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- ,1"� � .. .. ; _ _ :.:,:: _. _ , <br /> . . . , <br /> . .., _.. •� � <br /> :.;� . <br /> ,. �� <br /> i ' , ' <br /> ..�. � .r.�.�lA,�qlyeru t:,.., � . . ... ... _, aw�..�..+.wrt.r.v�-.�*i�..�aw._ . .U .� _.. ...� � ... .s.l'r.�lA��� _ <br /> . <br /> J .- � � .. . ... . ........n _..._._ ..�.,_ <br /> ,����-'!�t1�11�=ti.��-��.� �_.w.... .'__.�.�......�....�...����__...�..__._...�.........�...1��.... .. ... ...... . . . .. <br /> . _. � <br /> � �o���N� 99� ����� �:: <br /> � • 1. PiYmuFta. Bortower apreea to moko ail payments on tho nneurad dobt whon duo. Unl000 Botrowot und 4ondcr agrco othoruvino, ony � <br /> • �' ppymdMe I.and�r reaeives from F3onowor or ta�Borrowar'a bonofit wlti be aRpited flret to eny emounte Borrower owoa on the aeeured deb4 ___. <br /> "' exciuihre of intarest,ct qr�tRA4l.AAC9stdiaJn2�wsns d thon to partiat propoymont of tho socurod dobt occuro for eny roaaon,It wlll �_ <br /> � not�eduao or ex$uae"any�c7�'siu,�8E1,i�AlTiattt7i�Yf1 tt► securcd debt�e peid in tull. — <br /> � Z.Cta�ms AQ��TItA8�8orro�ldf��h1K dh ��'tokab, soanments,and othor chergoe nmlbutnbto ro tho proporty when duo end uvill dotond tklo �s <br /> ,°� to the prope a oins����er(yiqait11r.►MM6N• M iM�al the Iian ot thla deed of trus�Lertder mey reputre eorrower to aealpfl any�tphw,ciatma ar � <br /> , defenies which qrraVlrtr.mWhava�8etnat pa�ttas o suppty tebor ot materiele to improve or m8ntaintte9 propetty. � <br /> 3.lasu�.:.zao.8orrowcr wUi kcop 4Pro pro{xrry Inaurcd und^r torms accoptnb!o to l.onQer nt Bonower'a axponno nnd tar Lendo�'s benefit.All �� <br /> �� nawince o�laies th�ll irtatuds a eta"r�derd mortgspe aieuae In fevor of Lender.Lender wiil�e namad ae�oaa peyee ar a0 the fnsured on any aucA - <br /> et <br /> " ��� �nauranes pailay.Anq_tnaurany�proceeda mey bo appiled,wlthin LendeYs diecretlon,to etther the restoratton or�epaE►of tNe dameaed pmporty _ <br /> �. or to the eocurod dnbc.if tentlor roqutrea mortgege Insurance,Bottower epreea to maintain euah inautence for as tortA as lundo►tequfrea. <br /> %��i 4.PrapKty.Barrower wlli keep the property in good conditton and make a8 repatrs�easonebty neceesary. t�` <br /> : � <br /> ,„„,,;a�y��ns�.Bonower agroea to pa1f aIi Lender's expensea includtrtg reanonab�e ettorneya'tee8,R Bortowar breaks any covenamo in thia dsed � <br /> of truet ot in any abltgallon secured by thts deed of duat.�orrower will pay theso amounts w Lender es provided in Covonant 9 of thio deod of 6': <br /> . 1.�� <br /> . . tfUBt. F_ <br /> x � 8.Ritar 8�wdty lrtm�b.Unless Bonower flret obiaina Lender's written eonseM.Borrowar wtq not meke or pormtt any ohangea to any prior _ <br /> eocurity i�ereste.Bortower wilt Rsttorm eIi of Bortower's obitgetions under any pflor mortpage,deed of trust ar othar securHy egrpement, <br /> � � tneluding Borrower's covenanta to mnke peyments when due. - <br /> K 7,pui��ot Rin�s and P►�flb.Borrowar anatgns to Lender the rema nnd profite