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<br /> � A�B6a�16Vlif�(r�(i� �� �L��➢`�'� �D��� �_._.-,
<br /> Maroh . 1908 . end �s ����_
<br /> • THl3 k8S1ONMENT Of RENTB RiDF.Fi I9 made�tr►d c3xeouted thi� 98t �ny ot _:.____
<br /> " Incorpontsd �i4o an0 aheU bo dseme0 to nmand and uuppG:m�nt tho Mortg�go or Qood of 7ruat,hem4�aftar roferrsd tQ ati ths °8enurHY �-
<br /> � InsWment'. ot tha flea►e date ONe�ti bY ths undersqned, hereinafter reterced to as the "8orto�rer', to eecure Borrowe�s In6sb%4dnasa,
<br /> � " hera.i�a ro:ar.cd to n:.Mo"Note°,to UP11Y�f� ?��C�WA�4tA 93�N� �:_�:
<br /> herefnaftor�femsd to no tho 't.endef. of the ses�e date and cov..r��0 t�� �---=-
<br /> ' ,'.� prupeety descr�sd�tho Soaurttf►Instrument end tooatod ax __—
<br />,'�;�..� C G1 d R9 �'..�.A D N D(A 88A03
<br /> (Wop�tty AAOne�)
<br />:::c��.•- Y1rT�NES€�TF�: .
<br /> WHEREAS�Borrowsr end Lertder heve agreod that eny�ents end proflts 8tbibutnbie to the P�P�Y ehould conatkute additbnat seqcr�r
<br /> '-j„� ' to the Lendor tor the payment of the Note:
<br /> ' NOW,THEREFORE.�t�a a�reed tPtat the Securtty Instrument shaA Do amFndad her�y and d�ned to hC]tde the toilowh0 P����
<br /> _�;��;:K:,>
<br />'::-,i,r�:ycc`
<br /> ar RanMt nlleetkn Riahte. 8orrow�het6bY BbsOkttely Md unCOnditlonaflf►1�ss�ns atl ants. Is.luYs
<br />� `.;..,'i.tti 1. A�etnnmant Of F{611 4fld L�
<br />-'•;i:�:u and proSds of the PmPertY to Bazea�aiary. lCtte:x st�ail have tP�e�i9ht,Power end authQrUY durhg the ConUrtuenCO ot ihe SecurKY inatrument
<br />',-`=,-�� to aoiWot the rente,issues and P��of the praperty tu►d ot any pereonal properly looated tRa'2oa wlth or wkhout tolcitp Do���of�e
<br /> ' RroP�Y e�e0�d herebY. Lender.Aowsver.hasebY eonsenta to Borrowers aotbetion and retenttan of sueh rent8.tssues and prof�s as u►oy
<br /> '-l:f� accme and bacome paYabte. so Wng as BorroL,�or is nW, at suoh time. in detauR �v�ith respec4 to paymant ot any tndebtedness seeured
<br />::.�°,��t� herebY.or h the O��ce ot eny eS�t h+�mder.
<br /> --- 2, e���ti+++�+nt of Raceiver• �f e�Y evant of defauk!n respect to the Security Instrument shall have occurted end be COnQinuhp,�der.
<br /> as a matter ot ri8ht and Nfthaut notko to BoROwer ar anyona cialming under Borrower.end v�ahout reeard to the vaNe e!thv tlust estate ar
<br /> ±��a�;1�"°""� the interest of tha 9afrower theretn.ehali have t�0�Ight to appb to eny couR havtng jurtsdfcdon to appoht a cecetver ot the prdpe�4Y•
<br /> ---- 3. Rinht to P�sq�sfoa. In case of dafautt ln tho Aal��t of the said P►fncipsl Note or Morest,or any pIIrt tRereof.a8 R 4hah mature.
<br /> �_�� or in ths case of faWre to kseA or pe�torm eny oi tho convenants or apreements oontahed h the Socurity Instrumont,th�n th�6�ndar.ilz�.
