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<br /> KUSHK . CW GI �
<br /> 10•-185� E`
<br /> EXHI�IT E ��m��'��4
<br /> K.
<br /> 'fie foltowing �re addenda to the MLortge�ge. Please check the appUcable add�ndum. �
<br /> The addendum c4�ecked shall be incorporated tMo, and recorded with� the Mortgage.
<br /> 'The t�rm"Mortg�ge"�hatl be deem�d to[nclude"Deed of 7rust�'ff applfcable.
<br /> Th99S TAX EXEMP'� �CC�"CING RIDER is medo�tis i s t n day e�f a e r�n � �
<br /> 19 s s ancE E� inearp�z�4ed into and shall be.deerned to amend snd supptement th�
<br /> Mortg�ge, ���af Tr��.or S��urity Deed("Securlt� Instr�merrt") of the same da2e given
<br /> by the unders9gned("�.a�+wer")to secure�vrrower's Note("Note")to
<br /> M�Jor Mortga�0
<br /> ("Lender") of the same date and covering the prop�rty described in the S�scurity►
<br /> InsVumor�t and lacatgd at:
<br /> 18�r°. : 2L� Yl2.8^8R!! I418fle1, NF RHA�3 _ . ,
<br /> � [Proparty Address]
<br /> len n��i�on to the cov��o�r�ts ar►d agr�emerits rnade in the SeC�er�y.,�nstrumerrt, Borrower::�.
<br /> ar��;�.ender furthe� cca�ea�ant and agree to ar��nd Paragrapti���.�� the Modef Mortg�g��'
<br /> Form, erttitte� "Qrounds for Acceleration of�ebt° as by adding addidonal grounds for
<br /> acceleratlon as foliows:
<br /> Lender, or such of its succ��sors or assigns ss may by separate instrum�'�'S
<br /> assume�esponsibii�y far assuring comptl�nce by the BarroKS�r wftFy the provisinn��.:.
<br /> of this Tax Exempt �inancina rider� may require immediate paymerrt in full of aIl
<br /> � sums secured by this Sec:urity Instrurnent ih ,
<br />° ��' r (a) Aq or�a��t of the Propeny[s.s�a}d or othorwise�ansfeRed by Borrawer ts��;��
<br /> � .. , a n,ur.haga�i�,e�f.r nthar tran.�fierc�s: . ,
<br /> �;` �
<br /> -^r-
<br /> " :�.�.;�m Who cannot reasonably be expecied to occupy the property � m
<br /> principal Restdenc�within a�easor+able�r�e after the sele or transfer, all as
<br /> ��-vld�ic��.�e��'!43(cj gnd �{��of t�e lnt�m�^1 R�v�nu�C�de;ar
<br /> � (i� Who has h�d�preser�t ownership irtterest in a principai Residence
<br /> during an� .�art of the three-year period ending on th�date of 4he saie or
<br /> transfer, � �
<br /> , . , ..
<br /> ;;
<br /> ; .; ..
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