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<br /> � QO RO�WIIMd�Oile/lA0'IEGQ1dqUS�QAIjI f0AL18N3(12�9D) .
<br /> � RETURtd TO Eeho Aloom Farm Credit Services
<br /> PREPARER:(308)381-0557 P.O.Box 5080,Qtand Istand.NE 68602 �O
<br /> CTL 2:� CTI.3:�tQ Customer Na�Q]� Ho�Ha:�,q1
<br /> Farm Credlt So�riees ot Amortp
<br /> Mortgagee;Farm Credit Services of Amertca,FLCA
<br /> N,ortgagor(sD: Qan`e6 IE•Ritey and LeAnn M.RF.'!oy,husband artd wife;end James D.Riley and Sharon J.Rtiey,husband
<br /> and wifv
<br /> For valt;�bia corslderaHcn. IV!��age� hereby re�eases ��rd fu�h► discharges the mor�gage dated November 5. 197�,
<br /> �x�cutarl by above named Mo����(s)and recQrdad tn C��maa�estate�e�°bS s$fnQows: ,
<br /> Counly: Hall
<br /> Date Recorded:Nov.6.1979
<br /> Rsc�rded: a�Instrumarstl�lo.79-�7953
<br /> on and as to the real estate des�b�d therein or as trtore speciBcalty describad as follows:
<br /> �y y, Nyy y. {�a�pt.21$�acres, more or less, conveyed to Hail Caunty and recorded in�Daed BaaPt 950,Page
<br /> 384}.Sec. 32.Tvilp• 11 N.Rga. 12W 6"P.M. `::;;
<br /> A trACt of land comprising a part of the Southwest Q�uwrter(SW Ya),more partiautariy described as fd3'atxv+:s;
<br /> Beginni�g at a point o� the west line af said Southwest Quarter iSW %.1, said point being Thirty=0ne and
<br /> Fifteen Hundredths t31.15) feet north of the southwesi corner of said Southwest Quarter lSW %s); thence
<br /> norttierty aiong the west lino of said Southwest Quarter tSW '/4i, a distance of Six Hundred Tiwenty-Three
<br /> (623.0) feat; thence deflecting �ight 89°�3' and ru�ning easterly, a distaRae of Two Thousthence deflecttng
<br /> Forty-Two end Six Tenths t2.642.61 feet, to the east line of said Southwest Quarter tSW '/•),
<br /> dghE 90°28' and running southerty along,the east line of �eid &outhwest �uarter tSW Y.i, a distance of Six
<br /> Hnn�recl Ten i6a�.0)feet;thence deflAGting�ight 89°14'and n.+nning westerly a distance of Two Thousand Six : ,•, .
<br /> Hundred Fo.rty and Sixty-Six Hundredths't2.6�0•�6>feet to the pt�Ge of beginning,in Sa�(r.2i, Twp. 9N, Rget. ;,�.`;_..
<br /> 12W B"'P,M. , , .
<br /> - A!1 in Hatl County,Nebraska
<br /> � !!! :":!'R:� !N��F�• �Q�O89ee h8s C3u8eQ tttfs insfiuntrsiii fv riv o�:�i�i ors tti� 'd:% :�t !+}st Ht �
<br /> • aclmowledgment. .•``���tvices 01�`'�. � .
<br /> �`� .�••'�pp"•+� ��4 .
<br /> 3�a��p �rF••��••�, Farm C it Servfa�,s ot Amerfca, F CA
<br /> �S�-� � � _ ,.
<br /> _�-s� p���il ��� , gy �- ,
<br /> .
<br /> =�': .�rs.� s�= t Rafser,vdce Presfdent
<br /> . �:�'C`�!AS3�tE0,�a: ��
<br /> �4!'�F�Q7. an 1°��•'�f.���
<br /> — �����i��HAHA,IB���o���c
<br />__ STA'�E O�N�BRASKA ) �
<br /> COUNN O�HALL �
<br /> pn this 23M day o9 February� 1899, befare��tte._a_N�ry�bj����1������Q�a h�t the seal afftxedto t�te
<br /> � personaily knawn.ana a�ny sworn.o�a"o�Q,�,R•o..--..__._�_----- -- --
<br /> instrument[s the seal of the corporatlon; that the Inshument was �Igned and seafed on t�ehaff cf the corpor�ot� ID�
<br /> authoriiy of Its @oar�d of directars;and acknowfed8sd the execuSan of tho Instrume�t to be the votunta�y act and deed of
<br /> the carParatlon.
<br /> :- e��d l�Iia
<br /> _ (S�nt..I � ��-��
<br /> -- Echo�
<br /> --y Notary Publtc fn and 4or Safd Caunry an�Stato
<br /> = My�mmissEon expiros FebruarY 18,20d2.
<br /> _ �
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