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<br /> - r W�1�t N�.I O1653 �
<br /> ,k::::,:�_` �� NOTICE• ��IIS I.�AN �� NO� A���A�LE �=I'TY-��➢�JT =
<br /> ;r . 'PHE AP�RCDVAI. pF TH[E D�PARTM�N'f O� VETERANS --
<br />`�- - =_- AFFAIRS OIt ITS ALJ'�I��RI��� AG�NT. �
<br />-.-,.:- . _
<br /> - - 4H[S VI�aUARANTBED LAAN AND ASSUMPTION POLICY R1DElt is made this 19th day of
<br /> '""'.'� M�1PCh . 1999 .and is I�tcorporat2d into sud shull be deemed to umead aad sup�lemeat the �
<br /> '-"' LCO
<br />.�:,��,'�'t:`, Mortgoge. Deed of Trust or Deed to Secure Debt(Ise�ein "Securlty Insauaaeat")dated of even date hcc�wiih. '
<br />-'"�;'*,:.v,� �ivera by the underslgaed(hr.rein"Bonower')ta secu�e�orrower's Note co
<br />'�`�,.:_..:, �la3o� Mortgags /�, ¢_
<br /> �::y3�'�'rS'.°, l+aern'.1L"Leader��
<br /> ':'iw i`
<br /> --.,_,.�.= and cavering the Pc�agerty descrlb�in the Security Instrum�nt and located at
<br /> �:��.,-��
<br /> -=.�"'�� 4027 Manchester Road,Grand Isla�ad,N� 6�803 .
<br /> .:��-.�,.��.�:
<br />��,.�;.—� cv�xm���
<br />'`:�r�� VA DUARANTBED TAAN COVENANT: Ia flcld(don to the cevenaats and agreeatenta made ia the Securlry
<br /> � Instrument.Borrower and Lsnder t�rtker cavenant and agt�e as follows:
<br />::°�"�`_ If the inde6tcdBess secured hereby be guaranteed or insi►red under Title 3$. Untted Stutes Cede.such Title and
<br />��r:_
<br /> Reguladons issuod thereunder and in effact oa ttee date hereof shall govem the rlghts,duties and UabUities of
<br /> _- _�" Borrower and I.ender.Any pruvls�ons of the Securlty in , nt or other instsuments executed in connecttoa w(th
<br /> -- -� satd inde�udness which aie inoonaistent wttt� said'I'ide or Regulatlons. iacludIng, but ao3 Uaatud to, tha
<br /> - - — provisioa for paymeat of aay sum in coanax�.on wlth prepa�nt of the secural indebtcdaess aad the provlsion
<br />--°-°- ihat ::he Lender may acoelereu payment of the sa�us�d tedness pursuant to Covenant 17 af the Securtty
<br /> ��!! Iastrument.are h�teby amendcd or negated to the wueni rseassaq►w canform sucl►insuuments to said Tide or
<br /> _ _ D s n ,
<br /> ------ TATB CI�ARC3E: At Lender's optlan.Borrower wDl paq a'Iate charge"not exc�edtng four per aatum(496)of
<br /> -�; the ovetdue payanent when paid aaore than fiftcen(l� days after the due date theieof ta oover the ex�ra cxpense
<br /> --`'�� invoivcd ia haadling deliaqumt payments.but such'late cl�arge'shalt not be paysble out of the proccxds of eny
<br /> ,;i���� sale �ade to satissfy the iadabtedness secured hena6y�unless such groceeds are sufficflent to d3scharga the entice
<br /> ,�, indebtedaess t�d all pmper oosts and e�securtd heieby.
<br /> � �
<br /> � aUA1�AD3TY:S�nuld the Department�of Veterans Affnits fa�7 or refuse to issuc its gaaraudy in fuli amount
<br /> 60 days fmm the datB that this toua.wauld normally bcaome eligibte for snoh guardnly+cammiued upon by the
<br />- --_--_= Depa�nt of Veter,� Affairs under the p:ovisio� of Tide 38 of the EJ.S. CadB 'i/eterans BemeSts."the
<br /> Mortgagea raay daclaoe the�ndrbtedaes3 hereby secured at vnce due aad pAy�ble and msry foreclase inanacdiately
<br /> --- or m$y e�ceraj.se aay other rtghts ha�euader or take any other proper action as by law provided.
<br /> -__ TRAiV9FER OF TFIE PROPERTY:TWs Ioan may be declared immee;at�ly due aad ptryulile np�m trausfer of the
<br /> - propeny se�uring such loan w any�.unless the ac�eptabilIry of the assumptioa ef the loan is establisl�d
<br /> __---_= pu�saant to Sectfon 37�14 of C�apter 37.Title 38,Untted States Code. .
<br /> An authorizeQ ua�osfor("assumption")of the praperty sha11 also be subje�ct to additional oovenants aad n�nements
<br /> as set forth below:
<br /> !al ASSiJIVIP'PIQI4��1(�1[�FHH:A fee equal w a�no-half of 1 perceat(.S09b)af the balauce of this loan
<br /> ;7 as of t5e date of transfer of the pmpeny shail be paYebte at tLe time of aransfer ro tne to�iwiaer or us auti�orizea - -
<br /> _.----� .-_ ageat,as uusGee for the Depaztmeat of Veterans Affahs.If the ass�r fails tc1 pay this fee'at the tIma of tr�sfer, _
<br /> the fae shaU oenstituis aa addidonal debt to tbat alnady secured by thia ins¢QUmeat.sLail beaz interesi at the rate
<br /> -- het�einP:vvIded�and,at the option of the payee of tDe indebtedness hereby secared or a�•a�nsferee thcreof.shall
<br /> - � �888B 196031A1 1/96 • . „',t� '• I.
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