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<br /> n 7.Emincnt Domcin.Londo��s hereby nssipnod all eomponsntion,awards,damofloe end othor paymente or roiiot(here�neftar'Procoedi 1
<br /> in connoation with eondomnation or otho►taking of tho P►qperty or part theroof,or for co�veyanco in liQU ot eondemnet�on.landor shell F.-°-7
<br /> tuka�i or damagad.Lendor shell hevo tFie opt�o�in itn aolo ond ebaolute diearotion,to apply oll such Pr000eda,attur deduatinfl therefrom -^__
<br /> ; oll cost�and oxponeos incurted by rt in connoction with such,Prv.waodo,upon aey inde6todnosa eoCurod hmoby and in aueh order e� �'s �
<br /> Londer may dotorcnino,or to applV aIl cueh Procoada,aftm uuch d¢duationo,to tho ro�torotion of tho Ptoparty upon suah eonditions p TB�,
<br /> ,: - . ::�. landm may dotermine.Any apptiaetion of Proceods to ind�btadn�43 cheA act oxtend ot poelpotto the duu doto of any paymente under
<br /> " tho fJoto,or curo nny da4oult thereundor or herounda�.Any uneapl�vd funds shntl be peld to Tnretor.
<br /> 8. Poeformanaa 6y Landa. Upon tho occurronca of en Event of Defnult horaundor,or if eny aat is tokon or Iagol procaesding K�-•____
<br /> _, _..•,,:�, commencad whieh metarietly e(feal�Londer'e intoroat in tho Pr4perty,Landar maY in ite orrn discrotion,but without obt�gotion to do so. _ _
<br /> and without notice to or demand upon 7rustor and w�thout rdoosinp.Truator trom eny obliqatio�,do any oot which 14uetor hea ag�eed
<br /> ��*k�� but Inils to do and mey also do anY othor act d deome noao�earp ta p�ptoat tho ooeurity hasoof. Truetor sholl.immnd�atoly upo�dammd
<br /> thorofor by Le�der.poy to lender ell eosto und oxpenseua ittpu�l�t�and.sums expendod br landor in aon�oation wdh tho oxoroiso by
<br />-°�� �Pnder of tho foregomp righte, toqathor wrth mteroet thpra0n ut`th� deFault roto providod in tho Noto, which shall bo nddcd to tho
<br /> .y r- mdnbtednesa oocu►od horobY•�ender ohall�ot u�cur any liubilitV b6xausoof unythinp it moy do o►omit to do horaundar.
<br /> •�- -' 9.Hceardoue M�terialo.Truotoi sholl koop tho P�oDmty�tomplionco with nll oppliooblo lowo.ordinon000 ond rapulatiana talotinp to
<br /> �T� �ndustrmt hygieoo ar anvironmor�tel protuat�on Icoll¢otrvcly iafa�+ad to horoin o9'Ern�ronr��enwt lowa"1.r�uator ohnll koop tho PropGty �__
<br /> "'�`� Iroo from oll aubntan000 doomod to bo hoiordous or torfc unAa� ony Environmeniel Lowe lcottootfvaly rafarrod to horain ao'MoYOrdouo
<br /> �' � Matonale"1.Trustor horoby wurrunto and roprooanto to 4enEer thnt thore aro no Mosurdoue Alfatnrwt on or undor tho Proporty.Trudor
<br /> � !m��`` hereby eprees !o indemnily and hotd Mor��loeo Lendor.�t4 Euoatoro, ollioaro,omployotn end eponto, anB ony ouccooeara to Landor'�
<br />;;�,�i,_:: mtoreat,from ond opolnnt anY nnd all clmmn, domoqo�.tosnoo nnd Iiubilitlou edeinq In aonneot�on wnh tho proannao, uao, dinpond o�
<br />'�'+�+�•I��� trenoport of any Homrdouo Motounl� on,undo�.I�om ar obout tNo Prcperty.TNB FOREOOINO WARRANTIHS ANO REPRESENTATtONS,
<br /> -_===� TRUST.,
<br /> �-,`,� 10.Asslgnm�nt ol Ront�. TNator hornby uoa���a to lcnde�,c�d prante lender e sacudty intarxst!n.e!t piosont,t�duro ond dtQt .
