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<br /> (�� ���D O{r TWU§T' Pa�@ 4 , • :���;:
<br /> 03-1A-1998 °' „ �,��-_
<br /> Loaw No 7E�188 a� ���sa� (�Anticfucd) _ •
<br /> ���_��-- �.� "�-�_�.���_�__�_.^�>
<br /> �.�-��.���'.S����.
<br /> ' AFCe:cmtl�n ugiaA Bmte�altt Attdltlanpt i3mmedicl. If uny ovor►t o1 dafnult accura nn por tho tarm�of tho Noto avcurn�d horeby,Londor may , _
<br /> „ � declnre aU tnd�hSednaso socured by lhls Coed of TNat to ba due and puynWo cuM tho eurteo ahnit lhcroupon beaom�duo und payab�o wilhout• -
<br /> 8ny prasnr+tmer►&domar►�.Drotcrst ot noUCe of any kktd.Thereutter.Lendet muy: ���
<br /> (0� Eitl10t tT�pet60�1 O�by 8g6t11�►t�4?ti or Lri�out brlrtp!rx,�t�ny eetbn or procecdinp.or by u recolver appolnted by o oourt end without
<br /> rogard to the pdequacy of lis 8acuttty.entar upCn end teke posses8lon of the P�opairy.ot nny pnrt UKneot.�n tts o�m name or In itie nama ;�-�,.:_.:
<br /> of Truatee.end do enY acts v+htch�1 deams°eces``Ary or desUobte to preservo the valua,markotabillry or rentabkiry of th�e Pr�ap�e o w��Pa� m::._-_
<br /> o}�prppetry or intorest In the PropeAy;lncrea�e the incoms from th�Properly or protoot the seautlry of the�c��:�Se�et dus and �`-�-
<br /> ,:± esa i o n o t t h e P r o p o A y.s u e t o r a o t he�wiso cotteot the rmrts.Issues and proflta u!the PropeRy. 9 �:-
<br /> _.-J' unp�Ed,depp1Y itre same�less co�ts ars�d expenses of operatlon and coUection,Includirtg ettomeys'tees�to any I n d e b t e d n e s a s e c u r o d --
<br /> ry,• Of e ChOe�e�d o1 T�t8a�l�flts,and the BPD��thedretot shali not cure or waive n y d fault o n�odco of delau t undet tl�b�Deed at T�ru9t �.�
<br /> ,,,�., c{o
<br />- �� � or Invelldate eny act done!n respor�o to euch deteutt or pu�tla►ot rents, bsues or proflts,Tro tee or Lerder etial{be�enUtled to °-
<br /> possossbn ot the ProperlY or the cotleottati�ecetpt and aPpt
<br /> � exercise every rtght provided for in the Note or the Related Documerns or by Iaw upon the occurtence of eny evant ot delauit,Includln8 the �_
<br /> �la1t to exeroise the power of sala;
<br /> (b) Cdnmence an acil�on to toreciose this Deed of Tnist as a mortgaSe,ePPotnt a receNer or specHicalty eMorcs any of the cavsnaMs _
<br /> hereof;ant!
