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<br /> .nnd all eascmcnts.nppurtonnncc�.cu►d =`=-
<br /> TtJ[IATD�iC'.R t'V!7'M nll dic imUmvcmente now an c�rcaf3cr erectcd�n tha property _
<br /> fixtuecs �mw ae kcrcnftcr a p:ui ot tito ptuperty. All ecplecsmcntn nnd ¢dditions shuU atsa bc co��nd 6Y this Secueiry
<br /> In�1r�imenl.Atl of the PorcbofnB io rcfcr�.d ta in thio Ssxuriry l�v�trumcnt as the"Prape r tY•" -
<br /> AORttOWEiR COVENANT9 that Ronowcr ia lnwiully sclECd af thc cstato hcrcby canvcycd cued h�s thc eiBht to grant nnd
<br /> convay 49�o Pmperty nnd that tho t+eapeny is unencumt�mat. oacept for pncumbrances of record. Aorrawer wsumnts+snd wfil �.
<br /> defend gencrutty the citle to tho Property agui�tist a11 clalma aad demin�is,subject to nny encumbmnces of record• � .
<br /> TH1S SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifomt covenunta for natlonal use nnd non-uniform sovenants witi�litnited �
<br /> vuriations by judedtctlon to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property. �
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Bomower und Lender covenant and agrce+ns followa: a when duo the � -
<br /> 1. Payment oi Princfpal and Iater�Y; FregAyment and I.nte Char�es. Borrower shull promptlY P Y
<br /> principal of end interest on the debt evidenced by the Nou�and any prepayment and lnte chcuges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. �tnds for Taxes avd Ynsueanco. Subject w appUcable law or w a v�rittPn waiver by Lender. Borrower shnil paY�� yG1 _
<br /> Leader on the day�nonthly payments are due under the Note.until the Note is paid ia�iill.a sum("Funed�s"1)'n�r'.Sehold ayments
<br /> and ossessmenta whtah may attain priority over this Secueity Insuument as a lien on ths Property:(�)Y Y p y
<br /> or acound rents on the ProperlY.if any:(c)Year�9 ha7srd or prnperty sumsu paynb e b Horrower to' Lender.in acco�rdance with•
<br /> if anyt (e)Y�ty mortgnge insurance premiums, if any;end(�enY
<br /> the provisions of paragcaph 8,in Geu of the payment of mortgage inswance Premiume•Tb�����������OW I�ems.�
<br /> Leiidar may. at aY►Y tjme+ collect et►d hold Funds in en amounc aot w exceed the maximum att►ount a lender for a federally
<br /> relat� mortgage loan may require for Borrawer's escrow aocouut under the federril RealBstate 5enleraent Proc.edu��Act of
<br /> 1974 as amended from time W tirne,
<br /> 12 U.S.G Sectton 2601 er seq. i"�p•`�°)•���°�er law that applies to t}�e.Furtds
<br /> sets a lesser amaunt. If so, I.ender may, at any time. aouect a�d hold Funds in en amouut not to exce+ad the lesser+ut�°�t.
<br /> Le�uder may estimate the amnunt of Funds due on the ba�is of current data and reasonable esHmates of enpenditures af future
<br /> Fscro�v Items or otherwise in accardance with applicable law.
<br /> The Funds ahail be helc! in�an institudon whose deposits ere insured by a federal agency. instnune F�tu�pa t�s �
<br /> (includiag Lender,��f Leader Is�uch an insdcation)ar ln a�r�Y Federal Homa.I.oan Sank•Lender shall app Y���w 8����
<br /> Escmw Items.L��xr may not charge Borraw4r for"holdiug and applYinB the Fuads.aaauaUY analYzia�
<br /> verifying the Psci'ow Itemfl,unl�ss Leader pa9S�Tr°wer interest on the�'unds and applicable law pern�its Iznder to make sUCh
<br /> a charge.However.Lender mny reiluic+e$°Tj°wer t°Pay a one-dme charge for an indegendent real estate tax rePort�►g se�ice
<br /> u���y Lender in eonnecation with t6is loan, unless appltcable law provides oiheiwisc. Unless a�► ag��nt is.rn&de or
<br /> Rnrrc�wer an inter�st or earaings on the�'�•
<br /> ' 8PPUcable law req�►i�s interest to be paia i�e�niei shalt aot�req�,i�F"Y- Y ,
<br />.. Horrovarer wnd Irrscler may agree ln writing:howtsYex.t�at interest sha11 be paid on the Funds.Ixnd�r shail seVfot whi h easl�
<br /> - wlthoµt charge, ari,apnual ticcounting of the Fuad��.sbavrit�g ct+edits�►d�dgbifa to the Funds and the��urpo ���t.