<br /> :;...��A�
<br /> ' nou+p rente,isoues ond ptolito 01 tho ProportY: provided thot Tr+ittat ehatl,untll tho occurrenae of an Hvent ot Oefeu�t horoundat.heve
<br /> =+;;t,�;"'i� tho nght to colloat nnd retoin uuch ronto, �esuos ond praflto e�they beaoms due and peysble.Upon the occurtenae ot an EvoM o}
<br /> y*���' Ooteult,lender may,erthor in pmcon or by ayent, with or without b�inpinp any aotlon or proeeedtng,or bV o roaeiver oppointod by o
<br /> court and without reperd to tha adequaoy ot de aecurity, entar upon and tako Doaseselon of tho Propany,or any part tharoof,in ite o�rh
<br /> 4 � name or in tho name of tho Trwtoe,and do uny octe wfild'+ it doame neeesu�ll ot dealrebto to ptoserve the vatue,marketebiliq or
<br />..c9__'�
<br /> — rentabifity ot the Property.4t ony DBrt thateot or mtorast thMOi�.or ta+nereese the inoome therefrom ot ptotaet the security hereof and,
<br /> — with or without taking posaesaion of the ProDorty,sue tor or othpnvise cotleet the tente, iasue9 end ptofits thereot,including those pest
<br /> u � due end unpeid,by notitying tenants to maka paymente to len{3a. I.onder mey apply rente,tssuoa end profita,tesa coate ond axpe�a09
<br /> �"""`'-�� of operetioo ond colleotion inoluding attomeYe' feas.to any jndRbtpdna�s sseurod heTaby.aq In auah order ea lender may datermine.lhe
<br /> --- enteriny upon end teking pooseafion of the ProDerty, the cofl4ction of such rtnte,issues ei+d protite.and the epplioation theroof as
<br /> �� aforeseid,shall not cure or waive eny default or notiCe oi da,ff�ull.hqrnvnder or Invalide4e eny aot done in rosponse to suoh defauN or
<br /> ___,_�� pursuant ta suct►notice ot default and. notwithstending the continuanca in poasession ot the Property or the colleodon, roceipl end
<br />� -- ' Opp+icqiiun oi r��is, isa3a:as �rcf8te, Tr�ss!!u!�+a landm ahall 6�entiHed to exerCise every rigfit providod for in any o}tho Loaa _
<br />----- Instn.+mapts or by Iaw upon ooarranee of any Hvent of Oafuult ineluding without limitation the right to exereisa the powar oi seie.
<br /> � Puhhgr,Lender's rights and remed�es under this perogroph shp61 be cumu�ative with,end fn t�o way e�imitatlon on,Lendcr's rieht9 end
<br /> remtidl�under any assignment of leases end rents rocordod 4ga:nat the PropertY. Lendor, Trustee end tha teceiver ahell bo lia6b io
<br /> `�• �account only for those rents actually receivad. .
<br /> i t.Event�af Default.The folbwing shell constitute an E�vent a6 9efeutt undor this Oeed of Truat:
<br />- - �Cel,Peiture to Ray cu+V�nstaNment of principat or interost oi e�nV other sum eoauted I�ereb�when duo;
<br /> -- 'Ib1 il broech of or detauN under any provision contui�ed in tho Note,this Deed of Truet.any of tho Loon Instrumente,or enV
<br /> other lien or eneumbranea upon the Property;
<br /> �,�,t�� te1 A writ of ezeeution or ettaehment or eny simibr poucess ehall ba antored ageinst Trustor which shell beeome e lien onthe
<br /> _;,.'� Propariy or any por►Fon theraof or interest theroin:
<br /> -' (d!7hare shell be filed byor egainst Trustor or Borrowar an action under eny present or future tedatal,atata or other statue.law
<br /> _= qa regulation�elating to bankn+ptcy, msotvency or other rsliot 4a debtore;ot there shall be appointad eny truetee, recei'va or
<br /> , lidliidatot of Tn+stor Ot Bo►rowor or of ell or any p8K of•th0 PtOpeAy.or the rents,issues o�Dtofite thareof,ot Ttustor or Qat�ower
<br /> :. �, shnll tnnke eny peneral assiynnent for the banotit ot uoditare: aK of or an intoreat in the PropatV,
<br /> te)The sale,tranefer,lease, assi�nmant,convoyrsuo or furlher enwmbrence of ell or any p Y
<br /> aifhpr voluntarily or involuntuily,without the axpross wrdttm eoosent of Lender;provked thut Trustor shall�bo permitted to exause
<br /> a iaqs8;of the Property thot does oot contain an option ta pvrchose end the tarm of whkh daes not excxed ohe year;
<br /> , ttl Abendo�mont ot the Proparty:or
<br /> �p) If T►ueto► is not an ndividuat,the issuenco, sale�.tranafer, asaipnment, convayence or oncumbrance ot mara tHm lif a
<br /> eorporetion)e t,ptel of N/A vorcent of its issued and�outstend'np stock,or(rf e partnershlp)a totel of G/A �, percent ot
<br /> � - paRnership interaete, or b a hm�ted liability company?u rotai ot p/p paroont of the limited�fability company intor08te or rotinp
<br /> - ""� ti8hts during the period thie Oucd of T�ust remains a lion on tha Fropndy. _
<br /> --- j Z.�m::�;•���,.n u�,.,n Qetmett.In th�ev�t��q Event ot Oefautt lenda may.rttthout notica ez�e�i:�r4Quked bY�aa. _
<br /> dadtare all irtdebtedness seeurod F�ereby to be d�e ond peYabla and the smne shall thuaupon�boeomo dua mi6 peyBtiO 1vithuut r.+�y
<br /> ' . 'preaentment,dmnand.protest a�otioe of eny kind.ThoroaERer Londa eonay: '
<br /> fa1 Onmend thet Truatee axercisa the PO�NER OP SAt.� 9�eeted herein, end Truite� ahnll theroaiter anuse Truato�'s intarest
<br /> m the Property to be sold and tha proceeds to FaA dEstnbut¢d atl h the menner provided ir�the Nabreske Tnist Deeds Aet;
<br /> — — Ibt Exercise anY end etl rights provided tor tn sny ot ihe Laen•Insttuments or by Iaw upon oca+rrence of eny Evmt of
<br /> Datuult;and
<br /> -- tcl Commanco an nation to toreclose thia Deod of T.rus!ae e mortpage, appoint a receivet.or spacifically entoroe eny d tho
<br /> covanents hereof.
<br /> --___
<br />