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<br /> U�n aec�tpt of pnyment uP the pgice 6id� TFUStce st►n!1 dcliver to tf�e pui�chnser Teasstct•c� dccd ranveyln� the _
<br /> T 6'ru�x�2y,`�Ei.e r�cttats ln the Tru�Ee�'s dc�f st�all be prl�►iu i'urie ovtdenca af�he tFUth wf thc stc�tcments ma�tu thcac�•
<br /> Trvs2ce�halt agply thc prce�cds of th�Fu�o in Qhe follo�vinA urrdc�:(a)tu al1 so�ts anst cxEasns�.v uf exerc[sln�!kr pm�Ep 5
<br /> sale.and the�ate�irtcluding ttr payment of the Teustc^.'e teca u�tuaSly lacurre�,an!to exceed y� ,
<br /> �ef iire�rht�6�a9 ui::sut.3 of Ct'.ti t�hls&ccurtt�lnsirume t;ans�a(c)any exeess tn the tperson or�persunAt�i��+:!����° `
<br /> by taw;(b)to Ali sums secured y Y • _
<br /> it.
<br /> Z2. Reconveyan�. Upon payittenz of nll sums securcd by this Security Instrumem. I.endcr shull rcqu�st rustce °
<br /> reconvcy the Prapc:vty and sh1l1 surrender this Securiry Inst�ument and a31 rtotcs evidencing dcbt scrured by this Security
<br /> Instniment tu l tustce.Trustee shall recunvcy the PropertY a�thuut �vurrnnty und�vith�ut char�;c to thz person or persons leBalfy
<br /> entitled to it.5uch person ar persons s3iull pay any rccordation costs.
<br /> 33. Substitute Tru�iee.Le�dcr. at its option. may �'mm ti�n�ta ti�ne remove Trustec ond nppoint n successor uuste�to
<br /> any Trustee nppointed h�murtder by nn�nstrument rernrded in the caunty in which 4eT A dcduties conferrc�diupon Trustee hem n
<br /> conveystncc uf the PropertY. the saccessor trustee shall succeed to:ill ehe titie,po '
<br /> tutd by appQu�ble l�w.
<br /> 24.Request[or Notices.9orrower raquesu that wpies of the nadces of defuutt ar►d�ale be sent to Bono�ver's¢ddmss
<br /> whlch is the Property Address.
<br /> 25.Riders to this Saudty Instrument.nts af eanc�h rEder hall be incotporated i torand r,t►a11 wnend�and supptement
<br /> SeCUriry Tnstrument.the covenunts and ugrPeme
<br /> the covenants atrd agreements o f t his S e c un fy In s i-u e�t e a t a s i f t h s ride r(s?�ere�p'rt aF d�ls 5ecudty Instr+ur�ent.
<br /> [Check uy�pltrable box(es)j
<br /> []Adjustable Rate Rider
<br /> �]Condominiam Rider �1-4 Family Rider
<br /> [�(3rnduated Pnyment Rlder �Planned Uait Development Rider BiweEkly PuYment Etider
<br /> (�Bnlloon Rider Rate Irnproveraem Rider ❑Second Home Rider
<br /> �V.A.Rider �OWeKs)[�ifYl
<br /> = B���r`aRi:(1W,Snrrowcr noceDts and ag�es ta the cem�s und oovenants oontainad in this Sec�rity inst�ument end
<br /> ia�ny rider(s)exer.uted by&son'ower and recorded witb it: ,
<br /> � �itnesses: " (Sea!)
<br /> _ -Botrower
<br /> �, .�_1, •�.. � �� (Seal)
<br /> s
<br /> ,. --�--- .�• . .Bc�r.n:cr
<br /> .S�UE �I�LZO�y
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<br /> ' ' °'��f,�'L'EOFI!IEBRA�KA , ... ..... C°unt�r,s4° HALL :�;��`�
<br /> '�.{ The fotegoing iuStnul�C�'�8s BCgttow[edgea oe�v�r i,'i�c ii-iis 1 f TH ��Q€ MAHC�i . r::;.��+ �:��3� .
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<br /> ' GRANO 25LANR� NEBRASi�'ib� 'r``: ,,� ":;
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<br /> ' ��y��n � tt .s . �RAI tfOiAAT•$tite 4`.P�la(+{3k1 NotuY Publie �.i�, �•_.. �;.�
<br /> .'�:,� TERA14lJIEh1 i�3!� ':�-':. �'• , -
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