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<br /> .� �{yy'� ORDINI�NCE NO.QQ41 (Cant.) �"�
<br />'_'' i�_' .1.:5f/.�
<br /> 4�f `
<br /> Hundred Tw�nty 3Ix and Fif4y Bi�ht Hundredth,(326.58)fcet; thence ron�inuing ��
<br /> -�- southerly on a line for a di�tance of Three Hundred Sevanty and Ono Htin�t�dth _
<br /> � (370.01) feet;thence southweaterly on a line for a dfstsnce of�I�hty Theco a�id �
<br /> •`���-�� Seventeen Hundredths(83.17}feet; thcnce southeasterly on a linv for a cilsta�zco �
<br /> of Four Hundred Forty Nine and Thirte�n Hundredtlas (44�.13) fcot; thenco =
<br />-_��� southerly o�a a line for a distance of Three Hundred 5ixty Four and'Twcnty Nino .- _
<br /> . Hundredths (364.29) feet;thence continuing southerly on a line for a dietunco of
<br /> �:`�.�' �� Two Hundred Twenty Nine and Twelve Hundredths (229.12) feet; thcnco =
<br /> • ".. southerly on a line for a distance of Seven Hundred Six and 'Two Hundredtha
<br /> _ �.�;.�°;;�. � (706.02) feet; thence east on a line for a d�stance of Ono Hundred Nine and
<br />"��"�k^�����~�'� Twcnty Two Hundredths (109.22) feet; thence south on a line One Hiindred -
<br />:_ �:,., . >
<br /> :__t;.a�: ::ti '
<br />_z;.r,;��,,�.�, Ninety�SV�n and Two Hundredths(197.OZ) feet east of and para11e1 to the weat -
<br />�_-��±�a��: � line of Section Tlrirty Four (34), Township Eleven (11)North� Rango Nine(9)
<br />_`_v_;Y��'
<br /> West for a distance of Five Hundred Fifty Two and Fout Hundredths (SS2.Q4)
<br /> ����`j"'' � feet; thence west on a line for a distance o:f Thirty Two and Eighty One
<br /> -=�����
<br /> _r;�,;:;,,�f,.t�: ,
<br /> Hundredths (32.81) feet; thence southwesterly vn a lin., for a distance o 'Two
<br /> :�:=_`°; � Hundred Forty Three and Twenty Five Hundredtha(243.25)feet;4hsnce southerly
<br /> —'-�"' on a line One Huadred Thirty Four and Sixty Nine Hundredths(134.69)feet east
<br /> �,�:;FS�•T:' .
<br /> _._.�� of and parallel to the west line of Section Thirty Four(34)�Townabip Elevon(I 1)
<br /> �,-::r�,
<br /> °==a. North, Range Nine (9) West for a distance of One Hundred(100.Q) feet; thence
<br /> .. ,.,.
<br /> __:�`'��� , deflecting westerly on a line to a point One Hundred Thirty Seven and Ninety
<br /> :��� Seven Hundredths(137.97)feet west of tiie east Iine of�ection�ihirty Threo(33}�
<br /> _---_ - Township Eleven(11) North,Range Nine(9)West;thence north on a line One
<br /> -.-,��� � Hundred Tl�irty Seven and Ninety Seven Huadredtha (137.97) feet west of an
<br /> -==_;�,;� parallel to the east line of Section Thirty Three (33). Townsbip Eleven (11),
<br /> -"""'"'°""�'° . Range N'vae(9) West for a distance of One Hundred Twenty(120.0)feet;t�tenco
<br /> =- northwesteply on a line for a distance of One Hundred Nin�ty Ono and Eight
<br /> �=;�---- Tenths (19i.8) feet; thence northerly on a line for a distance of Five FItutdred
<br /> �"-=_ _ FiRy One and Seventy'I�vo Hundredths(551.72)feet;thence east on a line for a
<br /> ---- - distance of One Hundred Sixty Four(164.0)feet;thence northerly ou a line T7�rty
<br /> Three(33.0)feet west of and parallel to the east lin@ of Section Thirty Tbree(33)�
<br /> Township Eleven (11), Rax►ge Nine (9) West for a distance of arne Thousand
<br /> - -- Three Hundred Sixty One and Seventy Two I�undredtha(1,361.72) feat; thenco
<br /> northw�sterly o�a line for a distance of Two Hundred'I�venty Eight aitd Thirty
<br /> _-- - --- � ��y H�mdredths (228.36) feet; thence continnuing northwestorly o�a a Dina for a
<br /> _._ __ --- �
<br /> � distance of Thsee Hundred Seventy Five and Siacty rJiae Hundredths (375.69)
<br /> ' feet;thence northwesterly an a line for a ditstance of Tv�enty Nine and �eventy
<br /> _ — One Hundredths(29.71)feet to the souch line of Lake Street; thence west on tha
<br /> -= — south line of Laice Street for a distance of Oae Hundred r�ort�r Four attd i hirty '
<br /> Five Hundredths(144.35) feet; thenae north on a lin�perpendicular to the souti►
<br /> - � line of Lake Street for a distance of Sixty(6Q.0)feet;thence east on the north line
<br /> of Lake-Strcet�or a distance of One Hundred Twenty Six and Six Tenths(126.6)
<br /> _;�;� feet;thence northeasterly on a line for a distance of Thirty Four and Seventy 5ix
<br /> - -- — Hecndt�dths(34.76)feet;thence northerly on a line for a distance of One Hundred
<br /> -_�=°�;; T�n and Thirty Four Hundredths(110.34)feet; thence northweaterly on a line�or _
<br /> �_�-;�: . , ' -
<br /> _�:-- ,-'=�::�_,=, A rovcd c9 to Fom►s
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