<br />.. � debit;to the Funda was made.'l�e Funds are pledged as•addielonal sr��y,'for ali ��le I�arw,�Lender shaU eccount To Bormwer
<br /> " ;If•'tha�Punds held by Leader excecd We amounts perm�uad to be iield�bY�P�
<br /> ' for the excess Funds in accor�dance wlth the recluit+ements of applicabte�law:If the amouut of the Fuads held by Lendcr at any
<br /> - �e es not sufficient to pay the Escrow I�make up the deficleucy. Borrower�shaU make p the� e cI ncy inno more t6aa
<br /> shall pay to I�der the amount eces.gary
<br /> tweive monthly payments,at L.ender's sole discretion. �emunent, Lender shaU pmmpflY refund�°B°Tr°wer suy
<br /> Upon paymeat in full af aU sums secured bY Yhia Secudty'
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If,lun�r Funds e d b i.ender at the�me of racquisition or sale�as a�ecred�t gainst the wns��seauod bY
<br /> of the Proper►y,shall aPP Y Y y
<br /> this Security Instname°t. ms received by Lender u�ter pardB�P�
<br /> 3.Applk�atlon of Payments.Unless applicabie law pmvides othern[se.all payme able uader paragraph 2:
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be npplied:firs�+to anY PrepaYment cl►arg�'due under the Note: seoond, to aznaunts paP
<br /> tiiird,to iaterest due;fourth.to princtpal due;and last.to any late charges dua under the Note. .
<br /> 4.Charges;L[ens.Borrower shait pay att tas�es.ass�ssmems.c�a�es,fines and imposiflons amibutable co t1�e Pra�enq
<br /> �avbIch may attain Priortty over ti�ts Security Insnvme�t. sud leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower shatl pay
<br /> these obliga.dons in the manuer pmvided ia paragraPh 2.oT if not paid iA that manner.Bomower shall Pad uader�tisroparagcaPh.
<br /> to the person owod puyment.Borcowet shall pmmpdy furr�Rh to I.e�,►def all aatices of,atnounjS,t9�P�
<br /> ?f�c+rnwer makes these DaYments d�rectiy.Iiorrower�t�aii�rou�idy fiur.ish to��?r ra,x�nts evidenc►ng the paymet►ts•
<br /> Bomower shaU pmmptly dischaz'Se a�y iien which das prioriry over i6is Sc�u-tty T���g°T�'�'Pr.(a)agreGV in �
<br /> wr(ting w the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a mannEr uceeptable to Leade�:Na iQ����OOd�'��e lien
<br /> -`'%i the iien to
<br /> by, or defends agatnst enforoement of the lien in. legal pmceedin�s W6i�h in the L�nder's opinion operate to prevent e ,
<br /> W enforoement of the lien;or(c)secures fmnh the holder of the lien an agreeraent sadsf�ctory w L.ender subordinaun8�ority over
<br /> this Sec;uritY Instrument. If Ixadea determines that any part of the PcapertY is snbj�t to a lien which may uttain p
<br />_, .,;� tt�Ss Security Insitv[ttent,Le�tder may give�iomower a nntice identifyinS the Gen.$ormower shali sadafy tlte lien or take on�o=
<br /> '`1 more of the actiar�►s set forth above within 1Q aays of the$iving of noaime. :;
<br /> - fortn 3028 9!$9
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