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<br /> . ,, x, TO�ETHEFt WYTH aU the improvements now or hercafter erected an the property.and uq cus;,ments,uppurtenances.and _y
<br /> fixtures now ar Nereufter u part of the property. Ait repiacements nnd additions shull c►Iso be covered by this Secudty
<br />, , " 'r Instrument.All of the forsgoin6 is rcfcrred to in this Sccurity Instrumcnt us the"Pmperty."
<br /> 80RROWER CmVENANTS that Bonower!a luwfulfy seined af thv estute hcreby ri>nvcyed und has the right to grnnt and
<br />>-_:_;, � convey the Propetty and �hnt the 1'mperty is unencumbere�f. cacept far encumbrances of record. Bnnower warrants urtd will
<br /> '. '" defend genernlly the e idc to thc Property nguinst uil clufms und demwids.subject ta e►ny encumbrances of record.
<br />;_::,., � - THIS SECURI'Y'Y INSTRUMLNT wmbin��s uniform cavenan�s far nation;il ase cind non-unifiirm covenants with limiled , _
<br /> _:��� vurlations by jurisdictton toconstitute u untfarm security instrument covering nul property. .
<br /> � UNIFORM COV@NAI�TS. Borrower and Lender covcriant und agrce�.s follows:
<br /> =�' --- 1. FaymFnt oP Principul nnd Intemst; Prepayment As+d Lute �hurges. Borrower sl�all promptly puy when due the
<br />-.� prirtcipal of and interest on thc debt ev(denced by the Note and uny prepayment nnd latc chur�es due under the Note.
<br /> 2.Funds tor Ttixe�und In�urance. Subject ta applicable luw or to a written waiver by I.ender, Bonower shall pay to
<br /> Lender on the cluy monthly paymcnts are due under the Note.undl the Note is patd in full.a sum("Funds")for:(u)yearly taxes _
<br /> '''�:'��'} and assessments which may attain priority aver this�ecurity Instrument as a Iten on the Pmperty:(b)yearly leasehold payments
<br /> 4Y�`'+�^-''�, or ground rents an the Property,if uny;(c)yearly hazard or propert�r insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurartce prerr�ams.
<br />' '`'`�� If an ear( mort a e insurance remiums. if an .and(�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender,in accordance�vith
<br />-'_�s;;,,�,�,, y:(e)Y Y G � p Y.
<br /> r'�;,� the provisions of paragraph 8.in lieu of the payment of martgage insurance premiums.These items are callod"Escrow Items•"
<br /> �'-'u'� L.ender may. at any time,collect and}iold Funds in an amount reot to exceed the maximum arr,ount a lender for a fe�erally
<br /> �°':"`�- � retated mortgage loan may require for Bornower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br />:;;:;�„�'�� 1974 as amended from time to time,•l2 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq.("RESPA°). untess another faw that applies to the Fun�s .
<br /> `'� sets a lesser amount_ If so, Leader may, at any time,oollect and hold Funds in an amount rtot to exceed tha tesser amount.
<br /> 4' r� '�•�' Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basls of current daut and reasonable esNmates of expenditures of future
<br /> ::�.;w
<br />�' ;��%Y��`�� Escrow Items or othenvise in accordanoe with applicable taw.
<br /> "��,=� The Funds shall be held in an instituaon whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. instrumentality, or entity
<br />,�;s�'.:�...
<br /> (including Leader.if Lender is such an institudon)or in any Fe�eral Home L.oan Bank.I.ertder shall npply the Fands to pay the
<br /> Fscrow Items.Lend�r may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Fuads.annually analyzing the escrow account,or
<br /> --�� verifyinq the Esero��ttecng,unless Lender pays Borrower Interest on the Funds and applicable law permitF Lender to make such
<br /> �� a cht�rge. However. I.ender may require Bornower so pay a one•time charge for an independent real estate tau r�eporting service
<br /> ._:�� used by Lender in connection with this loan. uniess applirable law provides otherwise. Unless an agt�eement is made or
<br /> �-----� appiloable iaw requires iurerest ro be paid. Lendar shall not be required to pay Borrower any fnterest or earnin�s on tke Funds.
<br /> Bormwer attd l.ender may agree in wriiing,i,vw�ci,ihat interest sh�!�pai�an ilze Ftesxls. LII�er c�,all give.tn Borrower.
<br /> — — withaut charge, nn an�►ual accounting of the Fw�ds. showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for whicD�each
<br /> .;'�,� debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additianal securiry fnr atl sums se�ur�by this Sscurity{nst�vment.
<br /> ,� If the Funds held by Lender exc�ecl the amounts pernutted to be heid by applieable!aw.Lender shall a000unt to Hormwer
<br /> for the excess Funds in aocoidence with the requirennents of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> time is not sufficiea2 to pay the Fscrow Items when due.I.ender may so natify Borrower in wricing.and,u►such c�se�Bomower
<br /> — shall pay to Lend�r the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bonower shall make up We daficiency in no more than
<br /> - twelve montlily payra�ents,at I.eader s sole discredon.
<br /> --� Upon payment In full of aq sums secured by this SecurIty Inst�vment. T.ender sliail promptly refund w B�sower any
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell tho Propraty.Lender.pr�or w the acquisition or sale
<br /> of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of aoquisiaon or sale as a credit agatnst the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Insuumeut. �
<br /> 3.Applicatton ai 8aya�ente.Unless app7arable law provides otherwise,a}i payments received tsy I�ender under paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be appGod:first,w any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amoants payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> third.to interesc due:founh,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> • 4.Cd�argcs;I.iens•Horrow'er shali pay�+.1 ta�es,assessments,charges, fines and impositioas attributable to the Pra(�erty
<br /> which may attain�Sa�arity over Uils Securety�c�strument. aad leasehold pay�ttents or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pF►y ••
<br /> these obiigarions in•¢he rnanner provided in par�geaph 2.or if not pa'sd in taat manner.Borrower sha11 pay them on time direcdy
<br /> to the parson owed pay�nw►t.Borrower shall promptly furnish to I.ender all notioes of amounts to be patd under this:parap,raph•
<br /> - It$oirowec makzs€lhsc:pa3 m�%nis dir�ctiy,Borro::�er shall promptly firn±sh to i.ender Yeceipts evidencing the paymersQS.
<br /> Bornower sUatl prompdy discharge xny tien wtiicL i►as��iority over ttris Scwrity Instnssneni ualess Eorrower.(a)oanees in
<br /> writing to the payruent af the obligation serur�l by the lien in a manieer acceptable to I.ender;(b)coatests in good faith the lien
<br /> by. or defends againsc enforcement of the lien in, legal psoocedin$s which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enfotrement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the.lien art agreement saasfartory to Lender subordinattng the lien to .
<br /> this Security Insm�rnent.If Lender detertnines that any pare of the Property is subje�t to a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> this Securiry Inshumer►t.Lender may give Borrower a notiuue�Identifying the lien. Bonower shall satisfy the lien ar take one or
<br /> ---_- more of the ac¢ions set forth above within l0 days of the giving of noti�.
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