<br /> �� (o) DdNer to Tnistee a wr(rien dectaratlon d detauft and demand for sale and a written�otice of detautt and �to���n��e —
<br /> ° iMerest In the Properiy t�be so!d,whfoh notice Tnistes shall cauae w be duly filed tor recob in the aPP� -
<br /> : wh�h the Props�Y Is iocated,and =
<br /> �� (� Wah respect to all or amr part of rie Persone►r mPertY��ender shali have ali the�i�NS eruf remedEes of a secured paAfr under the _=-
<br /> „ Nebraska UnifOrm Commencial Cede•
<br />-�.,,-;°.;f:. Fortecioaure by Pow�04 Sato. If Lsnder elects to fo►eatose by exercise ot the Power ot 3ale herefn containad.Lender shali�oUty Tn,stee and ��,_
<br /> •�.;Y�,;`�`; ' shell deposA with Tnistee this Daed of Tnmt and 9ie Note and such receipts end evtdence of expandlWres made and secured by tMs Desd ot �µ
<br /> �; .,`,� 1Yustxs'�rusteemay�equire. ��`�'_
<br /> '' (a) qJpon receipt ot such�oUCe trom lendler,Trruetee ah:►II cause to be cecorded�Pub�ished end deltvered to Tnmror such Notl�e of QeTault
<br /> „ „� .. and Nottc�of Sate as then required by taw er►xi bY lhis Deed of Trust Trustee shail,without demand on 7n�stor.aitet such Wr►e as may
<br /> tlien be rmtryir�d by taw arni after reCOrdatian oY auch NoUce of Detaufl and atte�Norttce of Seie having been given as requtred by law,seQ
<br /> tha PropeAy at the Ume and place of eate�Z e d b y ft in s u c h N o tl c e o f S e�e,eNher as a whote,or in separata Iots or parcels or items as
<br /> 7�tee ghap deerr�expedietrt,arM in such ader as ft may detemilne, at puWic auctl°�t°the htghest bfdder for cesh in tawful money o f
<br /> � , y�e Vnked States paYabte at the Ume of sate. Tn�stee shall daltver to such pum.haser w purchasera thereot its good and sufflclerd deed ar
<br /> . . d����9��ay Soof ot fie tNhiuln�thereof.tMY person�inclu�ing witho R Ilmitsllon�stor,Tnistee,o�fLe der.mey
<br /> . , :„�" ` Gt t".,Ct..!!s@ D°i'^!1!M__ Qr ,
<br /> purchase atsuch sale.
<br />_ (b) As maY be Pe�tted bY Iaw�aRer ded�ctlnp e1i costs�tee f sa e t�peyment of (q a�ll aurt�s exPe+►de�d under ttre tecrt�s ot th Deed ot
<br /> tiUa N oonnection wtth eele,TNStse ehaq epWy the P�� Q
<br /> y.�.. .. , Tr�st a under U�e tem�s ot the Note mt then�epald�Including hut rtot Iimited to acants9 iMerest and late cha►Oes� pi�ell oU�a►eums tAen
<br />- secured herebY.ond (Iiq U�e rertialnder�if enY.to the De�son or Persons�e9a1�Y emiUed theteto.
<br />'ti,�;�:..::�r.. (o) Tiustse may In d+�mar�ner provided by law poslpone sa�e of all ar any poRian of the ProQerh►•t and podomiance d erqr Indebte�►e9s
<br /> +:.:= :•;. R�tfodtw Not 6uotuslr�. Tnutoo and Lender�and each of tl�em.ehall be entlUed to antorce Pal�
<br />_ or obll�tstbns secured by this Qeed of TNSt end to exercise all�Ighffi arb powera under tlas Oeed ot 7rus<under the Note�under any of the
<br /> ,SOm9 or Ail Ot BuCh t1Nlebt9d�tes9
<br /> . . , Retated Oocurnente.or w�der any oN�or agraemerst a any laws now or heteafter in force�notwithstendin9
<br /> NI
<br /> '_ '`":,,�.'� nnd Ob1Yg31bns eeCUred DY ifii3 Deed ot Tmst may iaw ot hereafter bo othervdse secttred.whather by mortgagB.49ed oi hust�pledge.ilen,
<br /> J. ... essi�Wrse�d or otherwise. NeNher the a�T�oe ot tlds Deed of Trust nor ib entorcement urhether by oouR aetlon or Pursu�dr►t to tt�e Daaer oi
<br />-'-4'.��•" ��• eeie a oQier Powers oontelrted in thb Deed d T�ust.shei�P�eludice or 1�any mannsr aHect Trustees�r I.endete�fght M realize upon or
<br /> '�`�'"'='"=- eMace enY othe►securi4y nw�or hereafter held by Trustee or Lender.tt bein8 a9roed that Truste�end Lender.eM each ot them�shaU De
<br /> _ .�--�,� entltled to entarcs this Deed W Tnist end any a0�er securit!►�or hereafter hetd EY Lender or T�ustee in such order and manner as they or
<br /> eiUfer o?d�1 mnY in fheU absotttta disaeHon deRem�tne. No remedY caderted tpnn or reserved to Tnistee a Lender,(s Intended te be
<br /> . ,-�� exclusNre of enY other remed!�in Sfiis Deed of Ttust or DY Isw prov(ded or PermiKed�but each shaii be cumulathre and sheil be In eddtUon to
<br />_`.���!� evary other remed!►9�in Nb Qeed at Trust a raow or hereafter existing at taw a N equlty or by stawte. Every power or rert�sdY 8i���� __.