ot the propeny.Untoos 8onower and lander hovo agroud � <br /> o4horw s�e in writing, Bartower mey collsat and retain the rems ae long es Bor�ower la not[n defauk.If Bottower dotaulta,londer, LondoYs -� <br /> � egaM,or a court appoMtod recefver may take poseessEon and mana8e tho propetty and colleot the rents.A�ry rente Lortdar coliects shell be _ <br /> : � appited fttat to the costo of mnnagirtg the prop�+rty, tnaludUg coun costs end ettomeys' fees,commissiona to remet ag�ents, and any other <br /> necessnry related oxpensvs.The remaTning amount of rente wlll then appty to payments on the cecurod debt ae provfded in Cove�am 7. <br /> �r 8.Lsuohm119s•GondwNntum�:Planned Urtit Dovatopmmta.Borcower a9roos w comply with the poviaions oi any tease it this deed of tru�Is on � <br /> � a Ioa�oho:tb.If th�a deed of truat ta on e u�stt in a condomintum or a planrted unit dev6lopment,Borcow¢r wilt perform ait of Borrower's dWea <br /> ' •�F:� � under thc eovena�rta,bydawa,or regulettcn3 A4 the cortdomfnfum or p►anned unit development. <br /> � 8,AWw�93�t oP:l�nd�t to Pe�Patm for 8arrow�s.I�BOROtVBI f8118 t0 parform any ot Bonower's dut[ea ur�der th�s daod of trust,Lender may -. <br /> . wo <br /> partorm ti�a dutl4a or cauce ti�em to be pertormad.Lendar may eipn 9onower'e name or pey any amount i4 n9Cesac►7y for performanca.If any <br /> ' � COJtatfU0ti01f OR theDropertY is dtscorninued or not oardetl ov►in e reasoneble manner,Lender may da whatevar is naaeseary to proteot Lendet's <br /> secu�iry Ir�erest in tt►e Properh►.Thla moy inctude complatlnp the aonsuuctton. _ <br /> � `,�=��f � LendeP�4epure ta.pertorm wlit not preciuda lendar irom ezereistng amr of its other rights urtder the Iow or thie deod of mist. <br /> -_ .::;i�;�;��� AnY emourtts�paid Ey I.ender to proteot Lender's securlty interest wUt be seeured by thfa deed of vust.9uch omeuMa wip be due en domand <br /> , �I anel witl bear I�ttorost hom the dete of the paymem wnll paid in tull et the IMereat rate In efteot on the secuTed debt. _ <br /> .,`;,�,,,.r,';- 10. O�tautt�nd AecalKattpr► �f Bottovrer inits to mako any paymeM when due or breaks amr covenanta undar iNs deed of trust or ar�y . <br />- -• • , ablip�flon securod by thts dead of uwt or eny pdor mortpege or deed of trust.Lender me�!I aecelerete the maturtty ot the secured debt and <br /> .=�<�:`•�i..#j'• � demand tmmedlate paymeM and may invoko the power of sate artd eny othar remediea peanitted by mppifaa�le taw. <br /> 'F�.t ��u, 11.R�q�3 Bot Notk�of Wf�utt ft is hereby requeatet!tltet copies of trte notices oi deiauii and aato 6e eiaii iu edch�6u��io a�-iy ° <br />_ ,::�..; �f' <br /> hereto,at tha addresa af eaeh sueh person,es eet forth hereln. <br />_�-�.;�r;�+'�,`,"°� 1Z.Povr�o!Sab.if the Lender invokes the power of aafo.the Tnistee eheil flret�eco�d tn the oHice of the metetar of deeds of eeab county <br />-;ri,,,f,�.�,; wherofn tAe truat propeRy or soms peR or percel thereof is situated a notico of defeuh cont�inin the informatlon requirarl by law.The Tnistes <br /> �•.