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<br /> r S. Ha�zard or Pmpsrty Itt.suruasx. Borrower shell keep the improvemenu now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> � Fraperry insured against loss by fire. I�azards included within the term "extended coverage" and any other hazards, including __
<br /> " . �.; tloods or flooding,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in thc amounts and for the periods � �...
<br /> ���`'''''"��"� that Lender requires. The insurance carrier providing the insuraace shall be chosen by t3orrower subject to Lender's approval � -
<br /> - ; ' whtch sha11 not be unreasot�bly withheld. If Borrower faila to maintain coverage described above, I.cnder may, at I.ender's �
<br />�:;�R�. ,:;� opdon.obtain coverage to protect I.ender's rlghts in the Property in accordance with ParagraPh�• a,
<br /> All insurance polici¢.s and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause. L.eader
<br /> � shall have the right to hold the policIes and renewals.If I.etxler requires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipts of
<br />~';�4, .
<br /> ,.y,�.� paid premiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss. Borrower shall give prompt nohce to the insurance carrier and Lender. �
<br /> :� Lender may make proof of loss if nac n��de prorr,pdy by Aorro�ver. �
<br />- /' .'�'� Unless Lender and Borrower other�visc apree in writing, insiu�un�proceeds shall be applied to t�estaxadon or rep�ir vf 8he
<br /> _ A;'_..,; .
<br /> . ���,.;�.• Properiy damaged,if the restaration or npaie is economically feasible and Leader's security is not lessenezi.If 4he restoration or
<br />' ��. '�:�� �epair is not economtcally feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the Insurance proceeds shaU be applied to the sums
<br /> -`�•�••-��+� secured by this Securiry Instrument. whether or nos then due.with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br />�j��},.�;�;,� Property,or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim.ttten
<br /> �`�,��:;�a„�,� Lcmder may collect the insurance proceeds• 1.ender may use the praceeds ta repuir or restore thee Property or to pay sums
<br />-°-�'��.F'."�� secured by this Secudry Instrument.whether or not chcn due.'Y'he 30-day period will begin when the naice is given.
<br /> ����,� Unless Lender um! Bo�'�ower otherwisc agt�e in �Ydting,any application of pr�.c to pdncipal shal! not extend �r ,
<br />-_-_.r�:.�+�
<br /> '�='°'=`'`` _= postponc the due date of the ntanthiy puyments refcrrcd to in paragmpha 1 and 2 or change che amount of the paymente. If
<br /> �n"��� under Qaroprnph 21 the Pruperty ia acqufre�by Lender. Borcower's right ta any insurance poiicies and proceeds resulting from
<br />=:'-`�`,� dumagc to the Property prior ta the acquiaition sball pass ta Lcnder to the extent af the sums secured by this Secudty Inatrument
<br /> - � immedlntcly prlor to thc acquisition.
<br />�'��-•���'��"� 6.Qccupuncy P�rvution,Mnintenartce und Protectton of the Property;Borrower's Y.onnn Appllcatfon;Lenseholdr.
<br /> _ ---- ° Borrower shali accupy,establFsh.und use the Propettg es Borrower's principal residence within sixry days after the executIon of
<br /> �.���_� this Scxurity lnstrument and shu{t wnunue to oocupy the PropertS+ as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year efter
<br /> - the datc of oocupancy.unless Lender otherwise agreES ia wrttin8. which wnsent shall not be unreasoaably wlthheld.or untess
<br /> - extenuuting circumstances eaist which are beyond Bar[ower's control. Borrower sball not destroy,damage or Lnpair ctte
<br /> PropeRty. allow the Protserty to detedorate.or commit weste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfetture .
