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<br /> TQOETHBR WITH all tho improvementa e�9��or ih�maRer erected on tha prupxrty.and�It eu.�cmentR,appurt.enances.and
<br /> flxturcw rtow oe hereafter a paet of the propa�tY• All roplecement� and addldona ehnll ulso be covered by thia Security
<br /> Instcuiment.Ali af the forc�oing t3 eeferred t�in thle S�curiry Instn�ment as the"Pmpecty."
<br /> �ORROWBR L'OVENANTS thnt Bomuwer is InwiLlly r�eiscd of tho estato hereby canveyed nnd has th�dght to grunt and
<br /> convey thc Peo�ercy and thnt the Prog:rty i�urtertcumberal, except for enrumbrunces of record. Borm��er�vnnrnnts and wili
<br /> defensf gerterally th�Qtle to th�Property against alt cfnims and demundu,SUtfjCi't t0 iUly eItCLIftEIPUiIi'G'9 O�IeC01'd.
<br /> THIS SECUI`tTY'Y INS'fRUMENT oombines uniform covenunt�fur nutional use nrtd non�unifonn cnvenunts with limited
<br /> vnrtations by jartadlction to constltute n unfform secudty instrument cavotinB ceat pmper¢y.
<br /> UMFORM COVENANTS.8orrower and Lender cflvena�t und t►nree as follows:
<br /> 1. Peyment oi Y'rlu�fpal a�td Interest; Pt�p9yniQnt and Lute Ckacges. Hosrower sh�ll promptly pay when due thc
<br /> principal of�uud Iat�rest on the debi evidenced by the Note und any prepsryment nnd lnte churges due under the Note.
<br /> 2.Funds for Taxes and I[�svrutce.Subject to applicuble law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrawer shup p�y to -
<br /> Lender on th$dny monthly PuYaa2nts are d¢e urtder the Note,un�f the Note is p�id in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yeariy taxes
<br /> and assessments which m�y attu�n prlodty over this Security Inshument as o lten on the Property;(b)y4arly leasehoid payments
<br /> or ground rents on the PcopertY,if any;(c)Yearly hazard or pmperty inswnaoe premiums;(d)Yearly flood fnsuranoo premiums.
<br /> if any;(e)yearly mortgage inswanoe premiums.if any; nnd(�any sums payuble by Borrower to Lender.in IIc�cordance with
<br /> the pmvicions of parngmph 8.in lieu of the payiuent of mortguge insurance pmmiwns.�'hese items ere called"Escrow Items."
<br /> lxnder may, ut any dme. ooUect snd hold Funds in en amount not to exceed the tnaximum antovnt a lender for u fedemlly
<br /> related mortgs�ge loan may requlre for Bomowet's escrow axount under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as amended&om time to ttme, 12 U.S.C. Section 26fl1 et seq. ("RESPA").unless anoWer taw that applies¢o tho Funds
<br /> seta a lesser amnunt.If so, Lender may,at any tinte, collect end hotd Funds in en amount noi to excced We lesser amount.
<br /> Lender m:�y esiimate the amount of F�nds due on t6e basis of current data and reasonable estimates of espenditures of future
<br /> Escrow Items ar otheiwise in t�ocoidaRCO with aPPUcable law.
<br /> The Fua�s sha11 be held in an iustitudon whase deposits ere insured by a federal agency. InswatentalIty. or entlty
<br /> (irncluding L.ende�,if L.ender is such un Iastitution)or in any Federal Homa L/oa�n Eank.I.ender shall apply the Fnads to pay the
<br /> Escroyu It�ns,Lender utay not charge Born�wer for holding aad applying the Funds,annually analyzing tke escrow account.or
<br /> v�ri{y�g��gtcrow Items,unl¢ss Lender pays Bortower interest on the Funds and a�licable taw permits Lender w roake such
<br /> a charge. However.Lender maY re4ui�+e B�mnw'er w pay a one-time charge for an iadegendent real estate t�reportiag service
<br /> usEd bv Lende�r ia eonn�Iop wtth this loan, unVess applicable law pr�ovtdes othenvise. Unless an agroement is mude or
<br /> applicable!aw�oquires iaterest to be Paid.I.ender shali not be requfred to pay isoirower a�r interesc or emuings vn i�e fiw,3�.