�=��:�. thai{ttao meil copfet of the noUce of defauft to the Bortawer,to eech pereon who fa a party�reto,and to other peraona sa ptescribe�by <br /> � eppltcable. w Nat teaa than one moMA etter the Trustee recerda the notice ot defauk or two mo�ha it ths truat property la noi in any <br /> ��;��;�s�'h Incorporate�c�ty or vtilage trtd is used in tarmtng ope►ettana oarried an by tfie ausoor,the frustee ehaq pive pubtE4 noti�e of eate to tlte petsont <br />- -._•-.�.,�r:�� �nd in th0 rnanner presaribed bY�apppttoablo taw.Tnntee,without demand on Bortowrer,shep seU the propeny at pubila au�1on to���e hiphest <br /> ��"�'�'' °'`�� btddea If toquired by the Farm hlomeatead Prateotton AaL T�uetee shal!offor the properN tn two sapuate eaies as�nqufrod 6y app�kte taw. <br /> _��lJ�.��`� 7rustes may postpone+a�s of ail o�arry pareel of the property by publlo anewuncemeM at the tfine and pieCe of any provtotwly eo nidd Nlm. <br />=-��:�.+"�;� Lender ot he deatpnee m�y purcfiaae tfia property et any aaie. <br />-i.��.:...:.`,'t., �- <br />_,_._- ,�:�� Upon roceftrt o!pa1Imtm of ths price bid,Trustee eRall dqllver to�e purchaser Truatee's dead convsyin�the pmperty.Th�reciUsu conteined in <br /> __ '�,�:.y�� Tnssue'e deed shnll be prima tade evEdtenee of tha true�Iuh of the statemems conteined tiwreln.Truttee s atl appty the pro�Cseds ot the sate tn the <br /> --_�saxnc� <br /> einstiiemeM faea=�t m 1eli s�umsssee uroa by ini�aeed of��ueG au nd to)�e�bat nee If any bto tThe perso^e le�g�nt�e���to ro�eemtv�it.�� and <br /> 19.fondo�ur�.At Lander'a optton,thfa deed of vust maY ba forectosed in the mannet provtde by apOtioeble law for toreeioaure of mor�t�pes <br /> ___.�- on reat proparty. - <br /> -- 11, le�dsr m�y erter the property to fnspect ft if Lender gives Borrower notice beforohand.The notiee muat stete the reasonabte <br />----.-= cauae r 4snders inapeatEon. <br /> — 96.Oanda�xntion.Bortawer esst Qns to Lender the proeeeds of amr award or otaim tor damag es wnneated whh a eondemnetEon or other taWng <br /> _ _____= e ai�Qro�otf,U�propeny.5uch praceeds wlll be applfed as provlded in Covenarrt t.Trtta esefgnmer�t Is eubJeot to the terma of eny prior <br />--_-__�� <br /> --- 10.Watw.By ezercising any rem�avaitable to Lender,Lender doea oot gtvo up any d8hta to later use nnv other remedy.By not exercfatnp <br /> any romedy upon Borrowefe defauit,Londm does not walve any rfght to Ieter consider the event e detauh N h happens�gain. <br /> _�-=�~-^� 17.�bAtt�nd 8Mra1�ty� t:o�teles:Su�a�aare�1'+sfijnw wr+..