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<br /> 99� ��2���
<br /> ORDINANCE 1lI0. 8451 (Cont.)
<br /> Urive for a distance of Ot�e Hundred (100.0) feet; thence south on a line Two `
<br /> Hu.adred(206.9)feet west of and parallel to the east line of Section Twenty Eig}it
<br /> (28)to the south line of Section Twenty Eight(28);thence east on ihe south line
<br /> of Sections Twenty �i�t (ZII} and Tw�nty Sevsn (27), fvr a distance of Four
<br /> Fiundred(400.0)feet to a point Two Hundred (200.0) feet east of the southwest
<br /> corner of Section Twoxtty Seven(29),Township Eleven(1 Y)Atorth,Range Ni�ne �
<br /> (9)West;thence noitti an a lin�Two Hundred(200.0)feet east of and pazallel to
<br /> the west line of Seo�ion Tweng}+Sevea (2'�)to the north line of the Sauthwest
<br /> Quarter of the Souti��ti°est Quarter (SW'/<�1N'�ta)of Section TwEnty Seven (27�,
<br /> ��. Towaship Eleven(11)North,Range Nine{�,�')West;thence west o�the north line
<br /> . of the Sauthwest Quarter of th�Southwest Quarter (S�V1. SW'/•} a distance of
<br /> � t7ne Hwadred(100.0)feet;tlienGs north on a line One�Ttmdred(100.0)feet east�� _
<br /> and parallel to th�e�vest line of Section Twenty Seven�(�7)to the no�th line of _
<br /> Se�rion Twenty S�ye�(2�being tb.�point of begim�ing,all as sho;vn on the plat . .�
<br /> , dated February 12, 1I99.att,ached hereto as Exhibit"A"and inco�iorated herein ' � , ,
<br /> ', by refet�ence. .
<br /> SEC'�'ION 3. The followin�street in the district shall be im�roved by paving and
<br /> .
<br /> �t�c�s�idenis���ls��r�neei'sQn tha*�±?h: , .
<br /> ��. Soutix I.ocust Street��tom Stoltey Park Road ta U.S. Highway 3n;�,:ari the City of ; -
<br /> . � Grand Islaztd,Hatl'C�iunty,Nebraska � .
<br /> , Said improv�xments shall be made in accordattoe with plans and specifieations �
<br /> pn��ed by the Eng6nee"r�for the City of Grand Island an�l approved by the Mayor and City � •
<br /> � Council. � � �, �
<br /> SECfION a� �'tUI streat uaprovemerats shall be made at pif�liC cos� The cost of
<br /> . � . � �h�`(:;�,
<br /> . �
<br /> tho r.onstructiqa��uf sidewalks installed in accordanc� with tta�'�ity of Crrand Islan�4•�idewalk;`�:;:
<br /> ,�;� :•,,. . ,..
<br /> •. ,�
<br /> �,•. . • ,
<br /> Fol���y shatl be asses�ed..'u�.on the lot� aad lands;•�i:4he district specia113'y;'�efited thereby A��:;,:;
<br /> �mvided by law. ... . �
<br /> SEL`TIOI��S:'�This ordinance,with the plat, is hereby dir�e�ted ta be�ed im the
<br /> � ' � 'i �.
<br /> office of the Register of Deeds,Hall County,Nebr�ka. �
<br /> � �1►Dgmvea a�w Forin;fr , -
<br /> . , -z- � MmhS.T499 �C ty�9►tvAnay '
<br />