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<br /> • d�ge or substaatially chauge the Property ar allow the {
<br /> � ctrcumstunces, 8orrower shall not commit waste or desuoy, `���f
<br /> � �• Pre,perty to deterlorate� reasonable �vear aud tear excepted. Lender may inspect the Property if the Property is vncaat
<br /> or nbnndoaed or the loan is in default. Lender may talce reasoneble aadon to protect aad preserve such vaca�►t or _
<br /> :`} ab�u►doned Y'roperty. Donower ahtill also be in defautt if Borrower,durlug the Ioan applicatlon process.Bave materiallY u
<br /> fslse oP�naccurate information or stateraeats to Leuder (or feiled to pmvlde I.ender with any matedal lafom�atlon)
<br /> ' ia wnaecdon v�lth the loan evidenced by ttte Note,including.but not limited to.representations concemia� Borrower's �
<br /> • , p occupancy of the Property as a ptincipal residence. If this Security lnstnunent is on a leosehold, Borrower shall comPly �_.tw�
<br /> • # wath the provlsions of We lease. If Boaower acquires fee dtle to the Prnperty� the leasehold and feE tide shaU not
<br /> "•Y��•� be merged ualesa I.ender agreea to the merger in wrlting. �y��-
<br /> , .....�,..,,�,� 6. Cond�nattan. The pmceeds of any award or clsim for damages. direct or consequeadal, ln conn�bereby �:_.
<br /> ' � eny condemaation or other taking of any part of the Property,or for coaveyence in place of coad�mnatioa.
<br /> w assigned and shall be paid w Lender to t�e extenc of the full aznouat of the indebtedaess tbat remains unpaid under �;.��_
<br /> '. � the Note and thia Security Instcument. Leader shall apply such procceds to the reduction of the indebte8ness uuder l��° -
<br /> the Note and thie Securiry Instnunent. first w any delinquent amouats applied ia the order provided in paragreph 3. _
<br /> ° and then to prcpayment of prfncipal. Any applicatioa of the proceeda to the principal shall aot extend or postpone !'_
<br /> � � the due date of the monthly payments, which are referred to 1n paza$raPh 2.or chaage the amount of such payments. _-
<br /> � Any excess pmceeds over en am�ouat required w pay all outatanding indebtedneas under the Note and this Seourity --
<br /> Instrument ehall be pa�d to the endty IegAlly endtled therew. ����. ��Wer shall pay all govemmental
<br /> . �; 7. (��rgea eo Baraow�a��ieearan of I�der's Rig�►ts __-
<br /> ., � or municIpal charges,fines end imPasitions that are not included ia paragraph 2. Borrower shall pay these obligadons `
<br /> o��e dir�uy to the entity which is owed the payinent. If failura to pay woaid adversely affect Lender's iaterest ln
<br /> " the Property� upoa I.ender's request Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipte evldencing th�se paycnente. �.:,
<br /> .. If Borrower fails to make these paYments or the payments re�Nired bY P��Ph 2,or fails to gerfozm any other
<br /> ° covenants aud ngreements coataiaed ia tlils Security Instrument� or there ie a legal pracee�ng that may signiflcantly e
<br /> affect Lender's rights in the Property (such es a proceeding 1n bankcuptcy, for condemnation or co enforce laws or
<br /> L YegWations)� then Lender maY do and pay�+hatever is necessary w protect the velue of the Property aad Lender's dghte =-
<br /> •.., e$�
<br /> ' in the Property� lucludiag payment of taxes.hazard insuraace and other items mentloned ia paragraph 2.
<br /> , • p,ny amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph shall become an additional debt of Borrower and be
<br /> � � r: secured by this Securlty insm�ment. These amounts shall bear interest from the date of diabiusement at the Note Pate�
<br /> ' :'-°=' �td at t�c apt3aa af L�a�ler sh?�l t�e immediately due and Dayable.
<br /> -:':-�,. �!;.�;�-�
<br /> Borrower shall pmmptly discharge any lien which hes prlority over thls Security Insuumeat ualess Born�weic taj
<br />-:�•:-;�:ti*�:� , a8t�e.w in wrlttng w the payment of the obligatloa secuted by the lien in a mannsr acceptable to Lender: N) �n�ta
<br />'%°;'':'��»:_` in good faith the lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in�IeSal Pmc�cliugs whicb in the Ixnder's opinion
<br />___�,,,�N�LL�,:� t eatisfactory
<br />-�.�=�;f:=, , operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures fmm the holder of the lien an a�
<br />-_,..�,.M.,. art of the Property is
<br />._�,���:.:.�;. to J.ender subordinatjn8 the lien w this Securlty Insmunen� If L.ender detennines that anY P
<br />--:?�` ;'c:g;.r subject w a tlen which may attain prlorlty over Wis SecutitY lasuument� Lxnder may give Borrowec a notice idendfyjn8
<br /> .,�"P'"T"� the lien. Horrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the act[ons set forsh above wlthin 10 days of ttie givlag
<br />-- �.�'��:;��
<br /> --- - of notice.