<br />�n�a^,r� Note or eeY of the Retated Dacuments to Tmstee ot Lender or to tvhtch etther a!them�Trustee cr lender�erM�etther�of C�em rnt►Y
<br /> -=�7a.7 eor�curre�Y«tndePendentif►.from time�thla Decld o�f T�rust hal►bye��es�n9�Lender from seekin9 e deibleraY 1�9��
<br />��s�:r .. qust� kioafsistent remBdi9s• t�ottih9 Qe
<br /> -= ' ag9lnst ths Ytustot to the exterd suth actbn Es pemdCed bY taw. T-
<br />_�.,..� �.,,,
<br /> �=�-�r Rpquest Fo�NotiCe. TNStot.or�behaN of Ttustor end Lendar.hereby requests tt�at a copy��ot tltis Deed of Trust�e���N .^-'.-
<br />�-` ' of 5ele tn�ii�:;i1�a!Tn�s!�rr�°�tled hs tlr.m at the addr�sses set torfh in the fl�at P�9�Ah i:s.=
<br /> �'x'��r �� At�O(RejiY P!E!��� 11 L811dBT k�1IlAS 8II�13utt O�flCtior�to ent�li�eity OS C78 iSr�iil3 Ot thl9 DBEd Ot TR�St,lefldB►Sh9U b8 8Rtl1t8d t0 �
<br /> ,�Y:-�. •� r�oarer sucn Sam as n,e oourt m3y 8dudge reabronaaB as aaort►eys'tees at trial a„a on any appea�. wneu�ar or not anr court acnon is
<br /> .��g� = k►voNed,eV reaSOnab19 e�nses Matrted tsY lender wAich in Lentlers opinion are necessary at enY tlme fot Ute Protectbn ot its hiterest ot the
<br /> gn{pcsment of fts�i�ts sha11 beCOm3&P��the Ind9btedn i�l�ud�without IimNfltlon,however sublect to eM BMils unde►aPD��e aw.
<br />_-"�°"�'��� e�enataue u�7 reva►d. Exoenses o�e�e��Y mis aarearaPh tna�g etrons ro modiry or -
<br /> n-�=��:.;z;�;.c lenQer's ett4mey8'tees whether or ntrt there b ��endu enY en�U�clPa�i�9�M��tb�n set��the oost ot searchin8�ds.
<br />__ .r,,:T.l.�'`'�� vaCate eoY autort►aUC sffiy ot Mjunction). ePPea tees.title insuranCe�and fees for tl�e Trustee�to U�9 extent
<br />"'��.'��:�.:;-=:-.,. obm6►G+9utte rePoRS(k�dudin8 forectosure �O*ts)�surveYors'�ePats..�
<br /> permtlied py applicaWe law. Tntstor atso�v[ll pay any court cosls.In add��on to ell other sums prorided bY taw.
<br />-'. "` Np�CELLANE0IJS PRONSIONB. The fdlowing m�c�edeneous P���a�°f��Deed ot TcusC -
<br /> Agplte�bte L.�w. This Oeed of ltutt hts 0oa�ddiverod to 6ender end nccepted bY Lend�in the Skrto o!Ncbraslm. 'fhis Doed o9 7hist .-
<br /> _... �
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