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<br /> ORDINANCE NO.8450 (Cont.) -
<br /> �-_
<br /> Southwes4 Quarter(SW'/4),said Section Twenty 5ix(26),a distauce of two thous&ad
<br /> two hundred twenty eight and fifty tw+o h�andred�hs(2,22�.52)feet ta the north�vest
<br /> corner of Lot Three(3),Indianhead Third Subdivision:thence southerly along the -
<br /> westerly line of said Lot'Three(3),Indianhead'Third Suhslivision,a distance of one
<br /> gundred twenty(120.0)feet to a point on the nartherly right-of-way line of Husker .
<br /> Hi�hway,also being the soutl�wcst comer of said Lot Ttuee(3),Indianhead'Third
<br /> Subdi�vision;thence easterly alon�the northerly right-of-way line of said Husker
<br /> Highway,a distance of two hundr��$thirty one and two tentbs(231.2)fcet to a poant
<br /> on the e�sterly li�ue of We Southwest Quarter(S�'l�%,)said 3ection T�v�xity Six(26);
<br /> thence southerIy alon$the easterly line of YYe��outhwest Quarter(SW '/4), said
<br /> Section Twenty Six (2�,a distanse of forty(4�:8)feet to the paint of heguining. -
<br /> Such dis4a��Y is showai on the attached plat dated February fl 5,1999,attached hereto
<br /> and incorparated hereiu by reference .
<br /> � � SE�TION 3. Said improvement shall be made in accordaa�ce witb plans and �
<br /> speci.�'ications prepared by the Engineer for the City,�vho shatl estimate the o�s3 thereo�: Bids for
<br /> the constructio�►o�said water main shaU be taken and contracts entered into in the manner provided
<br /> by law. .
<br /> :. �
<br /> SECTION 4. The cost of eonstruction of such water main coz�eotion district shall
<br /> be re�orted to th�City Council, and the Cbuncil,sitting as a Board of Equaliza4ion,shalY�determina
<br /> benefits to abutting property by reason of such improvement pursuant to SocEian 1.6-6.103,RRS.
<br /> 1943. The special benefits shaU aot be l�vied as speciat assessments but shall be cerdfied by
<br /> resolutivn of the City Council t� ihe Hall County Register of De�ds. A c�nnec�Iou fee in the affiount
<br /> agthe sp�ci�I b��t accruiag to each px�e�ty in the district s}�ll b�paid to the City of�nd Lvland
<br /> . {.. .
<br />_ at such time as such propert�beeomes cosraected to�e water main in such di��t. No property thus
<br /> benefitt�by 1vat�r�main improvements shail be connecied io i3.ic wxte�;�aiii uuqil:�e����ti�n -
<br /> fee is paid The connectioa�fees collected shall be paid ei'ther uitd the�1Vaigx Surplus Fund or into
<br />- a fund to be desig�ated as the fiind for Water Maia District No.431T for the purpose of creating a ;;
<br /> . � ,..�_...:—� .
<br /> - App:snaaswrorai • '� '���:. ';.'�,-
<br /> Manh3.1999 • twtuey • ''1',%�.'�.''t"..
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