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<br /> �: -:��.. ORDINANCE NO.8449 (Con4.)
<br /> Y'.
<br />•-.�'�".•i'_{' _
<br /> � ��� Secrion Fou�4een(14),Township Eleven(1 I)North,Itange Nine(9)West of the 6'�Pll�.,iaR�ixea±d
<br /> ��� Island,Hall County,Nebraska The boundaries of such water main cannection district shall b�nawre
<br /> :x.,-
<br /> ,* .
<br /> °����
<br />-' "�- ' particuiazly described as follows: _
<br /> T��:_��:•.ot;;•.
<br /> L'' ��� �� Beginning at tFte Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter (SW %), 3�tiora
<br />==::�;�:�-,
<br />�;�-�,��r,,;•;;: : Fourteen(14),Township Eleven(11)North,Rango Nine(9)`lUest;thence easterly
<br /> M�,;,�;�t along the noctherly line of the Soutbwest Quarter(SW '/o)�said Section Fourtesza
<br />�-:�;��.��• (14),a distance of thirty three(33.a)feet to a point aa the easterly right-of-way line
<br /> ,�.>,�.
<br />���r��.�� � of Stuhr Road; thence sautlierly along the easterly right-of-way line of said St�tu �
<br /> ----- Road,a distaace of eight hund�ed eleven and thirty eight hundredths(811.38)feet W -
<br />�=ti���:�:� a point on the southerpy right-of-way line of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe
<br />--�v,,_� �• ��� Railroad; thence southeasterly along the southerty right-of-�vay line of s�id
<br /> .::.�.�,��r�
<br /> -- Burl:ngYon Northern Santa Fe RaiUoad,a distance of on�hundred ei�hty fiv�aatd
<br /> --`��� seventy six lnundredths(1�5.76)feet;thenfla southerly and one hundred tai�t^{y�one _
<br /> __r;'� and one tenth(L91.1)feet paz�llel with the wosterly line of the Sauthwest Quarter �
<br /> :_— (SW'/•},said Sextion Fourteen(14)�a diseanos of ane thousand thY+e�hundred thiaty �
<br /> - -° -�"�, six and sixty one hundredths (1,33G.61) feet; thence easterly, parallel witt� tho . �
<br /> ___ southerly Iine of the�outhwest cluarter (�vV 'is). said �ecuon Fourieen �Ik), a.
<br /> _=- distance of sixtl,+ei�ttt and nine tent�s(68.9)fest;thance southerly,Pazallel witt�the � .
<br /> �';;: westerly line off t�e Southwest Quaeter (SW '/.), said Section Fourteea (14), a �� '. '
<br /> - `;:�`_ distance of one hundred seventy (170.0) fest; thence eastarly, Parallel wit�h t� �
<br />__
<br />