<br /> "'P"�.� s�y tu, end Is herebv autbo�ixed end empowered to teke imrtr�lnt� Possessbn of the satd pnmisvs tt►eneH
<br /> ��°"'1° � �� the proceeds there0f to d►e payrt�nt of the i�ioie. �
<br /> �-''``;�_...._.__ described and to c9lieut the renta theretrom,and to 0.4pN
<br /> ---- ��.�-r ef Rent� Iss�ea and Profit�. Att rents eolieoted by Lendes er the reeeM6r ehail bo�ApU9d flr6t t0 paSmNnt Of th�coaL�
<br /> —• 4.
<br /> ct manap��t of the ProP�Y end caUectton o4.ren�� hcludhg� but not Iimked to. recelvers fees. yremluma on roaohrers Donda enxl
<br /> - -- raasotlebls attome�s fees�end the�to tho sums.securad by the Secudty tnsWmen�Lendet end the recetver shaG be Yabte to u�ouM on?y
<br /> tCt xhGSe rent9 eCtualtY�ec�►ed. .
<br /> - - --- n c�n af Provtstons. Each ef tha P�'�bns contahed h tnE3 ASSiprtmont Of Ft�ts Rlder etnA,ihe SecurRy Inshument sh91l�.
<br /> � �r9�'+�I�
<br /> - _°;6"�:1 uniesa othentiN� ���►tY �e4ukod. be co�csuesad M eccordartca wkh Nabrtlaka 1aw, and In the �nt eny provisbn hsntn ot ttsstnTn
<br /> aa
<br /> ---''^;�;
<br /> � contehed sheB he���►ed bY a couR of compotent Ju�isdlcUon to be unenforceabl�. the serr� shmll be con&trued as t�°uph suoh
<br /> .�� �
<br /> '�it unanfor�eabg P�ton were:aoP�att hereof or t!►areof.
<br /> -- _- g. FMaet Qf Ridar. ExeePt sa$P��Y mod'�lad by on c�onstste�►t with thi� Asst�mnnt of Fients Wd�r a br any oU►ar appic�bDo
<br /> .. �Wer,tY of the tams and provisbas contnUsesl L�llte Secudly instrumeM sha8 oot�drtue b Ntl torae end qtsOA
<br /> -- IN W�lNE3S WHF.REOF.8orrower has exocut¢d this Asefgnment o}Renta n the date t n ab
<br /> --- � • ,,
<br /> �! ' sorrawer I N �
<br /> �
<br /> ",_l,' 6v.�:� w. .e . ,.�..
<br /> --,.;� ..
<br /> _� StATE OF fdEBRASKA ��: .
<br /> --�_-�.�"- pn ths��!daY� M�� .4�99_.before me,the undersigned�a NatarY PuENa duly commissiorted and
<br /> _ ___-__�_ ��.�`�����y���y��Ll��D ORElK6S�P1 A�ti��OOANM T DREtKOaEM Hus�aNa aNp_�r�. .
<br /> _- �r��w be the identtca�pe�son(s) whoso name(s) is.�snbsc�ed to the forepotnp InsWrt�i�and hef8hQ/theY ecknowladgs the exeeuNan tMraot � N
<br /> --�"m='s'_�'� to ea hlslherMetr vai�nx�Y sct snd deed. • _
<br /> t
<br /> �'�'� at GRAND ISl.AHD �a°�`�•�� -
<br /> _=--��� WBness mfr hand end Nomrial8eat
<br /> - - ....__......H _ �
<br /> --�_ �"""-" � GEREtultti011Ut►•St�teotHebrash
<br /> `'��'"�-' SHERRI L.0'CAtIAGMA -
<br /> -:''� � b�rCamm.6sp 3tD�18, L�
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<br /> =�''--�Y�--��!'�' 3EPY�R�1�1�� �8 19�9 -
<br /> ;°:f>'"�:�F�'d` My Commtssion e�Ues:
<br /> -w.FiT�-x.�;� -
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