�,i. A1i du"�lu.i wtG`.:G1t:'s d�:,3 oi uunt ..c:.i�ltit:.tid��o.s"..l. ".ft'� : <br /> _ ,,:��rii toorrower vrho cwsiHns tids dead of irust bui doe�s not�sian fhe u�s dast t�Ct=enortttLl tic�s sa oaty to grent end eanvey thet • <br /> -- :::�� BortorvePa Inierest In tfie propert�►to the T►ustea under the terma of thta dae�t� addf@on sach a BaROVrer apross th�t the tsnder and <br /> -'� anY other Bortawar under thts deed ot truat may extend,mod�y or make amr oU►er ohiu�es in t�e terms of this deed of trust or the securod <br /> -=-=�-°= debt wttliout that Bortower's conssrrt and without roteesirtg thnt Borrower from ttie term�o!this deed of truat. <br /> - -- _ = 7Re duties and beneftri of th[s deed of trust ahnp�tnd tmd 6eneftt the successors and esefpna of lender and Borrowqi. <br /> - =��i 18.N�S.Unleaa otherwtse requTred by law.any notice to 8orrower ehail be ghren by delNedng It or by mailtng h 6y oettiHed metl addressed to <br /> - = Bottowtx e4 tQre property address or anv othar address tl�at Borrorrer has givon to Lsnder.Borrower wiii give eny notlee to 4ender by eerdHed <br /> `~�;�;*:..;� maii to tandoYa addr�aa on page 1 of thte dced of truat,or to eny other addross whieh Lender hea designeted.Any otAer noUce to 4nnQaf shap <br /> � ' be sert to tonde�e addrese ea e t a t e d an�age 1 o f t h f s de e d of tr u s t. <br /> .•'t.,�. "�� <br /> ,a�:tv:r;':;:. ` Any notica sfiaH be deemed to iwve boan given to Borrowsr or 1.end�wAcn givon!n the ras�ae etased above. _ <br /> -=^��=�' 18.Traraf�r ot th�Pro�rty a s B�tici�l Mt�t In t!N Burorra.if eli or eny part of tho prop�rt�r or any tnYerest In f4 is eold or vansterte8 - <br /> '^�"�'"�°' ��i!lsput Lende�e prtot written eonaent, Lender may damand Unmediate paymsm ot the aecure� eDi. Lender meY also demand tmmedlate <br /> '�' '! � deamind piyrn��Bin tl�ibove stitu°at���it�it ta prohibttead b Mdera�l law�na of the d���Mli de e a o�,+�aa. However. Lender may not <br /> � �,�� .���comrllancs.When tlie oblIpatton seaued by this deed of truet has Oeen patd and leader has rto further oblipatTon to make advancea - <br /> - . • � ander the insaumeMs or�greemeMB secured by Utta deed of truati the Ttustee 6hnlf,upon�vritten�equest by the lender,reconvey the trust <br /> .�,„�y�": pro.peRy_The t,o�ndar shati deiiwr to 11a BoROwer.or to Botrowar's auccesaor In ttiterotL thm bust deed end uts nom or oUear evtdencs oi U�a <br /> _J � �L�It r�rr�_-___- __r�r <br /> ..- ppR�pp{Nt W OOW��iIY�YV��v�ta w�w��/���.��www.w��. <br /> '=��_ ,..qi 27.Sucqsto► Tnests�. Lender, at lendefa option, maV romove Truateo and�eppotrtt a succossor trustee Ey flrst, mailing a copy of the <br /> subsUt�rtion of Vuotee a�rsquir�by ipAttcab�o iaw,and thor►,bv fiting tha au�bstltuUon of trustee tor reeord in the ogliee oi tAo repS.��-f�T of deads <br /> � � ° ' of each coumy in whtah.t he t n�t prop�rtl►.or�pmo pa n t hereo f,I n s f t u a t e r J T h e s u c c e s s o r t r u s t e e,w k h o u t c e m r e y a n e e o f t h e p ro�a rt y'.•�a t i ,,. - <br /> sueeead Lo eU the power,dudea,autho r i t y 6 n r f�i Uo o f Me Truatee nama d in t ha dee d o t t r u a t a n d o i a r ry e u c e e s s o r t r u a t e e. - <br /> , , � r : `�'- ... = <br /> , � _ . <br />- .. ; .. _ <br /> . , T • . <br /> ., ,. ,� ' , �Dq�2 of?1 - <br /> . BkNK6i3 BYSTEMS.INC»ST.C10U4 MN f6S0114-E0�397.2a411 WAM OCP N1Tti�lE 0118181 <br /> .r . i. <br /> � — <br />