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<br /> Rrei-'..,.11�i�.�. ��� ��laoult� �-
<br /> ,.._..--- --..--""—' REG{S'i'Eli OF Df�EQ9
<br /> Eaoh of the undersig�ad atates as totlawa:
<br /> Non-Homestaad
<br /> �1 int�nd to grant e security intanys2 iti� reat �rops�ty Isg�llti?d w`%�rilsed en t�►e atteohEtd martgage or deed of .
<br /> uust. No part ot my hamestead is presentiy situated on said real estate, nor wiil any of my homestead be
<br /> � situat�d on said proparty i�ttee f�.rt�re. Ho�vaver, if I establish e homeatesd on any part of said real este4e
<br /> druing tP►a time the movtgage or deed of trus4 remains unseU�fied and is a lien upon the real eatate, 1 will have
<br /> cs�i 23ght to rnake a des[gnetion of homatitead In tha ovent of e foreclosure or trustee'a sale upon such mortgege
<br /> or deed of trust.
<br /> Hom�stasd
<br /> ❑ 1 intend to grant a security [nterest in real property I�gally described an the attsched mortc�age or dessa o#
<br /> trust.My hamestead is lacoted on ssid real es4ete,and i understand 1 he�oe the rigfit to make a slesigrtati�r,tif
<br /> horreestead in the mortgsgm�or deed of trust. if I waive or disalaim the rigM to designate my homestead 1 em
<br /> waiving rigiris. u�ni : �r�:..� �'° �`=E. i^ f°*��' ^'!� h°mesteed jn the ovant ot deiautt upon sucn ,
<br /> . mortgage or deed of tnist. 1 hereby wi��r?�and disclaim the dght to designate my homestead.
<br /> A•�l�ave read the paragrap4�cheaked above,e�6 S.:q�i76erstertc0 the contenta of thet peragreph. : ,�,
<br /> c�� .
<br /> i'1'�is disclaim�r wras signed before execution of tft�inortgage or deeal of trust. ;��,;.;;�
<br /> e . �.:,
<br /> .�,�.
<br /> - ��'t8d: ,�,.�L.,�,es,.rr �z �oraq
<br /> MoRgegar/Trustor ,
<br /> . � . �. RYL'�iC
<br /> `��' �ated:.F����'r�i... �999 .
<br /> ��'��;• . . M gag dT r
<br /> St�te of Nel��ska �� � I£�I1�E M. �
<br /> _ Coyiny,of�,T�• �, . ;;��
<br /> ��`��, F1c�nua�wr 7999 •
<br /> The ioregofng inatrumeirtt was acknawiedged i��r�����:�3—�—s=°��� —
<br /> ay�,,,a. � o,-r� ��t��;�r� �n� � r��'an z� w� - . . ,.
<br /> , r' t�A� c Iac�i�' iOil-`-""i-vv: l � . .:.::.
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