<br /> — u��i�i;vi�aoc.vecting.uu�'u�'c'ssi2 ur crimisssl.� b?g��n�hat in i ender's eood faith iudgment could resuit in forfeiture of Rhe
<br /> --,� Property or otherwise materially im�sair the lien created by this Security Instmment or Lender s security iaitzrest.Bocrower may
<br /> -- - cure such a d�fault and reinstate,as provtded in paragraph 18. by causing the actIon or proce�ciimg to b:dismissed with a niling
<br /> -�� thut, in L.ender's good faith deteraiiaation, precludes forFeiture of tise Borrower's iaterest in the Pmpetty or oiher material
<br /> - --- tmpairment of the lien created by this Security Insttument or Lender's security tnterest.Barrdwer shaEl also be in default if
<br /> Bomower,during the loan applicstlon pmcess.gave materidly false or inarcurate informatian or.smtements to I.ender(or failed
<br /> �..:.'� to provide Lender with any materi�l i�fomnetion)in co�edion with the loan evidenced by the Note,iacluding,but not limited
<br /> --==� w.repressntati;ons aoncerning Borrotiv�r's occupancy of tl�e Property as a prinripal residence.If this Securlry Insnument is on a
<br /> ---___----= leasehold, Borrower shall campty with all the pmvisions of the lease. If Borrower acquia+es fee tide to the Pmperty. the
<br /> leasehold and the fee dtle shall not merge unless L�ender agree.s w the merger in�vriting. _
<br /> -_ 7.Protection ot Le�uder's BBtghts in We Property.If Bormwer fails w perform the covenants asid agreements cantainad in _
<br /> �:,�;� this Security Inst�ument, or there'is�legal pmceeding that may significandy affect Lender's.rights in the Property(such es a
<br /> .:,���� ploce�In�jn banlwptcy,probat�.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce lawa or regula4ious),then Lender may do and
<br /> � - pay for whatever is naoessary ca piotect the value of the Property and I.eader's rights IR the�iopeity� Ireader's�etions may
<br /> - inclu�ie payin� any sums secuced by"a lien whaeh has priority over this Security Instt�entttt,:2►ppe�iug in cowt, paying
<br /> - reasonabie attomeys'fess and enteriug on the Prog:erty W aiake repairs.Although Lender�tlayr take acdon urtder this ParagraPh
<br /> 7,Leada��oes not have to do so.
<br /> -- ------- A��r anaounu disbursed by �.ender under this paragtaph 7 shall become addiaana� dEbt of BormweY secured by this
<br /> - Securiry Instrua�ent. Unless Horrower aad Lender agrce to other terms of payn►ent,these auiounta sha11 bos�r n►terest from the
<br /> _--- dak; of disbtir�ts�nt:t th� Note rarP erui sh�11 be payable. �vith interest, ugon notice from Lender to Bonower requesting
<br /> __�� ._
<br /> - pay�nent.
<br /> _� S.Mortguge I�urance.If i.ender required mo�ago�ns��aace as a oondition of�aki�g the loan secured by this�rity
<br /> Instrumeat. Borrower shall pay th���em[nms required to maintain the mortgage ins�uanoe in effect. If, for any mason, the �
<br /> mortgage insurance coverege requireil'by Iender Iapses or ceases�o be iu effect.Bornnwe�shall p�y tlte pmmiums reQuit�ed w _
<br /> obtain cnverage substantially equivaleui to the mortgage insuranoe p�vioasly in effect. at a cost subs�antiaUy equivalent w the ,.
<br /> oosi to Bonrower of tt�e mortgage insarance prevtausly in effe�, from an atremate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> substantially equivalent ffiortgage iusvrance coverage is not�vailable,Bomawer shatl pay in Lextder eac�moath a sum equal w •
<br /> === onc-t�veltdh of the yearly mort�ge insuraaoe premfum beiag Paid by Barrower when thz i�taace oover�„e lapsad or ceased to
<br /> � be in effec.t.Lender will acoept.use and m,tein these paymer►ts as a loss reserve ia Ueu of mortg�c Insvrance. l.flss resetve _
<br />_ --- _—° Form 3028 9I90 _
<br /> - Papo 9 of 8
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