<br /> ��w����r may agree in v,rriting.however.that interest shall be paid on th$Funds. I.ender shall glve to Borrower,
<br /> without churge.pn ennual a000undng of thte Funds.showing ciedits and debits to the Funds and the purpase for which each
<br /> debit to th�Fwtds was made.lhe Funds ana pledged as additional securiry for all sums secured by this Secudty Insuumect�
<br /> If the Fwids h�ld by Lender ezcead the am�u�is permitted to ba held by applicable law.Lender shall�cxouat to Borrower
<br /> g�y�ex�g gunds;n e000rduaoe with the requiteu�nts of applicable law.If the amount of the Fuads held by Lender at any
<br /> dmvfs not�sufFcItnt to pay the Escrow Iteins whea due.Lender may so notify Eorro�v���n writIng,and,in snch cuse Bormwer
<br /> Sva11 pay to 1„ender the amonnt aecessary Yo mal�up the deficiency. Borrower shall r�ake up t�e deficlency i��n more than
<br />- twelve moathly payments,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon psyment in full of all sums secnred.by tl�is Security Insi�ument. Lenda shaU pmmptty refund co Borrower any
<br /> gu�s tield by Lendee.If�unsler paragrnph 21. Lander shall ucquire or sell We Paopc��.Lender,prior to the acquisidon or sato
<br /> • of,tke Pc+�perty.s1�aU aPPly any Funds held by Leuder at the ttme of aoquisit�on or s�►le as a credit against the sums secured by
<br /> chis SecuritY I�s�ment. .
<br /> 3.Appli�tion oi P�ymente.Unless a�`t'sc�ble law provides otherwnse.all payments recelved by Leader under panagiaphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shaU;hv.applfed: first,to aaY P�P�?At charges due undez d�e��tote:second,w amounts payable uader ParagraPS�2. .
<br /> third.w ihterest due:fonrth,w principal due;•and last.ta any tate charges due uasle:r 4he Note. �
<br /> � .'�4.ChetYges� Liens.Bormwer shell pay aU taaes,ussessments,cha�ges,ftnes•And imposidons aurlbutable w the Pmperty .
<br /> �vh{ch may attaia.priority over this Seauity Inscsument, and leasehold payments or gmund rents.if any. Borrower shali pgy - �
<br /> these abligatioris in the manner provIded in P�S�Ph 2,or if not paid in that manr►er.�orrower shal!pay�hem on time directlY ,�
<br /> tc►tt,e person'ocves!payment.Horrower sha�lt psompUy xumisa to i.eudeF ail.gotecgs of aFnoiini�,tv+�c,j�aid w-rd�ihis�saagr'.�fi•
<br /> I�Bormwer makes these pnyments directly.Borrower st�ll pmmptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrawer shu!l.pmmpdy discharge any lien which has priority over thIs Security Insuument unless Borro�ret:(a)agrees in
<br />- ;wilttng to the payment nf the obligation secuc�d by tha Jien�n a menner accepmble to Lender:(b)cuntests in good faith the t�en
<br />- by. or def�nds againsc enforcemem of th�libn in, leg8l prooeedings�which in the L.ender's opiaton operate co prevem tF,e
<br /> enforcement�f the lien;.or(c)sec.v�s fibm the holder of the lien an ag�ze►nent sausfactory w Lectder subo:dlnating the Qi¢zr.IIm�.
<br /> this Sea�dty Enstivment.�If 1.eader determinas that any p.nii�Af the 1'ropeity Is sabject to a lien which may attain priority}dx�tr•��
<br /> �}ds Se�ty Insuument;,I.endar may give BoYmwer a nfl�ce idenflfying the llen:Bomower shall satisfy t@e lie�or take ou�,vr
<br /> more of dce acdons set fortt►'abbve�within lU days of ths giving of noiice. �
<br /> Farm 3028 �Ji�9.
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