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<br /> =�''�" D@ED�F TRUST r.�.� v�, o
<br />�--�--i�� ..vninr e
<br /> ...�c. PARTI�&:This Dood of Truat ts medo on_ F13BR**sov �a �999 ,amon9 the aramat. �►nQ* ` .
<br /> ' - :� t"Bortower9. q
<br /> � -.
<br />, ;,,;;�,��, �� `, inlnnA uA,i Courny,Ne6raska!'Tmstee•1,an�the BanefEciary, �, _
<br /> ,_,��.:,,t�,{�,.,5 wRose realdence mddresa is .,o.=cu �Qn ,13=As�d . ,e corporadonargant:ed
<br /> : .�r�.i�,t ::a�
<br />:�.i,���+ �„ �aouTU�gT sT�2� -
<br /> `'r';t�1� and extexing undes the lawa of_ . Rnaun whose address la
<br /> ('Ler�dar').
<br />;:.,::� -
<br />��i�,"� �pNVByqNC�Fo�vatua rocatved.,9rurorror Inevacably arenta end eonveye to Trustee.in Vust,with Power of saie,the roei proporty,ot which
<br /> Borrower is lawfuty setzed, descsibr�i batow end nll 6uttdtnga,Hxtures, end exi�tinp and futura ImprovemaMs thereon and aN riphts�t•wey,
<br /> V,�;���,;.; easemente, reMe, i�sue�, protho. ��come, tenemanU, MrediUma�m, privibpei and any appurtenences thareun4o belonptnp(atl aaQ�d tho
<br /> �:;":.�'•�=� •proptlhl��. ��vewan�uYn LVR ,..,.r S6L9�IIf __ .Nebraska�HB[t.�.._.._.
<br /> �-�- PR9PERTNADDRE88tr,�y��p *'f�'• ltu.eu � lGM �s�pcoo.�
<br /> :;,;:�aw��aa LEOAt DEaCIIIFT14Hs
<br />- __ ---- I�O'P EIOHT (�)� DI.6�6t THO (Z�. CABITAL Yi8I0HTf3 OU9DIVYOION� tiALL
<br /> _ CAZlt3'1`Y� IJ661iAlfKtl.
<br /> �
<br /> �o�d�� �,T Coumy.NeLraaka.
<br /> TITLE;Borrower covenaMa and�vmrants tttle to tha property,ezcapt for
<br /> SECURED�EbT:Thts desd of dut2 sacures to Lender repaymam ot tho seaurad debt end tho perEormance ot the eovennrns and apreements
<br /> � comatnod tnthls deed of trust rrur�in eny other documeM Incorporated horoin.Seeured debt,as used in thla daed ot tr�c�t.�ncNdes any amounta _
<br /> Bortower awes to Lender undar.tl�ta deed of uuet ar under aml i�irumerrc securad 6y thfa daod of vuut,and all modtftaatto�, axcensiona and
<br /> renewats thereof.
<br /> The sacured debt ii�evidenoed aY tUst aV insuumaz►ta and agreemoMS secured'by thia deed of trust and tho dates thereo!•1:
<br />� -- � .
<br />,;� '' �
<br /> "r;,� ��or►temDtert�ed a����wltl bae�securo 4o the snme�ax2a��x es�H meda on theadate tti af a?ee6 of trYustip e cn�d..Future advances are
<br /> � .with inttlet annual lntarost rote of �.
<br /> - = ❑Revolvinp Iine of tst�dit epreement deted
<br /> _._ __-__ Ap amoums owu3 undm thla e6roemeM aro saaued even though aU amvuMS may not yet be edvaneed. Future edwncoo under
<br /> tRe egreemerrt ero�aMemPlated end wilt be seaured to t1�e seme extent as If made on the daM th{s daed�f trust is executed. _
<br /> ,,----
<br /> {!rat paid er.
<br /> '� The nbovr�obligatina i�du�t and pavabte on atz�ACrs�Y__2� 2D�4 - � �s—__ -
<br /> -- _.��- �sr.r_::t. _
<br /> ?�t�i e�n�,r-t+!h�lanra c�cured by Wa dsed of truat et ar►1r one uma snaii�roc excami n u�nµ�.:%�F�--
<br /> �---� Oailera(016,662 �� —3.Rfus irsisra�t. ._
<br /> pNa any amourfta diabworod urtder Me torms o!thia dend ot trusc to Woteat the sew►hY°f thia deed o!trust or to pertam+ eny ot the
<br /> cavenmts eomairtad In thin deed ot trusL wid►iMenst on such disburaemarmt.
<br />- ❑ Wtiabb Ratr.Tfia f�oreet r8te on the obitgatlon sacured by thls deed of trust may vary accordtng to the terma of thet obtigation. _
<br /> ❑p copy ot tha lo'rri►ogreemertt eontaining the torms under whteh the IMerest rete mey vary[s etteched to thje deed of Vuat end _
<br /> � mede a part h�reof. � `
<br /> ;�.�,�,� �.
<br /> - - RtDER3: O Commerdai � r�sTc�te+�""'"' e R�'R ❑ �,'
<br /> ---_.-__ - �---Q�lOkAl1[D11!C�F NAliFS7FAD _
<br /> =_
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