<br /> -_ - - 8. Fees. Leader may collect fees and charges authorized by the Secretary.
<br /> _°�a��'~;,. 9. Gio�+nds for Aoode�ioa af Debt. -
<br /> :.:_;�:..� ,
<br /> �, ��-- (a) Def�ui� Lender may, except as limited by regula8ons issued by the SeccetarY ia the case of paynaent
<br />--°c„� defaults, require immediate PaYment in full of all sunos se�ured by tdia Securlty Insuumeat if:
<br /> _�::a-°.��1� (i) Borrower defaults by feiling to pay in fall any montWY PaYm� �1� by tbis Security Insuument
<br /> ------�---_ - - prior to or on the due date oY the aext moathIy payment, or
<br /> — _ ��� (ii) Borcower defaults by faiting,for a perlod of thir�y days.to perform any oiher obligations contained
<br /> =i:LAti'""� ia d�is Securlty Insuumeat. � b �p�cable law(iacludiag section 341(d)of
<br /> _...,,,,�,,;,,�� (b) Sale Without Cned�t A�pruvaY. Ixuder shall,if permi Y
<br /> the G2rn-St. Germain DeQosiwry Insdtattoas Act of 1982,12 U.S.C.270Ij-3(d))and with the prlor app�rovai
<br /> =-==_- -- _- nf th� �_ret�*y� requise i�iate DaY�u� in iull uf aI2 suu� �.:.vr:.d by this �.'=r; �Qt�n�r if' .
<br /> -�'�"a' (i) All or part of the PropertY�or a beneflcial lnterest in a uust owning at1 or pazt of the Properiy�is�ulu
<br /> -.� -_= or othecwIse uansfened (other tbas► by devise or descent). aad
<br /> `;��}c,• _ - (g) Zhe property is not ocxupied by the punhaser or grantee as hts or her prineipat residenec�or the
<br />- �'"�.�_ .�-+-�ae P�� �' 8�tee does so occupy the PropertY, but his os her credit has not been appmved in
<br />_--Y'�-_�;�,;;;;;`� , accordance arith the requiremente of the SecretarY•
<br /> -- (c) No�ilNaiver. If circumstmnces oxur that would pemnt Ixnder to require immediate paYment in full,but
<br /> '�`��t��::'..�.:; �
<br /> �:�r�',:,,;:: ID Leader does not requu+e such PaY�In ruaa d��ve i��ona �is ved�� ��tstv wUl l�m t
<br />_:,:;�,:�,;r.�,.�,.,..�. �dj R�gat�mio�s ��SUD Sec�Y• Y t in ftill and foreclose ifnot paid.
<br />_,,.,,;.,.;;�.:.::-. • .
<br /> - •;�:_:.:,.�cc; Leader s rIghts,in ths case of paymeat defaulta,w require �paY� anons of the
<br /> `;�.•. - Tni�Seauriir L+�ii,�r,t�t d:,.4 act�nthariz� �?r�rtn� or foneclomme if aot permitted bY�
<br /> :.`;�.,,'.;�-:T".�,��z. �a+etary.
<br /> ='" Y. (e) Mortgage Nct 1n�. Bormwer agrees that if this Sr�cuclty Insuument aad the Note are not deteimine�
<br /> ':''L`,., �` to ba eligible for insurance under the National Housiug Act within 60 DAYS from the
<br /> ,. . -i. nt in full of all sums secured by this Sowrity
<br /> . . y date hereof. Leader may�at its option re9uire immad�a�e PaY�
<br />' c`��s�"'-``�.��� r.,�......,�,� a .�um srarement of any au�horized agent of�he SecretaiY dased subs�4uenc co
<br /> - �_��L�
<br /> -----,;•� .��Q 60 DAY3 from the date hereof. decliaing to insure this Seauity Insnument and me i:aie.ea,au�
<br /> • - • deemed conclusive proof of such ineligtbility. Nohvtthstanding the foregoing,this optioa may aot be exerc3sod
<br />' by Lender whep the unava�lability of insucance is solely due to Lender's failiue to remit a mortgage insurance
<br /> ' � pcemiwn to the Seccetary.
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br /> " � �F6A D�OF 1R1TSC p�e 3 of 6
<br /> � � ua,med syuau.Oc.(c001 as9�t�6i
<br /> ,a.
<br />