condemnatton.77ee proceeds of any award or elaim far damages.direct or wnsequendal.in connection with any
<br />_ — "- --- Single family-Fbnnfe MaelFteddle Mac UNII�'ORM INSTRUMENT-Qnifom�Oovman� 9i90 (page 3 oj6 pages►
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