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<br /> rt, �`� � • EcnQfici 'e o tioa� n�y ftom tinne to tim�re�ttove Trust�z And nppoiat`u -
<br /> .J�� 26.6UCCd�'.,SSOit`I`�lU�'IE�• �enefl�inry.at �Y P �
<br /> auccxsssnr truetee by bn instnunent recorded in the caunty ia which thiwDze�du�teonf�po'n h�e T te�by this
<br /> cx
<br /> ° ""'?; v�i�hou8 conveynnce of the Prope�4y.s�nll snsceed to all the dfle. po ;--
<br /> -;°.�,� U�cd nF Tcus►aad r��lic�ble lar�. �' _
<br /> -, �7.NOTICL�. U[1IC99 0111CiW��6C��Q111ted�0 I OY Ws�Dced of��t�or obt ayeoith��nddress desi�°�in bvyeatiAg t No�oe�to l
<br />'�`� ro tho approprlato partY
<br /> �—�� ono uustor wW bo de�emed to tr�e uottoo w ell t=ustore.
<br /> ���� 28.U.C.C.FROVISIONS.If checiced.ttie following e�re applicable to,but do afli limit.thia Dee�of'kust:
<br /> =�_�+rxuaa� l7 Cansl�us2ion i�oan.Tdis Deed of'Crust sec�:res an obligatiun incur�ed for the construction of an innpmveat�nt on ^
<br /> ----� the Property.
<br /> -���n �Fixt�ue F911a8.Tiustor grauts to BeneSciaty n securiry interest in all gaods that Z�ustor owas now or in the ti�ture
<br /> ������ and that are or wlll becume flxcures related to the Property.
<br /> -"'""°'" p (5rops; 7Ym6er; Mtnc�alsi Rcata� Iss�es,and Profl3s. TYUStor gr�nts to Beaeflciary a security iazerest in all
<br /> aud pro$ts of them including.but
<br /> ----- crops�timber.und minerals located an the Property as well as all rents,issuin Kiad QPII� PaYa��aad e�lar
<br /> aot Wnital to. aU Conservation Re.�eive Progam (CRP) end Paymeu
<br /> ----- govemmmtal ProRrems(all of which shaU also be includod ia the term"Piopert3+")• 1ec^�ed on or --
<br /> __= �Yeesonal Pi+o�tY. Tiustur grants to BenefldarY a securltY int�rcest in aU persoAni P�F�Y
<br /> � est
<br /> 1Lis security interest includss all fama products. inveawry� e�u�pmment� a�ceunta.
<br /> o�nnected with the Pmpe:tY. eaeral iatsngtbles,and oU oiher items of pensonal prapeit3r Tn�ster awns
<br /> """° documente. insttument��chattel pagea,S
<br /> n.ow or ln tl�e future sud that are used or ucefiil in the oonstnictte�o���a th��piopeatiY d�sc�ihe� a�
<br /> - mainteaaace of the Property. 7he temm "Personsl PmP�Y �� Y liaable fedeial
<br /> 'hansehold goods"s�cnred in connection r�ith a"consumer"loan as those tet�s are de8ned in app
<br /> regulat�ons goveming uafair and d�riv�credit pracdces.
<br /> �FYliiue Aa Fln�ncin8 Sta?�r��� Trustor agrees and ackaoaledges that this Deod of Ttust also suffloes�s a
<br /> 6aancing statemcat and as s�tch�me►y be filed of reoord as a finaacing statement of pur�wses of Arttc2e 9 of the
<br /> Uniform oommerclal Code.A ca�bon,phowg�aphic�iuiage or other reproduaion af this Deed of Tiust is sut�dent
<br /> - as a fina�8�.
<br /> 29.4'1'QE���.�rhecked.the followin�are aPPlicatile w dus rimi ui,":�: .
<br /> ❑L��na o!Creclib'lhe Secue�cl Debt iaclndes a revolvina Eine of credit•pmvision.Although the Securtd Deb4 may be
<br /> — ne$uced to a�eso balanco,o�is Doe�i of'ltust wIll�3s►�n effect until� will De n�d prUncipally for agriculdu�l
<br /> — 88 Agr►cultura9 Ropeity.`JPcpBwr coveauuts and warrania thst the Propeitp _
<br /> or fam�8 p�a��and tbat Tmstor fs t�3nAivtdual or entity allowed to owa agricaluua�l land as 5pa�fiod by law.
<br /> ❑Additioaal Ti�as........ .................•......................................................................................
<br /> .................................................. ..,... .
<br /> DY�SIQNATION OF Hd�K!'E.�1D
<br /> • putnvant to the FamR Homestead.�at��Ast,d�natton of homestead C]is sYta�hod w thia Do�a�`�at aad made a
<br /> pat hereof$S ha�s bcen discleim�d�the dis�lalmer is attached to this Deed of Tmst and made a part her�f.
<br /> — 3iGNA�IJREB: By 6�5���P�r.:�01 a$�.w the termv and coveupats oontaiaed in tWs Deed of Trost atyd tn any
<br /> ��.?}�.�r��,�,ec�ma�iialbd,�es tectip2�f a wpy of tl�is Deed of�st on the date staLed above on Page 1.
<br /> _ - ❑ Actual authorl�q+'�8�?+��to�1�e Pm�tes'�i8�8 below by resolutiox►m�sd�aaica................................ ...
<br /> ; , ,��, d.�i: ............ Bat[tY N�me:�'•,;�i::�..... .:�.::i...
<br /> Hot[ty Name ..... J� L ......... ...............
<br /> , .. ...... �
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<br /> .......................:.............................. ��> csja��� ,
<br /> c��� ..
<br /> -- — Q Refer w the Addendvm which is attachod and incorposated 4�e.�+e�ia for addttional Tcustors. signatut+e� aad
<br /> - - nr]cnnaledgnoettts•
<br /> -----._T.�_ ACEfl�OWI.EDGMENTs ........... .................COUiNTY OF• '�.T.tS���� - ....}as.
<br /> _ S"fA'1'��b&��I�'1�1�1 • 2��.. �aiay of. �t�2q4�1441�y...���9.................... '�'
<br /> � ��t wa�aclmowledged b�fore�s. . f ► a.�. .. ... :..
<br /> -- �.��+. �.. ............_......................
<br /> —_--=W—.� by�l.�ra.�... �
<br /> _ . � _ Mv commission 'ns: / .!!-�"_.......................
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<br /> ---._-� ��4��t1.1�If CpUNTY
<br /> — ----� S"fATB OF................... .. ��.rP�e this............�F...day of................................}�.........
<br /> - -- _.�_ � tnis ismsamment�sr�aar,�leel�d ........................................................
<br /> --- .............
<br /> --. -- by .................................................................... ............. chawu�
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<br /> =�-=`�"�`'� a� of.......................................................................�..................,...on behalf of th�busin�ss or eatity.
<br /> �--__��=� �..�ssloa expices:........................................... .
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