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<br /> —„�,.,,. � 19.'Te�nsfer oP th¢�eog��ty or n�Qneflcinl Hnterest t��orro�ver.If alt or eny part of the Property or s�►y interest in it ��_
<br /> � fa sold or transferre�l(or if e beneficinl interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)without
<br /> , ,,,, L,ender's prior written consent. Lender may. at Its optian. require immediute payment in full of all sums secured by this -
<br /> •ry•�i�, Security Instrument.}fowevet,this option shull not be exercised by Lender if exercisP is prohfbited by federal law as of the date _
<br />. __;.,,� of thia S�cudty Instrument.
<br /> - - If x.ender exerclses this optlon. Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a pedo�of not � -
<br /> "'��� less thun Jfl days from the dnte the not(ce Is delivered or maile�within which Borrower must pay ail sums secured by this � —
<br />`::���.,�� Seturlty instrument.If Borrower fatls to pay thcsc sums prtor to the expiration of this per[od,Lender may invoke any remodiea �? �__
<br />;.�-.��,E_�==° permitted by this Setudty Insm�ment wtthout further nadce ordemand on Borrnwer.
<br /> ';� 18. &►rrower s ltigh4 to Iteinstate. If Bonower me�ts certein conditions, Borrower s4�a11 he�ie the ri�ht to have �
<br /> enforcement of this Secur�ty Instnunent disoontinued at any time prFor to the earlier of: (a)S days (or such other per�od as �
<br />_�°�._°� appltcable lsw n�ay spec i f y for re ins t a t e m e n t) b e f o r a s t il e a f t h e P r o p e rt y p u r s u a n t t o a n y p o w e r of sale contatned in this
<br /> Securlty Instivment;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing this Secnrity Insuurrtent.Those conditloas are that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> -_ - Lender all sums which then would bs due under thIs Se�urity Instrument and the Nate as if no acceleradon had occurred;(b) �
<br />+��_�� cures any default of any other wvenanu ar a$reements; (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this SaurIry Instrument.
<br /> _����: ,
<br /> including, but not limited to,reasonable attomeys' fees;aied(d)t a kes suc h ac don.as L.en der raay re a s o n a b l y r e quire to assure
<br /> _ss+:� that the lIen of this Secudty Insmiment. Lender's righu in tl�ee Property and Borrower's obli ation to pay the sums se�ur y
<br /> _�;,_„_;
<br /> .:_,.�?�T this gec�uity Insuument sdall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. 's Secunry Instrument end the
<br />���,�,� obligauons secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurre�.However,this right to reinstate shall
<br />-�.�� not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> - 19. Sale oi Note; Chaage of Loan Servtcer. The Note or a partlal interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> --- Insmuneat)may be sold one or more times without pdor notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a cl�ange ia the entity(known
<br />_�_�_�='� as the"Lman Servicer")that coltects montiily payments due under the Note and this 3ecurity Insuumern•There also an�y be one .
<br /> — or maxe changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the I.oan Servicer.Bornowar wlll be
<br />:.���,�-� given written notice of the change in accordance with para8reph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state thC name and —
<br /> addt�ess af the new Loan Servicer and the addre5s to which payments sbould be mede. The notice will aiso contain any other
<br /> � informndon required by applicable law.
<br /> "'°'�°�� �0. Ha�ardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause ar pemut the presence, use,disposal, storage,or release of any
<br /> �;:c%�ase y1h
<br /> — Hazardous Substanc�es on or in the Property. Borrower s1�aU not do. nor al[ow anyone else to do, an ing affecting e
<br /> -�— Property that is in violadon of any Environmental Law. The precedin$two sentences ahall not apply to t6e presencc, use, or
<br /> storage on the Propa+rcy of smalt quantitles of Hazardous Substances that are generaUy recognized to be approprIate to nornu�f
<br /> — residartial ases and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shali prompdY give Lender wr3tten notice of any investigation,claim. demand, lawsuit or ather action by any
<br /> gov�mmentel or regulatory egency or prlvate party involving the Property and any Hazacdons Substance or Environsnental Law
<br /> of whtch Borro�ver has actwil knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is notifled by any govemmental or regulaNry sutfia�ity, that
<br /> any nemovai or ather remediation of eny Hacaniuus Substanc�,sffxiing L'sc ProFert;'1°s�es�arY. R'-"�`^wp.r shall pramQtly take ,
<br /> aU necessary remedial aciions in aocordance wich�nvironmental Law.
<br /> , qs used i�n th�s paragraph 20. °Hazazdous 5ubstances"are diose substences defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Bnvironmental Law and the fallowing substances: gasoliae, kerosene, other flamma6le or waic petroleum products. toxic
<br /> pesdaides and herbicides,voladle solvents.materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde.�radioactive matenals.As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20. "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicdon wRere the Property is located that
<br /> � relate to health.saFeYy or environmental prot�ction. � .
<br /> NON-UMFQRM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender fwther covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.Acceleratimn;Rem�ies. Lender shall give not[ce to Borrower prior to acoeleration foltowing Borrower's br�ch �•
<br /> of eny coeennnt or agreement [n thLs Secur[ty Instrmment Nut not prior to acceleratton uader par�gragb 19 unless
<br /> -- applicable tnN provides otherwtse).The notice shall sgesft�: (a)the default;(b)the actEon require�l w cure the defan[t;
<br /> (c)u date.noi less than 30 daYa frour We date the notice is given to Borrower,by whic6 the detaWt arust be cured:and
<br /> (�J) that faiture to cure the de3'sdt an or before the date speciffed in the notice may re�1t tn acoeleratlon of the sums
<br /> �vred by this Securtry Instrument and sale of the Property.The notEce shall furWer iuform &►rrower of the dght to
<br /> reinsmte after accelerutlon and the d�ht to brtng a court actton to a�sert the non-adetence oi a dtfault ar any other
<br /> detense of Borrower to aoceleration and sale. If the deisult is not cured on or betore the•date epecifted in t6e notice,
<br /> I,euder, at its ogtion,mayrequire immediate payn►ent in tY�ll of all sums sec�ared i�y Wia Securit3'In�truaueat witl�ui
<br /> fnrther demand aad may t�v i ce tde power of sale� remedI�p r�l�d;n th�fs -p�a graDh 2I�n�l�ding,b�ut not Wnited
<br />_ � entitled w colled all eapeases ncurred in puirsu�u�
<br /> -----------:: to,reasonnble att�rneys'ices and costs of titte evtdence. .
<br /> It tde power of sale Is invoked,Tr�stee sha91 reAOrd a aotEce oQ d¢lnvlt in eacly ooumty in wblch any part of the�,
<br /> properiy fs located and shall mail oopies of sach not[ce in the enanner prestribed 6y appltcabte law w Borrower an�to
<br /> - ------ �at:w�r".,�w�-'�rr!!x�!hy�±pglicBble lew:ARer the time re9��M'aPPUcable law,T�vstee shall give p�'blic noitc�
<br /> — vi snie�u��,:�:•••-'�fr.ltt�ms.naor�.�rrihe�by sgp�[cable Inw.Ttvstee.vvlthout demand o�Borrnw�r.smdi seit
<br /> the PropeYty at pnblic auctton to the highest bfdder at 4de t[me and plsce und ander the tenns destgnetea in tiie notice oi.,
<br /> sate in one or more parcels and tn any or�er Tnislee detern►ines.'Pr�st�maY�ne saEe Qt aU or any parce!of t1�x •
<br /> property by pubifc anaovnc�ent at the time and p�ace of anq previously sche�luied sete- I.ender ur its des�+see�r
<br /> - pncci�e We Property at any sale.
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